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zhuān yáo
  • brick kiln;brickkiln;brickwork
砖窑 [zhuān yáo]
  • [brick kiln] 将土坯烧制成砖瓦的窑

  • 一号砖窑

砖窑[zhuān yáo]
  1. 本文以砖窑沟流域为例研究和分析了土壤剖面CO2浓度的分布变化规律及其影响因子;

    The distribution and change pattern of soil CO2 concentration in soil profile data are analyzed as well as its effect factors .

  2. 3m多厚的全新世黄土剖面出露于附近一个砖窑取土后的新鲜陡坎处。

    3m thick profile of the Holocene loess exposes near a brick kiln .

  3. 就在16岁生日前,philipyu中学没毕业就背井离乡,在一家砖窑打工,然后又到了一家煤矿。

    Just before his 16th birthday , Philip Yu left without graduating from middle school to work in a brick kiln , then in a coal mine .

  4. 闽南红砖窑的传统烧制工艺

    The Traditional Firing Craft of Red Brick Kiln in South Fujian

  5. 砖窑包工头已于周末被警方拘留。

    The kiln foreman was detained by police at the weekend .

  6. 在喀布尔,一阿富汗工人削木柴,以点燃砖窑。

    An Afghan worker cuts firewood to light a brick kiln in Kabul .

  7. 在印度和尼泊尔,我被带到砖窑里。

    In India and Nepal , I was introduced to the brick kilns .

  8. 本文介绍的玻化砖窑炉温度自动控制是采用工业控制计算机协调解耦控制、智能仪表控制和手动控制等多级控制方案。

    This paper introduces an automatic temperature control system for vitrified tile kiln .

  9. 处处干燥,处处烫手,处处憋闷,整个的老城像烧透的砖窑,使人喘不出气。

    Everywhere was parched and stifling as if the whole ancient city were one lighted brickkiln .

  10. 房间里有点阴暗,但我可以看到,我们实际上身处一个大型砖窑里。

    It was gloomy but I could see that we were effectively in a large brick kiln .

  11. 报导说,许多农民工是被绑架到砖窑的,遭到窑主的毒打,还要忍饥挨饿。

    Reports say many of the workers were kidnapped , then severely beaten and starved by their bosses .

  12. 据说,这个砖窑有一名工人由于工作不够努力,被管理人员打死。

    Another worker at the kiln was allegedly beaten to death by its managers for not working hard enough .

  13. 西蒙斯家的几个男孩子也忙得热火朝天,他们经营一个砖窑,工人一天三班倒。

    The Simmons boys were so busy they were operating their brick kiln with three shifts of labor a day .

  14. 在山西“黑砖窑事件”中,新闻媒介对事件的发展和处理起到了强大的推动作用。

    The Western news media and the democratic politics are of depending on each other and promoting with each other .

  15. 每次叠上18块然后搬运到离砖窑几百米远的卡车上。

    up to 18 at a time , and carrying them from the scorching kilns to trucks hundreds of yards away .

  16. 本文对火药、锅炉、砖窑爆炸所致烧伤43例进行分析,发现有爆震伤临床表现者26例。

    In this paper , 43 cases of burns caused by explosion of gunpowder ora boiler and a brick-kiln were analysed .

  17. 基于长期定位试验,对黄土丘陵区的晋西北河曲县砖窑沟试验区土壤氮素资源与分布,土壤氮素变化和农田氮素平衡进行了分析,并探讨了该区氮素管理策略和施肥方案。

    A long-term experiment was carried out on a typical loess soil in Hequ county , northeastern Shanxi province , to study the soil N fertility .

  18. 中国国务院于周三表示,应严惩华北地区奴役数百名工人的黑砖窑窑主。

    China 's State Council on Wednesday said those responsible for keeping hundreds of laborers enslaved in brick kilns in the country 's north should be severely punished .

  19. 你要为自己打水,豫备受困!巩固你的保障!踹土和泥!豫备砖窑!

    Draw for yourself water for the siege ! Strengthen your fortresses ! Go into the clay , and tread in the mortar ! Make the brick kiln ready !

  20. 山西省总工会法制处负责人表示,之所以难以监管,是因为这些砖窑位置偏僻。

    The director of the legal department of the Shanxi Province Worker 's Union said it was hard to monitor the kilns because of their location in isolated areas .

  21. 砖窑丑闻让人们怀疑,这种虐工行为受到了地方官员的姑息,因为这个砖窑的主人是当地村党支部书记的儿子。

    The scandal at the kiln has fuelled suspicions that such abuses are tolerated by local officials , since its owner is the son of the local Communist Party chief .

  22. 山西发生的“黑砖窑”事件,暴露出严重非法用工、拐骗农民工、强制劳动、雇佣童工等奴工现象,引起了社会的广泛关注。

    Through the " black brickkiln " in Shanxi province , people pay great attention to slave worker , illegal recruitment , kidnap migrant workers , forced labor and child labor .

  23. 土窑洞较砖窑洞其优点为,墙壁温度受外界影响小,室内γ辐射剂量较砖窑洞小。

    Compared with brick cave the advantages of the earthen cave are : that the wall temperature is less affected by outside , and the dosage of γ radiation is less .

  24. 该报道称,马吉祥在那个黑砖窑里被迫劳动了三年,后来由于他身体虚弱、不能再从事重体力劳动才被释放。

    He had been forced to work in the factory for three years before being released due to his weakening health and inability to undertake heavy work , the report said .

  25. 上月,受到严格管制的中国官方媒体报道称,数百名儿童和成人被拐骗到一些中部省份的砖窑和煤矿,充当奴工。

    Last month the tightly controlled state media reported that hundreds of children and adults had been abducted and were working as slaves in Dickensian brick factories and mines across central provinces .

  26. 比如因“黑砖窑事件”被撤职的洪洞县原副县长,复出后担任该县县长助理;

    Such as the former vice mayor from Hongdong County who had been removed because of the " Black Brick Kiln Incident " came back as a assistant to the county magistrate .

  27. 为了观测到各种高沪和窑,如砖窑、水泥窑、炼钢炉、炼焦炉、锅炉等内部点火和燃烧的火焰,我们研制了火焰观测仪。

    In order to observe burning flame in various blast furnaces and kilns , such as brick-kiln , cement-kiln , steel-making furnace , coke oven and boiler , flame-observing tubes have been developed .

  28. 突然电话响起,接吧,那头说:“二蛋,赶快去,我电视上看见你表弟在山西的黑砖窑里。”

    The sudden telephone resounds , meets , that said : The " two eggs , quickly go , on my television sees your younger male cousin in Shanxi 's black brick kiln . "

  29. 梅琳达和我2011年3月访问印度时,已是最后一例小儿麻痹症被发现的两个月后。我们前往一个砖窑,那里的工人工作时间长,薪水微薄,住在泥棚里。

    When Melinda and I visited India in March 2011 , two months after the last case of polio was identified , we traveled to a brick kiln whose workers labored long hours at low wages and lived in mud huts .

  30. 回转窑砌筑复合砖窑衬,筒体温度降低70~100℃,减少热能损失,提高使用寿命,保护设备,改善劳动环境,提高经济效益。

    By using compound brick as liner , the body temperature of the rotary kiln has lowered into 70 ~ 100 ℃, heat loss is reduced , operating life is increased , working enviroment is improved and economic benefits is raising .