
  • 网络Brick concrete structure;mixed structure;masonry-concrete structure
  1. 砖混结构房屋常见的问题就是墙体裂缝问题,即由于温度收缩引起的墙体裂缝以及由地基变形引起的墙体裂缝。

    Wall crack problem caused by temperature change and out of shape foundation often occur in mixed structure building .

  2. 通过对某砖混结构住宅楼开裂损坏的检测,计算分析了导致该住宅楼开裂的原因,提出了加固处理方法。

    Based on the cracking inspection of a brick and concrete mixed structure building , the cracking reasons are analysed and strengthening method is presented .

  3. 利用AUTOCAD实现砖混结构房屋结构设计绘图模块化

    By Means of Auto CAD to Complete Drawings Modularized of Brick concrete Structure and House Structure Design

  4. 以上采用砖混结构及钢筋混凝土结构,屋面采用聚苯乙稀泡沫板保温、APP卷材防水。

    The above building adopts masonry-concrete structure and reinforced steel concrete structure and the roof adopts polystyrene foaming plate heat preservation , APP bituminous felt water-proof roofing .

  5. CL轻型复合墙板建筑体系结构作为砖混结构的替代结构,在节约能源方面有很大优势。

    As the substitute structure of the brick mixed structure , CL light duty compound wallboard building system structure has great advantage in economizing the energy .

  6. 地震组合方法采用CQC法,它可以提高抗震计算精度,特别是对横截面呈Y字型砖混结构必须采用CQC法来组合名阶振型地震响应,才能保证抗震评估的正确与可靠。

    This method can improve the earthquake-resistance calculating accuracy for brick-concrete construction , esp.

  7. 对多层H型钢钢结构住宅的经济性能进行分析,并与钢筋混凝土结构住宅和砖混结构住宅进行比较,指出影响多层H型钢钢结构住宅造价的主要因素以及降低成本的途径。

    In this article , authors analyze economic performances of multi-floors H-shape-steel steel structure residences , compare with those of reinforcement concrete structure residences and brick structure residences , and state main factors influencing the cost of multi-floors H-shape-steel steel structure residences and cost-reducing methods .

  8. 应用PK-PM结构软件进行砖混结构承压计算时常见问题及对策

    Common Problems and Countermeasures in Calculation of Load-Bearing of Brick Masonry Structure Using PK-PM CAD Structural Software Systems

  9. 较详细地介绍了采用整体平移技术将一幢不规则平面的六层砖混结构房屋向后平移10.4m的情况,并进行了经济效益分析。可供同类工程参考。

    The process of monolithic movement of a six-storey irregular building with brick and concrete composite structure is introduced , its economic effect is also analysed .

  10. 试验构建一个长约10m、宽2m、高2m的砖混结构渗滤池,渗滤池分隔为8个小渗滤池,选择3种不同的沙分别构建1m3见方的渗滤床。

    The sand filtration system was built by a 10m length , 2m width , 2m depth flume with construction of brick and cement . The building was divided into eight sand filter beds , which were packed with three kinds of sands in a cube 1m long .

  11. 砖混结构住宅改造装修应注意的有关问题

    Problems Relative to Reconstruction and Decoration of Masonry Structured Dwelling Houses

  12. 汶川地震中某3层砖混结构地震反应分析

    Earthquake-response Analysis of a Three-storey Brick-concrete Composite Structure in Wenchuan Earthquake

  13. 砖混结构住宅楼裂缝鉴定分析

    Appraisal and analysis on cracks of the building with masonry-concrete structure

  14. 砖混结构加层设计中的几个问题

    Several highlights in the design of brickwork structures with story adding

  15. 砖混结构楼板抗裂技术研讨

    Research on Crack Resistant Technology of Brick and Concrete Structure Floor-Slab

  16. 浅析多层砖混结构房屋增层方案

    Analysis on Storey Adding Scheme of Multi-storey Building with Brick-concrete Structure

  17. 砖混结构托梁托柱结构设计

    Structure design of joists and supporting columns brick - concrete structure

  18. 砖混结构房屋墙体温度裂缝的防治

    Temperature cracks prevention on the wall of masonry - concrete buildings

  19. 浅谈砖混结构常见震害产生的原因和防治措施

    Reasons and preventive measures for common shock disaster of brick structure

  20. 砖混结构中圈梁设计的改进

    Improvement on the Design of Girth in Brick and Concrete Structure

  21. 砖混结构温度裂缝的产生原因与预防措施

    Causes of temperature cracks of brick-mixing structure and its prevention measures

  22. 砖混结构现浇楼板角裂产生的原因及防治措施

    Reason and Prevention and Cure Studies on Cast-in-situ Floor Plank Cape-crack

  23. 砖混结构裂缝产生原因和控制措施

    Causation of Cracks Occurring in Brick-Concrete Construction and the Controlling Measures

  24. 砖混结构是我省量大面广的传统建筑。

    The brick concrete structure is traditional building in our province .

  25. 从砖混结构的设计出发看城镇化建设

    From the design of masonry-concrete structure to see the urbanization construction

  26. 底框&砖混结构抗震设计中几个问题的探讨

    The underframe-brick mixes in the structure earthquake resistance design several questions discussion

  27. 砖混结构砌体工程量的统筹计算法

    Plan-as-a-whole Calculating Method of the Engineering Quantity of Wall of Brick-mixture Structure

  28. 六层不规则砖混结构房屋整体平移技术

    Technique of Integral Movement of Six Storeys Irregular Building with Mixed Structure

  29. 砖混结构地下室防渗漏综合措施

    Comprehensive measures to prevent the brick-concrete structure basement from leaking

  30. 砖混结构楼房爆破拆除的改进设计

    An Improved Design of Blasting Demolition of Brick concrete Structure Storied Houses