
  • 【土】soil mechanics
  1. 设计了完整的土力学网络CAI系统的架构,首次将教学系统、

    As an example , The method of design for CAI based network for soil mechanics is particularly explained .

  2. 指出当前利用CT数研究岩土力学的所有方法为观察研究,浪费了宝贵的CT定量化信息。

    This article points out each of the current analytical methods used in rock and soil mechanics through CT number research avail of observation , wasting the precious quantitative information of CT datum .

  3. 但因DCM在求解技术上的一些难度,限制了其在岩土力学中的应用。

    However , due to difficulties of DCM in solving procedure , the application of DCM in geomechanics has been restricted .

  4. 通过对触探曲线上的特征值与土力学参数之间的关系进行分析发现,无量纲锥头阻力系数和tanφ(φ为土的内摩擦角)成近似的线性关系。

    The relation between the characteristic values of penetration curve and soil mechanics parameters was analyzed . It is found that the dimensionless cone resistance factor is linear with tan φ where φ is the internal friction angle of soil .

  5. 从临界状态土力学出发,考虑K0固结引起的诱发各向异性,推导了K0固结条件下三轴压缩和三轴拉伸不排水强度的理论计算公式。

    Based on the researches of the other scholars and the critical state soil mechanics , theoretical formulas of the undrained strength under K0 compression and extension stress condition were derived with consideration of induced anisotropy .

  6. 通过地质调查及大量岩土力学试验,对巴东新城区中三叠统巴东组二段T2b2紫红色泥岩工程地质性质进行了综合研究。

    Based on geological investigation and rock and soil experiments , the engineering geological characters of aubergine mudstone ( T2b2 ) is studied synthetically .

  7. 石灰改良膨胀土力学性质的研究

    The Research on Mechanical Character of Expansive Soil Improved by Lime

  8. 分形分维与土力学参数关系探讨

    Discussion on Relationship Between Fractional Dimension and Parameters of Soil Mechanics

  9. 土力学学科创立以来已发展了上百个土的本构模型。

    More than 100 constitutive models of soil have already developed .

  10. 土力学的发展和土工离心模拟试验的现状

    Development of Soil Mechanics and Present Situation of Centrifugal Modelling Test

  11. 淤泥泡沫塑料颗粒轻质混合土力学特性研究

    Study on Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Bead-treated Soil Made from Silt

  12. 岩土力学文献情报工作的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of Information Work on Rock and Soil Mechanics

  13. 岩土力学实验课程的教学改革与实践

    Teaching Reform and creative practice Research of Soil Mechanics Test Course

  14. 土力学介于科学和艺术之间。

    Soil Mechanics arrived at the borderline between science and art .

  15. 冲击式振动锤沉桩的土力学特性研究

    Study of Soil Mechanics Characteristic for impact type Vibratory Hammer Piling

  16. 岩土力学在水电站泄洪洞工程中的应用

    Application of geo-mechanics in the discharge tunnel project of hydropower station

  17. 环境侵蚀下水泥土力学特性的时间效应分析

    The timing effects of mechanical properties of cemented soil under environmental erosion

  18. 土力学极限分析的滑移单元最优化计算法及侧土压力计算

    Kinematical Element Method in Limit Analysis for Lateral Earth Pressure

  19. 人工制备有机质固化土力学特性试验研究

    Experimental study on mechanical properties of stabilized artificial organic soil

  20. 土坡稳定分析是土力学的经典课题。

    The field of soil mechanics is a classical topic .

  21. 电子计算机在岩土力学实验测试中的应用

    Computer Application on the Experiments and Tests of Rock and soil Mechanics

  22. 土力学省级重点课程建设实践

    The practice of provincial emphatic curriculum construction of soil mechanics

  23. 加权残数法在岩土力学中的应用

    An Application of the Weighted Residue Method to Rock-Earth Mechanics

  24. 岩土力学是一门既赋理论内涵,又工程实践性很强的学科。

    Geomechanics is a subject with the deep theory and strong practice .

  25. 软土力学性质随含水量变化的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Mechanic Characteristics Soft Soil Changing with the Water Content

  26. 土力学实用计算模型、参数与方法

    Practical computation model , parameters and methods in soil mechanics

  27. 土力学实验教学改革与教学模式研究

    Study and Reformation on the Mode of Practical Teaching in Soil Mechanics

  28. 侵蚀性离子对水泥土力学特性的影响

    Influence of erosive ions on mechanical properties of cemented soil

  29. 气象条件对膨胀土力学参数的影响

    The influence of meteorological conditions on the mechanical parameter of swelling clay

  30. 土力学实验课教学的几点改革措施

    Some Reforming Measures About the Experimental Teaching In Soil Mechanics