
tǔ zhù
  • aboriginal;aborigines;natives;original inhabitants;engonus
土著 [tǔ zhù]
  • [original inhabitants;natives;aborigines;aboriginal] 世代居住本地的人。本地人,尤用来与入侵者或殖民者对比

土著[tǔ zhù]
  1. 壮族是中国南方的土著民族,历史悠久,源远流长。

    The Zhuang nationality is the original inhabitants of southern China .

  2. 周初,周王室对齐鲁分封动因、政策、封主及对土著政策的巨大差异,奠定了齐文化与鲁文化不同特色的政治、经济和文化基础。

    At the beginning of Zhou dynasty , the great diversity in the reasons for enfeoffment , the policy of enfeoffment and feudal lords , and policies concerning original inhabitants , contributes to the political , economic and cultural foundation for Qi culture and Lu culture .

  3. 在讲法语的魁北克省境内也有少数说英语、母语非法语或英语的加拿大人以及土著。

    Within French-speaking Quebec , anglophone , allophone and Aboriginal minorities also exist .

  4. 那个大块头西印度群岛土著人抓住他的肩膀时,他浑身紧张起来。

    He tensed as the big West Indian gripped his shoulder

  5. 他们使用武力把土著居民驱逐出了比较肥沃的土地。

    They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land .

  6. 他一直对澳大利亚土著居民的传说极感兴趣。

    He remained fascinated by the Aboriginals ' tales .

  7. 大多数加拿大人承认土著居民遭受了不公平的待遇。

    Most Canadians acknowledge that the aboriginal people have had a rotten deal .

  8. 他们说伐木工人正在毁坏雨林,践踏土著居民的权利。

    They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives

  9. 她自世纪之交以来便同土著居民生活在一起。

    From the turn of the century onward , she shared the life of the aborigines .

  10. 他们会争取讨回世代相传的土地,并要求尊重土著居民的权利和风俗。

    They will campaign for the return of traditional lands and respect for aboriginal rights and customs .

  11. 土著艺术最终获得了承认,并摆脱了“原始”或“异域情调”的标签。

    Aboriginal art has finally gained recognition and broken away from being labelled as ' primitive ' or ' exotic '

  12. 他介绍了澳大利亚土著人土地权问题的历史。

    He introduced the history of the issue of Aboriginal land rights .

  13. 殖民者惨绝人寰地屠杀了成千的土著居民。

    The colonists massacred thousands of natives with brutal and callous force .

  14. 在澳大利亚达尔文附近的梅尔维尔岛,住着叫tiwi的土著居民。

    In Melville island near darwin , australia , lives a race of aborigines called the tiwi .

  15. 土著人以前总是用沉重的石头把这种金属锤打成箭头。

    The natives used to hammer the metal into arrowheads , using heavy stones .

  16. 梅里安还记录了她从苏里南土著那里获得的帮助,以及曾经帮助过她的奴隶或仆人。

    Merian also made note of the help she received from the natives of Suriname , as well as slaves or servants that assisted her .

  17. 土著美洲印第安人有句谚语:“注意耳语,这样你就不用去听尖叫声了。”

    The Native American Indians have a saying : " Pay attention to the whispers so you won 't have to hear the screams . "

  18. 在法国圭亚那热带雨林深处,仍然存在着一些不寻常的土著人群体。

    In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest , there still remain unusual groups of indigenous people .

  19. əˈhiːtəʊ]。伊利诺伊Illinois并非这座城市本来的名字,而是来自该原始单词的法语发音。该词源于美洲土著语中的“iliniwok”或“illiniwek”,字面意思是“最好的人”。

    The word Illinois is derived7 from the Native American word ' iliniwok ' or ' illiniwek ' , which literally8 means ' best people ' .

  20. 土著居民不愿受殖民势力的摆布。

    The natives were unwilling to be bent by colonial power .

  21. “应用语言学博客”在“longtimenosee”是源于美洲土著还是出自中国的争论中指出:

    As the Applied Applied Linguistics blog points out in the debate over whether " long time no see " has Native American or Chinese origins .

  22. 卡梅隆说:“我打算拍一部3D电影,以反应这些土著人的生活和文化”。

    " I want to take a3D camera to film how they live , their culture ," said Cameron .

  23. 澳大利亚已经禁止研究人员发表有关土著人DNA的研究成果,印度禁止出口该国国民的遗传物质。

    Australia has banned researchers from publishing work involving Aboriginal DNA , and India bars the export of its citizens ' genetic matter .

  24. 不同种类的C源对PCBs污染土壤的土著微生物降解效果存在明显差异,且其降解效果与C源的施用剂量密切相关。

    The degradation effects of indigenous microorganism on soil PCBs were not only correlated with carbon sources , but also closely correlated with their starch , glucose and sodium succinate contents .

  25. 沙棘(Hippophae)土著种和外来种对干旱胁迫的生态适应性分析

    Analysis on the Ecological Adaptability to Drought Stress of Hippophae Native Species and External Species

  26. 在pH4.0-8.0范围内,pH值对土壤中快、慢生型土著大豆根瘤菌的比例没有显著影响。

    The proportion of fast - and slow-grower was affected weakly by the pH value of soil when the pH value was ranged from 4.0 to 8.0.High effective rhizobia should also have strong competition ability .

  27. 结果表明,随停留时间延长,土著生物强化与优势菌群强化对NH4+-N、TN和TP的去除率增加。

    It was showed that , removal efficiency of NH ~ + _4-N , TN , and TP by and dominant colony increased with rest time .

  28. 标记菌株形成的根瘤可被GUS染色缓冲液染成蓝色,而土著菌形成的根瘤不能着色。

    Nodules occupied by the marked strain turned blue in the GUS staining buff , while others occupied by the indigenous rhizobia didn 't.

  29. 因为这个原因,很久以来Mila已为她的小圣坛收集有很多北美土著的物品以及珠宝。

    Mila for this reason has long collecting many Native American pieces for her alter , along with her jewelry collection .

  30. Johnston说土著居民和西方科学家相互之间有很多可以学习的地方。

    Johnston says that indigenous people and Western scientists have a lot to learn from one another .