
  1. 去年,英国伦敦皇家学会在其报告中称,科学家们应该“扭转将数据视为私人专利的研究风气”。

    Last   year ,   the   Royal   Society   in   London   said   in its   report   that   scientists   need   to   " shift   away   from   a   research   culture   where   data   is   viewed   as   a private   preserve " .

  2. 英国伦敦动物学会的科学家们表示,暴露在含有多氯联苯的环境下的港湾鼠海豚睾丸较小,这表明多氯联苯对其精子数和生殖能力有所影响。

    Scientists at the Zoological Society of London say harbour porpoises exposed to PCBs had smaller testicles , suggesting an effect on sperm3 count and fertility .

  3. 在英格兰银行(BankofEngland,位于英国伦敦市针线街)的地下金库里,工人们正在往卡车上搬运黄金。

    In the vaults of the Bank of England ( Threadneedle Street , London ) , men are piling gold on a truck .

  4. 英国伦敦帝国理工学院(imperialcollegelondon)开发的这种药物,以一种控制饥饱感觉的胃肠激素为基础。

    The drug , developed at Imperial College London , is based on a gut hormone that controls sensations of hunger and satiety .

  5. RichardTaylor是英国伦敦大学学院地质学系水文地质学讲师。

    Richard Taylor is a reader in hydrogeology at the department of geography , University College London , United Kingdom .

  6. 位于英国伦敦的晚礼服租赁商OneNightStand公司就拥有500多套各式礼服,其中每年都有25%为当年的新款。

    At the London-based eveningwear rental company One Night Stand ( onenightstand . co.uk ) , there are more than 500 dresses for rent with 25 percent of the stock bought new every year .

  7. MartinWicks是一位在英国伦敦生活工作的自由UNIX顾问。

    Martin Wicks is a freelance UNIX consultant living and working in London , England .

  8. JonathanWells是英国伦敦大学学院儿童健康研究所儿童营养研究中心的儿童营养讲师。

    Jonathan Wells is a reader in childhood nutrition , Childhood Nutrition Research Centre , UCL Institute of Child Health , London .

  9. 承担研究的英国伦敦国王学院(King’sCollegeLondon)的研究人员提出,从婴儿饮食中去除花生的常见做法可能其实反而是造成近期花生过敏不断增加的元凶。

    The researchers , from King 's College London , suggested that the common practice of withholding peanuts from babies may in fact account for the recent rise in peanut allergies 。

  10. 英国伦敦帝国理工大学的研究科学系高级讲师MichaelJones说,利用现有的荧光显微镜直接探测一种病原体的存在可能是令人激动的发现。

    Imperial College London , United Kingdom , says that using a fluorescence microscope to directly detect the presence of a pathogen is potentially exciting .

  11. 英国伦敦商学院(londonbusinessschool)针对mba学生经历的最新研究,帮助解释了性别失衡持续存在的原因,并指出,解决这个问题需要不同的方法。

    New research by London Business School in the UK into the experiences of MBA students , helps to explain the persistent gender imbalance and shows that different approaches are needed to tackle the problem .

  12. 日前,我参加了在英国伦敦举行的iTunes狂欢节开幕式,人气歌手LadyGaga也亲临现场。

    I attended the opening of the iTunes festival in London , England , last night with headlining artist lady gaga .

  13. 请送我一起FOB和CIF价格,英国伦敦,你的产品细节。

    Kindly send me your product detail along with the FOB and CIF prices to London , UK .

  14. 根据在英国伦敦举行的议会疟疾各党派小组(AllPartyParliamentaryGroupforMalaria)的一场会议上公布的报告,3种新技术有可能实现供应量的增加。

    A trio of new technologies could achieve a boost in supplies , according to a report launched at a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Malaria in London , United Kingdom .

  15. 英国伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)牵头组织的科学家警告称,相比工作、生活较平衡的人来说,长时间工作的人往往缺乏运动,在电脑前一坐就是好几个小时,过量饮酒。

    Scientists led by University College London warned that people who work longer hours tend to do less exercise , sit at a computer for hours at a time , and drink more than people with a better work-life balance .

  16. MahaAzzam是英国伦敦智库查塔姆(ChathamHouse)的北非问题专家。

    Maha Azzam is a North Africa expert at Chatham House , a research organization in London .

  17. 在四月份,英国伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的研究者们发现,一天摄入七种蔬果或以上份量的人同那些一天摄入量少于一种的人相比,患癌症的风险降低25%,患心脏病的风险降低31%。

    In April , researchers at University College London found that eating seven daily portions or more could reduce the risk of cancer by 25 percent and of heart disease by 31 percent , compared to people who consumed less than one portion a day .

  18. 英国伦敦玛丽王后医学院的病毒学教授JohnOxford说:“如果我们袖手旁观,那么我们就可能犯下过失罪”。

    " We would be guilty of negligence if we just sat on our hands and waited ," says John Oxford , a professor of virology at Queen Mary School of Medicine in London , United Kingdom .

  19. 与其它智能手机生产商不同,RIM运行自己的数据网络,借助三个网络运行中心处理它的无线电子邮件系统:一个位于英国伦敦附近的斯劳,另外两个位于加拿大安大略省的滑铁卢。

    Unlike other smartphone makers , RIM operates its own data network including three network operations centres for its wireless email system : the one in Slough and two in Waterloo , Ontario .

  20. 英国伦敦帝国理工学院传染病学教授JonathanWeber指出,该研究的关于未从事性行为的数据来自被调查者的自我报告,而这是无效的。

    Jonathan Weber , professor of Communicable Diseases at Imperial College London , UK , pointed out that the data is based on self-reported virgin status , which is not validated .

  21. 英国伦敦东区一家咖啡店禁止顾客穿Ugg雪地靴入店,并称其为“渣鞋”,这一举动激起了众怒。

    A coffee shop in East London has provoked outrage after banning Ugg boots and referring to them as slag wellies .

  22. JeffWaage是英国伦敦国际发展中心主任、伦敦大学东方及非洲研究学院的教授。

    Jeff Waage is director of the London International Development Centre and professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies , University of London , United Kingdom .

  23. 英国伦敦帝国理工学院的RobinShattock否定了这一建议,他说现在人们对于感染何时发生和如何发生还知之甚少。

    Robin Shattock of Imperial College in the United Kingdom dismissed this proposal , saying that little is known about when infection happens and how .

  24. 约瑟夫曾在英国伦敦音乐戏剧学院(LAMDA)接受过正规戏剧训练。

    Joseph received his formal theatrical training at The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art ( LAMDA ) .

  25. 但是,英国伦敦大学学院的尼古拉·雷汉尼(NicholaRaihani)和哈佛大学的凯瑟琳·麦考利夫(KatherineMcAuliffe)最近进行的一项实验尝试对这个问题抽丝剥缕,这一实验的结果发表在了最近的《生物学快报》上。

    But a recent experiment by Nichola Raihani of University College , London , and Katherine McAuliffe of Harvard , just published in Biology Letters , attempts to disentangle the matter .

  26. 几百年后,英国伦敦大学学院的埃莉诺·马奎尔(EleanorMaguire)和同事扫描了10个人的大脑,他们都曾在世界记忆力锦标赛上名列前茅。

    Centuries later , Eleanor Maguire at University College London and her colleagues scanned the brains of 10 people who had placed at the highest levels of the world memory championship .

  27. 科学家发现了导致这一悖论的遗传原因。英国伦敦大学学院医学院的DeniseO'Sullivan在4月5日举行的英国普通微生物学学会的会议上报告这些发现。

    Denise O'Sullivan of the University College London Medical School in the United Kingdom will present the findings today ( 5 April ) at a meeting of the UK Society for General Microbiology .

  28. “人们并不关心生物多样性。”美国大自然保护协会的CraigLeisher在英国伦敦动物学会举办的“连接生物多样性保护和减贫:什么、为什么以及如何”的会议上说。

    The meeting , 'Linking biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction : what , why and how ? 'which was held at the UK 's Zoological Society of London .

  29. 英国伦敦大学学院环境研究所的驻校作家RichardHamblyn说,太平洋的海啸早期预警系统被证明无效而且人们仍然缺乏基本的知识。

    Tsunami early warning systems in the Pacific are proving ineffective and basic knowledge is still lacking , says Richard Hamblyn , writer in residence at the Environment Institute in UCL .

  30. 英国伦敦帕诺斯(Panos)研究所对4个发展中国家进行的调查表明,这些国家的媒体对于气候变化的理解很差,而报道气候变化的优先程度也很低。

    A survey of four developing countries says their media have a poor understanding of climate change , and place a low priority on reporting it .