
  • 网络Land use map;Landuse;Land Utilisation Maps;LUCC
  1. 利用2002年北京市土地利用图,采用GIS缓冲区分析的方法,分析了北京市各功能用地的方向特征和圈层特征。

    Using the land use map of Beijing in2002 , the authors analyzed the concentric and directional characteristics of land use pattern based on GIS .

  2. 利用建立的判读方法,结合1988年和1999年的土地利用图、资源评价图对1988年和1999年的TM影像进行盐渍化的等级分类;

    Using the established interpretation way , dispose the data originated from TM image of 1988 and 1999 ;

  3. 基于Arc/Info与CorelDraw的土地利用图的制作

    Land Use Map Making Based on Arc / Info and CorelDraw

  4. 本研究中,通过对TM影像进行解译得到了甘南州2000、2005、2010年的土地利用图。

    In this study , we obtained a series of land use maps ( i.e. , 2000,2005 & 2010 ) in Gannan prefecture by use of interpreted TM images .

  5. 结合GIS与CA-MARKOV模型,以不同时期的土地利用图和不同土地利用类型的转移规律为基础,对甘南地区的土地利用进行了预测研究。

    Combining GIS with CA-MARKOV model , the future land use is predict base on land use maps in the different years and transform rules of varied land use types .

  6. 针对调查数据的不足,本研究在空间分析中新增了湖北省DEM数据、湖北省土地利用图和湖北省交通图等地图数据。

    In view of the deficiency of the survey data , this analysis adds some map data , including Hubei DEM data , Hubei land use map , and Hubei traffic map in the spatial analysis .

  7. 土地利用图内容的制图综合

    On the Cartographical Generalization of the Content in Compiling a Land-Use Map

  8. 利用我国卫星像片编制黄河三角洲地区土地利用图

    The land-use mapping in the Yellow River Delta region based on Chinese satellite images

  9. 土地利用图斑综合研究

    Generalization Research of Land Use Patch

  10. 省区土地利用图的编绘方法&以陕西省土地利用图为例

    The Compilation Method for the Land-use Map of a Province & Take the Shanxi Province as an Example

  11. 通过对土地利用图的空间分析,结合调查资料与统计资料,实现空间数据与属性数据的链接,建立区域土地利用变化动态数据库;

    Spatial data and attribute data are mated into land dynamic change database by analyzing land use map , investigating data and statistic data .

  12. 通过地形及土地利用图、数值地形模型和视线入射角来确定景观的被视频度;

    The frequency degree of being visualized was determined by using the land utilization map , numerical model of topography and the incident angle of sight .

  13. 最后,通过与大比例尺土地利用图的比较进行提取精度的评价,评价结果表明此次应用高分辨率遥感卫星数据对居民地特征的提取是比较成功的。

    At last , we concluded that this research is successful according to the comparison of the extracting result with the large-scale land use vector-graph of the same area .

  14. 然而,不同决策层需要不同比例尺的土地利用图,这样就很有必要对大比例尺土地利用图进行制图综合。

    However , different levels of decision-making managers need different scales of land use map , so it 's necessary to perform map generalization on large scale land use map .

  15. 基于土地利用图的数字化数据,分析了1996&2001年温岭市太平街道土地利用的动态变化及其景观生态效应。

    Based on the digitizing data of the land use map of the Taiping St. area in Wenling city between 1996 and 2001 , the characteristics of land use changes were analyzed .

  16. 它在实验研究区应用表明:利用原土地利用图和实测更新后的土地利用图所获得的水土流失定量监测的两个结果,后者的监测精度明显高于前者7个百分点;

    The result in the experimental area indicated that the precision of monitoring soil erosion quantificationally was increased 7 percent , comparing the updated land use maps by GPS to the old maps .

  17. 进一步与土地利用图叠加,分析不同土壤侵蚀强度下的土地利用特征和不同土地利用类型的土壤侵蚀状况。

    Furthermore , the map was overlaid with the soil erosion intensity map for detecting the soil erosion status at different land use patterns as well as the land use at different soil erosion status .

  18. 根据妫水河流域的土壤图、土地利用图及数字高程模型,应用新的模型研究了妫水河流域颗粒态氮磷污染负荷的空间分布。

    While applying it , we study the spatial distribution of PN ( P ) load on the Guishui watershed according to the DEM and the information obtained from land use map and soil map .

  19. 首先基于这两期遥感影像采用决策树分类方法得到1996年和2004年的土地利用图,土地利用类型包括人工用地、耕地、林地、草地和水体。

    Firstly , we derive the image of land use from the two ETM + image based on decision tree classification , and the land-use types are artificial land-use , farmland , forest , grassland and water .

  20. 完成了1986年、1998年、2004三个年分的土地利用图的编制,并完成了1986-1998年、1998-2004年以及1986-2004年三个时期昌平区土地利用变化图及土地利用动态变化分析。

    The land use map in 1986,1998 and 2004 , the land use changed maps and the land use dynamic changing analyzing maps from 1986 to 1998,1998 to 2004 and 1986 to 2004 , were made in this area .

  21. 经验证发现,将该方法应用于1∶2000到1∶10000和1∶10000到1∶50000的两级土地利用图制图综合,无论从时间上,还是面积变化合理性方面来看,效果都比较好。

    The result showed that its effects on map generalization both from 1:2000 to 1:10000 and from 1:10000 to 1:50000 were good , not only from the aspect of time cost , but also from the rationality of land areas ' changes .

  22. 利用GIS技术研制了保护区土地利用现状图。

    The map of present land use in Mengyang Nature Reserve was drawn by GIS method .

  23. 5万的土地利用现状图。在土地利用动态遥感监测中,可以作为另外一种数据源与单一的SPOT数据源进行互补,使之更快捷地服务于国土资源管理工作。

    In the landuse dynamic monitoring project , IRS-P6 image as another data source with SPOT image can help speed up land management .

  24. 介绍利用计算机处理TM遥感图像数据产生重庆市江北县典型地区土地利用分类图技术。

    Classified landuse map in the typical area of Jiang Bei County , Chong-Qing has been developed .

  25. 利用土地利用现状图、竣工验收图,以及自然、社会、经济调查资料和实验室分析的数据,在EXCEL软件的支持下,建立了基础数据库。

    Make basic database by EXCEL , with present land-use map , final acceptance map , and data from nature / social / economic survey or lab analysis .

  26. 根据岳阳楼滨水区土地利用现状图、地形图和现状调查,以GIS为技术平台,建立岳阳楼滨水区景观分类信息库。

    According to the current situation map of land use and topographic map , combining on-the-spot investigation , taking GIS as the technological platform , landscape classification information storage of YueYang Tower waterfront was established .

  27. CASS支持下的遥感影像制作土地利用现状图探讨

    Discussion on the Remote Sensing Image Application in the Production of Present Land Use Map Based on CASS

  28. 应用Coreldraw编制《湖北省土地利用分区图》的实践

    The practise of compiling 《 Hubei province region land use map 》 using Coreldraw

  29. 利用榆林地区土地利用现状图,运用GIS技术,分析了榆林地区1982年~1998年间土地利用动态变化。

    Based on the land-use map of Yulin , using GIS methods we analyse the land-use dynamic change in Yulin from 1982 to 1998.Results show : the land use has changed greatly in the past 16 years .

  30. 以广州市海珠区土地利用现状图为数据源,利用GIS技术定量分析了土地利用动态变化过程以及土地利用各类型之间的相互转化情况。

    On the basis of the current situation map , the process of the land use development and the situation of all the categories of the land use transformation are quantitatively analyzed with the technique of GIS .