
  • 网络soil erosion
  1. 森林与洪水及土壤冲蚀相关性研究

    Investigation on the co-relations between forest and flood / soil erosion

  2. 政府已经作出努力来减少土壤冲蚀。

    The government has made attempts to reduce soil erosion .

  3. 坡度35°之实验土壤冲蚀量减少53%;

    Reduces 53 % on the 35 ° slope ;

  4. 通过自制土壤冲蚀槽,并进行人工模拟降雨试验,研究了稻秆编织地表覆盖物对坡地土壤侵蚀和小麦产量的影响。

    Effects of rice straw covering net on soil erosion and wheat yield were studied with self-designed soil erosion boxes under simulated rainfall .

  5. 但是提供寻找时间很短:在下次大雨或者沙尘暴的土壤冲蚀后,化石就会被掩盖。

    But time is short : soil erosion from the next rain or dust storms will soon cover up the fossils once more .

  6. 本课程需要先行修过土壤冲蚀的基础课程,并必须了解通用土壤流失公式如何估算土壤流失量的原理。

    Soil erosion course is required as prerequisite for this course , basic skill in estimating soil loss using Universal Soil Loss Equation is also required .

  7. 因此,课程授课的内容包含土壤冲蚀概论、雨滴冲蚀现象及相关力学的介绍、迳流所造成之冲蚀现象、水蚀力学、风蚀原理与力学等。

    Therefore , the course covers the general background introduction of soil erosion , phenomena of raindrop erosion , runoff erosion and its mechanics , and the principle and mechanics of wind erosion .

  8. 山坡地区遇上连日暴雨时,不但引起土壤冲蚀和山崩,更易造成径流集中,使洪峰径流量大幅增加,带来下游地区严重洪水及泥沙灾害。

    Torrential rain in slope land area , not only cause soil erosion but also landslide , even cause more runoff to concentrate and increase flood peak runoff , and deliver severe soil and sediment calamity in downstream areas .

  9. 草料作物也有助于减低土壤的冲蚀。

    Forage crops also help reduce erosion of the soil .