
jiāo tōnɡ jú
  • Department of Transportation;bureau of transportation;bureau of communications
  1. 纽约市公共交通局

    the New York City Transit Authority .

  2. 伦敦交通局(transportforlondon)表示,讨论“正在进行”。

    Transport for London said discussions were " ongoing " .

  3. 初期客户包括伦敦交通局(TransportforLondon)。

    Early customers include Transport for London .

  4. 基于PB实现的赣州交通局运管系统审批流程

    Realizing Delivery Certificate Flow of Aid Management Information System of Ganzhou Traffic with PB

  5. 在伦敦,伦敦交通局(TransportforLondon)向孕妇发放印有“宝宝在内”(BabyonBoard)字样的小牌子。

    In London , the Transport for London agency doles out officially sanctioned ' Baby on Board ' badges to pregnant women .

  6. 根据纽约市交通局(NewYorkCityDepartmentofTransportation)的数据,单单从2014年12月至今年3月,纽约市就填补了多达16万处坑洞(去年近50万处坑洞得到修补)。

    According to the New York City Department of Transportation , a whopping 160,000 potholes were filled between December 2014 and March this year alone ( almost 500,000 were repaired last year ) .

  7. 与其他城市一样,管理伦敦出租车行业的伦敦交通局(TransportforLondon)的提议被粉饰为保护公众安全的措施。

    As in other cities , the proposals of Transport for London , which regulates the city 's taxis , are dressed up as measures to protect public safety .

  8. 鉴于如此,如果我们要主办2024年的夏季奥运会的话,华盛顿都会区交通局(这里有一个Twitter账号,致力于发布有关它的日常坏事)需要快点加强交通系统的维护。

    As such , the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority , for which there is a Twitter handle devoted to its daily bad deeds , needs to step up the maintenance right quick if we are to host the 2024 Summer Olympics .

  9. 市交通局发言人斯科特·加斯特尔(ScottGastel)称,他们对人行横道上行人的行为进行了研究,在全市100处街头地点对社区商业走廊的长期趋势进行了追踪。

    Scott Gastel , a spokesman for the Transportation Department , said the department had conducted research into pedestrian behavior at crosswalks and had monitored pedestrian volumes at 100 street locations around the city to track long-term trends in neighborhood commercial corridors .

  10. 此次试行时间长达六个月。伦敦交通局(TfL)希望新规能最大化地利用长扶梯上被浪费掉的空间,因为大多数人总是选择站在右边。

    Transport for London ( TfL ) hopes the new standing formation , which this time will be tested for six months , will make the most of wasted space on longer escalators , where most people choose to wait on the right .

  11. 我们是汉中市交通局的公务人员。

    We are civil servants of the Communications Bureau of Hanzhong .

  12. 湖北省市、州交通局信息网络建设初探

    Construction of Information Network in City-level Communications Bureaus of Hubei Province

  13. 那些卡车是按交通局的订货单制造的。

    Those lorries are manufactured to the order of the communication bureau .

  14. 封锁的话,让我们和交通局谈。

    You need to consult us and the transit agency , too .

  15. 滨海区交通局建立了交通建设工程专家库。

    The Littoral Region Traffic Bureau establish a traffic construction engineering experts database .

  16. 为了能够提早发现不必要的麻烦,交通局凭借其前线观察员的出色表现。

    To spot trouble , the Transit Authority relies on its frontline lookouts .

  17. 我需要你通知洛山矶警局和加洲交通局。

    I want you to call LAPD and caltrans .

  18. 潍城区交通局交通信息管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Transportation Information Management System for Wei Cheng District Traffic Bureau

  19. 违背了交通局关于

    violates the department of transportation 's. ..

  20. 爱达荷州交通局每周对高速公路建设和维修项目公开开标。

    The Idaho Transportation Department conducts a weekly public bid openings for highway construction and maintenance projects .

  21. 市交通局应当制定统一的便于乘客换乘的轨道交通车票制式。

    The MCTA shall work out the uniform CRC ticket that is convenient for the passengers to transfer .

  22. 三名司机曾在试图躲开这些青蛙时将车开离了马路,于是,交通局不得不关闭了这条高速公路。

    Authorities closed the highway after three car drivers skidded off the road trying to dodge the frogs .

  23. 踏平坎坷路敞门迎宾朋&访金堂县交通局局长罗光然先生

    Jintang County Transportation Bureau

  24. 伦敦交通局已经就其提议启动了咨询,但或许不会通过其中任何一条提议。

    Transport for London has opened a consultation on its proposals , and may not adopt any of them .

  25. 浅谈与海外建筑师合作设计&以金华市金东区交通局办公楼工程为例

    Talking on Cooperative Design with Overseas Architects & Taking the Example of Jindong District Traffic Bureau Office Building in Jinhua

  26. 此外,塞浦路斯陆路交通局已展开刑事法律程序中有他的专业驾驶执照拿走。

    Furthermore , the Road Transport Department has launched criminal proceedings to have his professional driver 's licence taken away .

  27. 根据现行的规定,当地的交通局可以收费15年以偿还债务。不过据中国日报报道,经常会以维护费用的名义被延期。

    Under current regulations , local transport bureaux can collect tolls for 15 years to recoup the cost of building highways .

  28. 纽约市公共交通局主席汤姆·潘德加斯表示,调查人员将集中调查几个因素。

    The President of New York City 's Mass Transit Agency , Tom Prendergast , says investigators will look at several factors .

  29. 交通局某个领导向他保证他答得并不正确,但允许他当场再考一次。

    A traffic bureau official assured him he had not , but allowed him to take the test again on the spot .

  30. 市交通局可以委托市轨道交通处实施本条例规定由市交通局实施的行政处罚。

    The MCTA may entrust the MCRCAS to impose the administrative punishment that is to be imposed by the MCTA as provided by these Regulations .