
  • 网络Transportation equipment;traffic equipment;transportation facilities
  1. BT公司是一家从事轨道交通设备的制造商,主要产品有铁路及高速铁路机车、城市轨道交通设备等。

    BT is a company engaged in manufacturing rail transportation equipment , its main products including railway and high-speed railway locomotives and urban rail facilities .

  2. 第5章:应用MVC设计模式,在N-tier的软件架构下,设计并实现了黄石市公路局交通设备信息管理系统。

    Chapter 5 applies the MVC design pattern in N-tier software framework to design and realize the Huangshi Highway Bureau transportation equipment management information systems .

  3. 最后,在N-tier软件结构下,应用MVC设计模式进行了黄石市公路局交通设备信息管理系统的开发。

    Finally , in the N-tier software architecture , this paper uses the MVC design pattern to develop Huangshi Highway Bureau transportation equipment management information system .

  4. 交通设备制造企业财务预警系统研究

    Early Warning System Research of Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 's Financial Affairs

  5. 轨道交通设备用房的空调机组选择分析

    The Analysis on Air conditioning Used in Railway Transit Equipment Room

  6. 各种评标方法在轨道交通设备招标中的运用

    Evaluation Methods Applied to the Bidding for the Rail Transit Equipment System

  7. 城市轨道交通设备系统可持续发展的技术对策

    Technical Strategies for Sustainable Development of Equipment System in Urban Rail Transit

  8. 有关地点将设置适当辅助交通设备,指导驾车人士。

    Appropriate traffic aids will be provided to guide motorists .

  9. 快速的交通设备是成功企业的命脉。

    Fast communications are the lifeblood of a successful enterprise .

  10. 模糊集合论在城市轨道交通设备国产化决策中的应用

    A Study on Using Fuzzy Set Theory in Decision making for Localization of URT Equipment

  11. 现场将设置适当辅助交通设备及道路标志,指导驾驶人士。

    Appropriate traffic aids and road markings will be provided on site to guide motorists .

  12. 在国内,跨座式单轨交通设备完全靠引进,且没有现行标准可用。

    Monorail transportation is completely brought in China , there is not current standard available at home .

  13. 结构调整与轨道交通设备国产化

    Promoting the Localization of Equipment for Rail-Bound Transit System Based on the Modification of Structure of Organization

  14. 交通设备涂料通常可以运用于以下三个市场:半挂车,铁路车辆及集装箱市场。

    The transportation paints usually are applied in the following three markets : Trailer , train and container .

  15. 轨道交通设备与系统国产化是我国发展城市轨道交通的方向。

    The localization of railway equipment and systems is one of the development trends for urban mass transit construction in China .

  16. 塞萨科林公司的国际项目管理经验与苏城轨道交通设备有限公司的强势结合,能更好地服务于全球客户。

    International project management experience together with Chinese strengths in costs optimization is a competitive mix for customers all around the world .

  17. 介绍轨道交通设备系统常用的三种评标方法,从评比标准、流程、重点控制、适用范围等方面全面剖析;

    This paper introduces three most popular bidding evaluation methods in terms of evaluation standards , procedures , key controlling points and application scopes .

  18. 有关地点将设置适当辅助交通设备,指导驾车人士。巴士公司将会张贴通告,告知乘客上述改动。

    Appropriate traffic aids will be erected to guide motorists and notices will be displayed by bus companies to advise passengers of the changes .

  19. 国内跨座式单轨交通设备完全靠引进,在国内没有现行标准可用,仅是部分内容可参照国内的相关行业标准。

    There is no standard available because urban monorail transportation equipment in China are brought in mostly . Only parts of content can refer to the relevant domestic industry standard .

  20. 为了让行人能够更快捷的找到目的地,使出行变得更加人性化、智能化,于是便有了智能交通设备&卫星导航系统。

    In order to allow pedestrians to find their destinations more quickly and make the trip to become more humane , intelligent . So there will be some intelligent transportation equipment-satellite navigation system .

  21. 目前宁波临港产业包括临港工业和临港服务业,其中,临港工业包括石化、能源、钢铁、交通设备和造纸等产业。

    Now , they consist of harbor industry and harbor services , and harbor industries are made up of petrochemical industry , energy industry , steel industry , transport equipment industry and paper industry .

  22. 自从城市轨道交通设备实施国产化的政策以来,我国城轨车辆的国产化成绩突出,国产的城轨车辆不断涌现,自主创新能力显著提高。

    Since the implementation of urban rail transportation equipment localization policy , Chinese urban rail vehicle localization have made brilliant achievements , domestic urban rail vehicles are constantly emerging , the capability of independent innovation are enhancing significantly .

  23. 智能交通设备的应用能够有效地维护道路交通秩序,提高通行效率,预防和减少交通事故,保护人身安全,对于车辆、司机、行人以及道路安全起着至关重要的作用。

    The application of intelligent transportation equipment can be effective in maintaining order of road traffic , improving traffic efficiency , preventing and reducing traffic accidents , so it plays an important role to safety of vehicle , driver and pedestrian .

  24. 本文的设计结果对未来类似的装置的研究具有较大的理论和实际的参考价值,将有助于促进我国跨座式单轨交通设备产业的发展和壮大。

    The result of this paper has the significant theory and actual reference value to the similar equipment that is produced in the future , which is helpful to improve the development and growing of the Straddle-Type single track equipment in our country .

  25. 随着计算机、网络通信、机电一体化等一系列科学技术的飞速发展,轨道交通设备系统的自动化程度得到了大幅度的提升。

    With the rapid development of computer , network communications , mechatronics and a series of science and technology , the degree of automation of the rail transportation equipment has been greatly improved . Semi-automatic ticketing machine is one of the terminal equipments in automatic fare collection system .

  26. 其次,从概念、特征、内容三个方面介绍交通设备制造行业企业财务风险的概况,并且,具体分析了交通设备制造业企业可能面临的各种财务风险因素以及识别这些财务风险的方法。

    Secondly , the overview of financial risk of apparatus manufacturing enterprise of the traffic is introduced from concept , characteristic , content . And make an analysis of various financial risk factors and methods to discern these financial risks that the enterprises of apparatus manufacturing of traffic may face .

  27. 湖北省交通运输设备制造业竞争力评价

    The Competitiveness Appraising of Transport & Communications Industry in Hubei Province

  28. 交通运输设备制造业能源消耗效率的投入产出分析

    Research on Energy Consumption Efficiency of Transportation Equipment Industry in China

  29. 城市轨道交通通信设备抢修系统的设计与应用

    Rush Repair System for Communications Equipment in Intercity Rail Transit

  30. 基于全寿命周期费用的城市轨道交通工程设备选择

    The Life - Cycle Cost and Selection of Urban Mass Transit Equipment