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  1. 要扎实推动绿色发展,深入开展污染防治,持续开展生态修复,建立健全制度机制。

    More efforts will be made in promoting green development , preventing and controlling pollution , carrying out ecological , the report notes .

  2. 生态环境部表示,国家绿色发展基金2020年将正式启动运营。设立国家绿色发展基金,是健全生态环境保护经济政策体系的一项内容。

    China will officially launch its national green development fund in 2020 , amid efforts to improve the economic policy system for ecological1 and environmental protection , according to the Ministry2 of Ecology and Environment ( MEE ) .

  3. 国家邮政局发展研究中心近日发布《中国邮政快递业绿色发展报告(2019-2020年)》。报告称,2019年我国在快递包装绿色治理方面取得显著成效,行业正加速构建绿色发展体系。

    China made remarkable progress on the green governance of express packaging in 2019 , with a more environment-friendly development framework taking shape , according to a recent report on the green development of China 's post and express industry .

  4. 中国:绿色发展与绿色GDP(1970-2001年度)

    China : green development and green gdp ( 1970-2001 )

  5. 东莞SK制鞋厂:走绿色发展道路创造和谐企业

    DongGuan SK Footwear : Green Development Creates Harmonious Manufactory

  6. 文中采用数据,并借助于多种评价模型,以客观的层面来研究和解决JL公司绿色发展问题。

    Adopt the data in the article , and with the aid of many kinds of appraisal model , study and solve JL Company 's green development problem with the objective aspect .

  7. 重庆市工业企业绿色发展战略研究

    Study on the Stratagem for Greening Development of Industrial Enterprises in Chongqing

  8. 贯彻绿色发展观念,强化企业绿色管理

    Using the concept of green development to improve the green enterprise management level

  9. 全球环境革命的绿色发展趋势

    Oasis Development Trends of the Global Environment Revolution

  10. 以教师为本的现代大学绿色发展战略&兼论高校教师专业化

    On Green Development Strategy of a Teacher-oriented Modern University & Professionalized Development of University Teachers

  11. 绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展

    Green , circular , and low-carbon development

  12. 泰山奏响绿色发展乐章

    Green movement of development Taishan Mountain

  13. 她表示,这包括促进多元化的融资、基金管理、风险管理和绿色发展。

    She said this includes promoting diversified financing , fund management , risk management and green development .

  14. 传统产业节能减排,发展循环经济,是走向绿色发展的第一步;

    Saving energy in traditional industries while developing cyclic economy is the first step towards green development ;

  15. 本文在生态文明的视阈下集中于企业的绿色发展的相关问题的研究。

    Research on related problems of green development based on the ecological civilization from the perspective of the focus on enterprise .

  16. 个人碳减排是应对气候变化、公民从个人层面参与绿色发展的重要举措。

    Personal emission reduction is an important movement for facing climate change and public participation in green development from personal level .

  17. 2011年是中国十二五的开局之年,而十二五规划要求实现绿色发展,建设资源节约、环境友好型社会。

    2011 is the first year of " twelfth-five plan ", which requires achieving green development and building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society .

  18. 这标志着,雷力集团勇担社会责任,在“绿色发展、绿色创富”的道路上,又迈出了更加坚实的步伐。

    This marks Leili group take social responsibility and made more solid step on the way of " Green Development & Green Wealth " .

  19. 他还表示支持中国建设绿色发展丝绸之路,支持中国同发展中国家深化合作。

    He also expresses support for China 's efforts to build a Silk Road of Green Development and to deepen cooperation with developing countries .

  20. 因此,我们应通过经济的绿色发展解决不和谐因素,置社会的和谐于经济的绿色发展基础之上。

    So , we should solve the unharmonious factors through economic " Green Developing ", put harmony of society on the foundation of economic " Green Developing " .

  21. 全文以绿色发展责任担当的问题与矛盾出发,具体且比较深入地分析了绿色发展责任担当所存在的问题。

    Full text of the bear responsibility to green development problems and contradictions , specific and comparison of further study on the development of green bear responsibility of the existing problems .

  22. 要实现建设生态文明的目标,走出一条有中国特色的绿色发展道路,应该多学习和借鉴其他国家好的发展经验和发展思路。

    Thus , to achieve the goal promoting an ecological civilization , to make a green development path with Chinese characteristics , China should learn and take advantage of other countries ' experience .

  23. 企业绿色发展不仅有利于企业自身三效的提高和企业形象的改善,更具有巨大的外部溢出效应,有利于生态文明的建设。

    To improve the enterprise green development is not only conducive to their own " three effect " and enterprise image improvement , more external huge spillovers , facilitating the construction of ecological civilization .

  24. 就地方政府职能从管理型向服务型角色转换的过程来看,地方政府必须依靠多方力量,确保地区的生态安全与绿色发展。

    The functions of local government managed the process of conversion to a service role , the local government must rely on multi-power to ensure the ecological security of the region and green development .

  25. 我们应该大力倡导绿色发展理念,尊重各成员根据其资源禀赋、发展阶段、能力水平等具体情况自主选择绿色增长道路。

    We should actively promote the idea of green development and respect the choice independently made by APEC members to pursue green growth on the basis of their resource endowment , stage of development and capacity .

  26. 本文提出的环境风险测量方法以及研究结论对完善我国企业节能减排的财务激励政策、促进企业绿色发展具有参考作用。

    The method of environmental risk measurement proposed in this paper and the research conclusion have reference effect on perfecting financial incentive policies of Chinese corporate energy saving and emission reduction and on promoting corporate green development .

  27. 本文就中国企业的绿色发展问题展开探讨,分析企业绿色战略管理的必然性与意义,提出中国企业绿色战略管理的总体构想。

    This article has extended the discussion of the green development problem for the Chinese enterprise and analyzed the necessity and meaning of the enterprise green strategy management and put forward the overall suggestion for Chinese enterprise strategy management .

  28. 在实现绿色发展的道路上,中国21世纪面临着人口持续增长、高消费模式兴起、经济规模扩大、产业结构向重型化转变、城市化快速提高等方面的挑战。

    On the road to green development , China will encounter many challenges such as population growth , the rise of mass consumption patterns , gross output expansion , and industrial structure transition to heavy industries , and rapid urbanization .

  29. 我始终认为,坚定信心是战胜危机的力量源泉,科技创新是战胜危机的根本手段,绿色发展是经济转型的主要方向,开放合作是不可逆转的世界潮流。

    I always believe that confidence provides a source of strength and technological innovation offers a fundamental means to overcome the crisis . I believe green development is the main goal of economic transformation and opening-up and cooperation is an irreversible trend of the world .

  30. 着重对白云区城市社会、经济、人工和自然环境系统进行深入的分析,找出其现行发展存在的问题,在客观上要求树立绿色发展理念,构建白云区绿色城市;

    The analysis mainly emphasizes on the city society , economy , the artificial and natural systems , and then find out problems existing in its current development . Objectively the green development logos need to be set to build the " green city " in Baiyun District .