
  • 网络Fritz Henderson;Henderson;Frederick Fritz Henderson
  1. 新任首席执行官韩德胜(fritzhenderson)即将开通一个名为“告诉韩德胜”的网站。

    Fritz Henderson , the new chief executive , is setting up a " tell Fritz " website .

  2. 对首席执行官韩德胜(fritzhenderson)领导下的通用而言,最优先事项是稳定其在美国这个核心市场的市场份额和制造活动。

    The highest priority for GM , under Chief Executive Fritz Henderson , is stabilising its market share and manufacturing footprint in the US , its core market .

  3. 去年11月,前首席执行长韩德胜(Frederick“Fritz”Henderson)承诺将在2011年中期之前还完贷款。

    In November , former Chief Executive Frederick'Fritz'Henderson promised to repay the money by mid-2011.Mr .

  4. 韩德胜最终同意完全关闭庞帝克品牌,但坚持要保住别克(Buick)和GMC品牌。

    Henderson agreed to close down Pontiac all together , but dug in on his heels to keep Buick and GMC .

  5. 直到最近,韩德胜还一直支持将欧宝55%的股权出售给Magna的交易。

    Up until recently , Mr. Henderson had been a proponent of a deal that would sell 55 % of Opel to Magna .

  6. 董事长埃德•惠特克(EdWhitacre)已经向韩德胜下达了他的命令:通用汽车需要创造更多的收入和利润。

    Board chairman Ed Whitacre has given him his orders : GM needs to generate more revenue and more profit .

  7. 通用汽车的首席执行官不会喜欢听下面这话,不过他确实能从艾伦•穆拉利(AlanMulally)——在城市那头的福特公司里韩德胜的竞争者——身上学一两招。

    GM 's CEO won 't like to hear it , but he could learn a thing or two from Alan Mulally , his competitor across town at Ford .

  8. 韩德胜辞职的5个月前,通用汽车才脱离美国政府监督下的破产保护程序,而在他辞职前8个月,美国政府的汽车工作小组解雇了其前任里克瓦格纳(RickWagoner)。

    Mr Henderson 's resignation comes just five months after GM emerged from US government-supervised Chapter 11 proceedings and eight months after Washington 's autos taskforce sacked his predecessor Rick Wagoner .

  9. 通用首席执行官韩德胜(fritzhenderson)表示:“如今的目标不是得以幸存,而是制定一项能使我们成功的运营计划。”

    Fritz Henderson , chief executive , said : " the objective here is not to survive . The objective is to develop an operating plan that allows us to win . "

  10. 既然通用汽车已经决定专注于四个品牌——雪佛兰(Chevrolet)、凯迪拉克、别克(Buick)和GMC——韩德胜面临的挑战在于说服顾客考虑上述品牌。

    Now that GM has decided to focus on four brands -- Chevrolet , Cadillac , Buick , and GMC -- Henderson 's challenge is to persuade customers to take a look at them .

  11. 韩德胜承认,第一代volt的生产成本会很高,而且对于不方便找到电源插座(通常是在家用车库内)的车主而言,电池充电可能也是一项挑战。

    Mr Henderson acknowledged that the first generation of the volt would be costly to produce and that recharging the batteries might pose a challenge for owners without easy access to a power outlet , typically in a home garage .

  12. 通用汽车首席执行官韩德胜(FritzHenderson)周二在媒体网络聊天中表示:今后,我们在产品、技术和营销方面的开支,将100%投向四个核心品牌和34款车型。

    Fritz Henderson , chief executive , wrote during a media web chat on Tuesday that 100 per cent of our product , technology and marketing spend will now be focused behind the four core brands and 34 nameplates .

  13. 韩德胜与惠塔克之间关系紧张,尤其是在应否出售通用汽车欧洲部门欧宝/沃克斯豪尔(Opel/Vauxhall)的问题上。惠塔克是美国电报电话公司(ATT)前任董事长,被美国政府任命为通用董事长。

    There was tension between Mr Henderson and Mr Whitacre , the former ATT chairman who was appointed by the government , notably over whether Vauxhall / Opel , GM 's European division , should be sold .

  14. 韩德胜说,保留欧宝被认为是保证欧宝和Vauxhall长远前途的最稳妥、代价最小方式。欧宝总部在德国,也是通用汽车欧洲业务的核心。

    Mr. Henderson said that keeping Opel , which is based in Germany and represents the heart of GM 's European operations , was deemed to be the most stable and least costly approach for securing Opel / Vauxhall 's long-term future .

  15. 让韩德胜离开是正确的。

    Letting Fritz Henderson go was a good call .

  16. 韩德胜在上任90天新闻发布会上宣称公司正在按计划前行。

    At the90 Day Update he claimed GM is operating close to plan .

  17. 对于未来的通用汽车公司而言,弗里茨韩德胜是一个很好的首席执行官人选。

    Fritz Henderson is an excellent choice to be the next CEO of GM.

  18. 但是韩德胜的下台并非由于某一个分歧。

    But the ousting of Mr Henderson did not relate to one single disagreement .

  19. 韩德胜最大的挑战在于找到改变通用汽车思维的方法。

    Henderson 's biggest challenge is to find a way to change GM 's thinking .

  20. 韩德胜为通用汽车制定的战略很简单:再次致力于汽车业务。

    Henderson 's strategy for GM is simple : to focus on the car business again .

  21. 通用在美国销售量的缓慢回升令人失望,这是对韩德胜最后的一次打击。

    The final blow for Mr Henderson was GM 's disappointingly slow recovery in sales in America .

  22. 如果我是美国纳税人,我就告诉韩德胜,请把500亿美元还给我们。

    If I were a US taxpayer , I would tell Fritz that I wanted my $ 50bn back .

  23. 美国汽车巨头通用汽车总裁韩德胜辞去其职位。

    Fritz Henderson is stepping down as chief executive at US car giant General Motors , the company has announced .

  24. 韩德胜表示,该公司还请求英国和西班牙出手援助,并计划与其它国家进行联系。

    It has also asked the UK and Spain for aid , and plans to contact others , Mr Henderson said .

  25. 知情人士称:我认为任何人都不觉得它(韩德胜的任期)是一场灾难。

    I don 't think anyone thought it [ Mr Henderson 's tenure ] was a disaster , said one person .

  26. 真正的问题在于,韩德胜对通用汽车的改造能否有利于它的长期发展,而不只是促生一轮周期性的复苏。

    The real question is whether Mr Henderson can remould GM for the long-term , rather than foster a cyclical revival .

  27. 韩德胜承诺从其它公司招聘经理人,但他表示美国政府对薪酬的限制使他无法招募人才。

    Henderson promises to recruit managers from other companies but says government restrictions on compensation have prevented him from doing so .

  28. 掌舵时间仅8个月的韩德胜,被视为“杀手董事会”的受害者。

    In the driving seat for just eight months , Mr Henderson is seen as a victim of a " killer board " .

  29. 一些分析人士怀疑韩德胜未能售出瑞典的萨博汽车公司可能迫使董事会下了逐客令。

    Some analysts wondered if Henderson 's inability to sell Swedish unit Saab may have forced the board to show him the door .

  30. 这不仅令人困惑,更有损于韩德胜的心愿他想在消费者心目中留下新通用汽车高效、环保的印象。

    This is not only confusing but detracts from Mr Henderson 's wish to plant New GM in consumers ' minds as lean and green .