
  • 网络musical works
  1. 网络音乐著作权保护的法律思考&从MP3现象谈起

    Legal Reason about Copyright of Musical Works in Network Circumstance & Talk to Rise From the MP3 Phenomenon

  2. 但属于著作权中介团体管理之音乐著作,不在此限。

    Provided , this shall not apply in the case of musical works managed by Copyright Intermediary organizations .

  3. 背景音乐著作权保护问题研究

    A Study in Issues Relating to Copyright Protection of Background Music

  4. 中国民族民间音乐著作权的觉醒

    The Awakening of National Folk Music Copyright in China

  5. 献给某人或某物的题字(如书籍或音乐著作中)。

    An inscription ( as in a book or musical work ) dedicating it to someone or something .

  6. 从国内外诸多的西方音乐著作中可以看到,几乎每一位音乐史家都把音乐体裁的研究置于西方音乐史的中心视野。

    From a large number western musical literature we can see that almost each musical historian 's research interest focus on music genres in history of western music research .

  7. 法律赋予了知识产权权利人广泛的权利,诸如音乐著作权协会等的著作权集体管理组织,作为管理著作权的机构,更是具有了垄断的地位。

    Intellectual property rights ' owner is given extensive legal rights , the copyright collective management organizations such as the association of music copyright , as a copyright management bodies , have a monopoly status .

  8. 前项音乐著作强制授权许可、使用报酬之计算方式及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

    Regulations governing the compulsory license for a musical work referred to in the preceding paragraph , the method for calculating the compensation for exploitation , and other requisite matters shall be prescribed by the competent authority .

  9. 20世纪的西方音乐史著作中,对德国晚期浪漫主义作曲家R·施特劳斯的音乐作品评价多半不高,常常毁誉参半,甚至贬多于褒。

    In western music history books of the20th century , German romanticism composer R · Strauss'didn 't get high evaluation and usually had mixed reception .

  10. 音乐电视著作权中存在两个非常棘手的问题。

    There are two very difficult issues in music television copyrights .

  11. 网络音乐作品著作权的保护的几点建议

    Several Suggestions to the Protection of Network Music Copyright

  12. 一方面网络音乐作品作为著作权的客体,具有独占性和排他性,权利人通过对音乐作品的商业性利用来追求和获取独占性的、尽可能多的经济利益。

    On the hand , network music , as the object of copyright , has the exclusive . Through the pursuit of commercial exploitation , obligee will get the most exclusive economic interest .

  13. 二是民间音乐作品符合著作权法律关系客体的要求,应通过著作权法律体系进行保护,从而有效防止民间音乐作品商业利用过程中引起的利益冲突。

    Secondly , folk music products meet the demand of legal relation by copyright , so it should be protected by copyright system in order to effectively prevent the interests conflict from the commercialization of Folk Music products .

  14. 正在我国兴起的背景音乐收费制度是著作权法利益平衡精神的又一实例。

    The charging system of background music , which arises in our country presently , is an example for the spirit of interests equilibrium in Copyright Law .

  15. 民间音乐作品应通过著作权法予以保护,其法律依据主要体现在两个方面:一是民间音乐作品并没有进入公有领域,应纳入法律调整范围;

    Folk music products could be protected through copyright with its legal bases lying in two parts : firstly , folk music products havn ′ t entered into public domain , so it could be regulated by law ;

  16. 神秘主义触发的灵感是举凡一切诗作、艺术品、音乐作品或哲学著作借以成就其不朽地位所不可或缺的要素。

    Mystical inspiration is the essential element that assures immortality to any work , whether in poetry , art , music , or philosophy . - Modern Mysticism and Other Essays , London : John Lane , 4th ed.

  17. 谷歌已与华纳、百代、索尼、环球音乐集团以及中国音乐著作权协会签订了许可协议。

    Google has licensing agreements with labels such as Warner , EMI and Sony , as well as Universal Music Group and the Music Copyright Society of China .

  18. 出现了评音乐赋,集音乐赋,注音乐赋的著作。

    At the same time , many works began to comment , collect and annotate the music Fu .

  19. 本文围绕MP3数字化网络音乐作品的性质、归属以及所涉及的法律关系等,就MP3数字化网络音乐作品的著作权问题做一简要分析。

    Concerning the nature and ownership of MP3 Digital Network Music and some law issues involved , this paper makes a brief analysis of the copyright of MP3 Digital Network Music .

  20. 格劳特《西方音乐史》首版于1960年,在世界范围内被认为是一部极具权威性的西方音乐历史著作。

    It is deemed to an authoritative western music history book around the world .