
yīn biàn ɡuī lǜ
  • sound shift law
  1. 语触音变规律有助于对语音史的研究。

    The phonetic law of language touch will play a positive role in the study of phonetic history .

  2. 在现代汉语语音教学中,叠音形容词变调常作为一条重要的音变规律提出。

    In modern chinese phonetics , tone sandhi of reduplicated adjectives , which is due to the influence of Beijing dialect , is often taught as an important sound change pattern .

  3. 本文的研究主要分为两个步骤:一是对600个汉字的古今读音进行对比,二是用从中古到今音的音变规律去衡量每个今音。

    This study is divided into two steps : first 600 characters of ancient and modern pronunciation comparison , the second is from the Middle Ages to the sound change rules notated according notated according to measure each .

  4. 引起绍兴方言中勿变化的原因除了低浊短促的语音特色、活动能力上的粘着性再加高频率的使用以外,也是相关词语的音变趋同化规律作用的结果。

    As to the reason why Wu changes , it is due to the low and unclear pronunciation feature , the cohesion in its activity ability , the high-frequency uses as well as the result of the assimilation-tendency law in pronunciation change of some relative characters .

  5. 第四部分研究卓资方言的共时音变,具体讨论卓资话在共时平面上的音变特点与规律。

    The fourth part of the paper is the contemporary phonetic changes . Specific discussed the voice change characteristics and regularity of Zhuo Zi dialect on the Synchronic plane .