
  • 网络audio equipment;Hi Fi
  1. 广州市奋威音响器材厂是一家集开发、生产和销售音箱、音柱、专业舞台箱的企业。

    Guangzhou Wei Fen Audio Equipment Factory is a development , production and sales of speakers , Sound Column , professional stage boxes business .

  2. 产品广泛适用于汽车工业、制冷设备、电机、卫浴、音响器材、及机械制造等行业的减震隔音材料。

    They are widely used as damping materials in auto industry , chiller plant , dynamo , sanitary ware , audio equipment and machinofacture .

  3. 智能手机制造商HTC计划向Beats电子公司注资3亿美元,Beats公司曾推出了BeatsbyDr.Dre系列音响器材。

    Smartphone maker HTC is investing $ 300 million in beats electronics , the same company that releases various beats by Dr. dre audio products .

  4. 中国音响器材的现状、存在问题、发展方向&吹笛西楼月已凉

    Status , current problems and trends of audio equipments in China

  5. 你弟这辆装满了音响器材的破车呢?

    With the wagon full of your brother 's stereo equipment ?

  6. 我爸爸太爱他的立体声音响器材了,他永远都不会让我去碰它。

    My father loved his stereo so much that he would never let me touch it .

  7. 介绍硬质聚氯乙烯结皮发泡板材性能特点及其在音响器材上的应用。

    The properties and characteristics of HPVC crust foaming plate as well as its application in the acoustics have been introduced .

  8. 公司图片星琅照明电子厂坐落于广东省佛山市南海区,创立于1988年(前又名:星朗音响器材厂),是中国最早的电子企业之一。

    Star Audio Co. , Ltd , one of the earliest electronic companies in China , was established in1988 , located in Nanhai , Foshan city , Guangdong province , China .

  9. 每个音响器材的音质取向都不同,低价耳机的频带不够宽,高音好的,低音会欠一点,但这正是我想要的。

    Hi-fi sound quality of each orientation is different , low-cost headset enough band width , good treble , bass will be a little less , but this is what I want .

  10. (七)违反规定,在城镇使用音响器材,音量过大,影响周围居民的工作或者休息,不听制止的。

    Operating acoustic equipment in cities and towns at too high a volume in violation of the relevant regulations , disturbing the neighbouring residents work or rest , and refusing to stop such acts .

  11. 如何正确使用汽车音响配件、器材

    How to use car audio parts and equipment

  12. 这一数据包括与音乐相关的一切开支,从CD、唱片、音乐下载,到购买音响设备和播放器材,以及音乐杂志、音乐会、演唱会、音乐节和其它活动的开支。

    This figure includes everything from CDs , vinyl , and music downloads , to the equipment it is played on , plus music magazines , gigs , festivals and other events .