
yīn bù
  • line
音部[yīn bù]
  1. 用于史诗或叙事诗,每行十个音节,五个音部,每两行押韵。

    The heroic couplet is a verse form in epic poetry , with lines of ten syllables and five stresses , in rhyming pairs .

  2. 谁知后来中音好起来了,低音部又跑了,于是我又调回比较重要的音部去。

    Who knew the tenor to be afterwards good , the basso has run , therefore I recalled the quite important sound department to go .

  3. 就我们而言平局或一个损失将会有效地规则我们从名称比赛和我们的最高音部热望将会在火焰被击落。

    For us a draw or a loss will effectively rule us out of the title race and our treble aspirations will be shot down in flames .