
yùn shū
  • Rhyme book;dictionary of rhymes;rhyme book/dictionary
韵书 [yùn shū]
  • [rhythmic dictionary] 我国古代按韵编排的字书,现存的韵书大都先分平、上、去、入四声,再分韵部

  • 《广韵》是一部韵书

  1. 广韵&中国古代韵书的佼佼者

    Guang Yun & the Outstanding Rhyming Dictionary of Chinese Ancient Times

  2. 台湾闽南方言韵书研究

    Study on Dialect Rhyming Dictionary of Southern Fujian in Taiwan

  3. 明代濮阳涞的《元声韵学大成》具有鲜明的个性和革新精神,在明代韵书中有重要地位。

    YuanShengYunXueDaCheng of Puyang Lai in Ming Dynasty has a distinctive characteristic and reformed spirit .

  4. 《湘音检字》是一部反映20世纪初长沙方言的韵书。

    Xiangyin Jianzi is a local rhyme dictionary of the Changsha dialect in the early20th Century .

  5. 作为一本反映近代吴语上海方言的韵书,我们应加以重视。

    As a rhythm book reflecting recent period Shanghai dialect , we should put emphasize on it .

  6. 韵书是我们了解中古语音的重要依据。

    Chinese rhymes dictionaries are important basis for us to understand the pronunciation of the middle ancient times .

  7. 第三章具体分析了元明间七种韵书对古入声韵字的处理方法;

    The third chapter analyses organizations of Ru Sheng of the middle ancient from seven rhyme books during the Yuan and Ming Dynasty .

  8. 《切韵》性质是学者们孜孜不倦研究的重要问题之一,而对《切韵》系韵书的分合则较少涉及。

    The character of Qie Yun which the scholars have been studying for so long years is one of the important topics of conversation .

  9. 明清几本闽语韵书的亲疏关系&以韵类的差异性为例

    The Close or Distant Relation from the Differences between Several Ming and Qing 's Rhyme Books & to Different Types of Rhyme as an Example

  10. 韵书是研究汉语语音史、汉语音韵学史,尤其是汉语韵书史最直接的文献资料。

    The rhyme books are the most direct literature material to the study of Chinesephonological history and Chinese phonetic history , especially to Chinese rhymecalligraphy history .

  11. 18世纪的朝鲜韵书《三韵声汇》在并记中、韩两种汉字音体系的一系列并记韵书中,无论在内容还是在形式上,都具有朝鲜韵书的特征。

    " Samwoonseunghoi " is a Korean book of rhymes published in the 18th century , which bears the striking Korean character in its content and form .

  12. 《篆隶万象名义》是日本沙门空海所撰的汉语中古字书,其一字多反切的现象有不同于一般韵书“又音”的特点,本文将其称之为“又切”。

    The phenomenon of one character having several fan-qie , which this thesis calls you-qie , has some special qualities being different from that of you-yin in yun-shu .

  13. 因此全面研究这样一部韵书对完善明代音韵学研究乃至整个汉语语音史研究是十分有意义的。

    Therefore , it is very meaningful that studying on such a rhythmic dictionaries to complete phonology studies of the Ming Dynasty and the whole study of the history of Chinese phonology .

  14. 通常认为西北方言全浊清化的的时代是唐五代,但根据韵书和文献中的地名推算,西北方言全浊清化的时代可上朔至南朝。

    It is generally estimated that the time of the voicing of the complete voiced in northwest dialect is Tang and the Fifth Dynasty , but it goes back to the South Dynasty according to the rhyming dictionary and some documents .

  15. 以此为材料依据,运用历史比较法,参照方言地理学假定,分析其横向分布形式,比较差异,拟测历史发展序列,并联系其他方言和以韵书为代表的历史参照系给以初步的解释。

    Based on this files and linguistic geography , the analysis and the historical comparison of transverse distribution are made and the primary explanation is given , with all other dialects and the rhyme books , a historical frame of reference , involved .

  16. 在整个20世纪的近代汉语语音研究中,围绕《中原音韵》一系反映北方语音韵书研究所形成的北音学,研究者创造了不少具体的科学研究方法。

    The research workers have created a lot of specific and scientific research methods about the Northern Phonetics which is formed by the study of the book of The Central Plains Phonology that reflects the Northern sound in the modern Chinese phonetics research in the whole 20 century .