
dǐng jí qún luò
  • climax
顶极群落[dǐng jí qún luò]
  1. 在干扰力的作用大于波动的振幅时,顶极群落发生明显退化(B~F),群落退化度逐渐增大。

    While effect of disturbance was preponderated over the range of community fluctuation , climax community degraded evidently , and degraded degree of communities increased gradually .

  2. 初始条件对生物制氢反应器中顶极群落的影响

    Effect of initial conditions on climax community in hydrogen bio-production reactor

  3. 乙酸型顶极群落的内平衡与反馈调节机制研究

    The internal balance and the feedback adjustment of acetic acid type climax community

  4. 主要植被类型有8个群系纲,包括27个群系和30多个群丛,顶极群落是常绿阔叶林。

    There are 8 main formation classes , 27 Formations and about 30 Associations .

  5. 某些顶极群落中也存在缓慢积累的净生态系统生产。

    In some climax communities , there is slow accumulation of net ecosystem production .

  6. 森林顶极群落研究进展

    The research progress of climax community in forest

  7. 在植物群落的研究中,顶极群落是一个颇为重要又颇受争议的概念。

    Climax is a very important and disputed concept in the area of plant community research .

  8. 黄土高原马栏林区顶极群落的种间关联分析

    Analysis on the Inter-specific Association of the Climax Community in the Malan Forest Area on the Loess Plateau

  9. 依照生态学的顶极群落理论把自然引入城市的计划;

    Realize the goal of " introducing nature into city " with the ecological theory " climax community ";

  10. 分析了岩溶地区植被的顶极群落以及群落演替方向的特殊性。

    Furthermore it indicates climax community of Karst areas ' vegetation and specialty of direction towards community succession .

  11. 北川河流域植被演替趋势是达到当地顶极群落-青海云杉-藓类林。

    The succession trends in the areas are to get to the climax community of Picea crassifolia + moss forest .

  12. 顶极群落,演替顶极生态发展的一个阶段,在此阶段一群有机体(尤指植物)能保持自身的稳定及永存。

    A stage in ecological development in which a community of organisms , especially plants , is stable and capable of perpetuating itself .

  13. 森林景观中顶极群落优势增强,所采取的经营措施效果显著,提高了森林资源的价值;

    The result also showed that the advantage of the regional climax vegetation type of forest landscape had been strengthened because of proper management measures .

  14. 比气候顶极群落结构简单的林缘、林窗次生植被中的鸟类群落具有较高的物种多样性,但其群落稳定性较差;

    The forest edges and dormers with higher species diversity were not stable , however , the swamp meadow habitat with simple bird composition showed more stable .

  15. 以构件种群理论为基础,应用种群动态生命表的分析方法,对喀斯特森林顶极群落中的主要建群种圆果化香不同生境下一年中叶构件种群的数量动态进行测定分析。

    The quantity dynamics of annual leaf population of Platycarya longipes under different habitats was analyzed by using the population dynamic life table method based on the modular population theory .

  16. 近年的研究表明,种子雨、种子库、幼苗库和克隆生长是群落实现更新的重要条件,林窗更新是顶极群落结构维持的主要方式。

    Latest studies show that seed rain , seed bank , seedling bank and clone growth are necessary for community regeneration and canopy gap is the primary way for it .

  17. 1985~1993年间,有林地优势地位加强,优势度从0.611增加到0.692,顶极群落优势度增加70%;

    The dominance index of forest cover was increased from 0.611 to 0.692 during the period from 1985 to 1993 , and that of climax forest community was increased by 70 % .

  18. 通过产酸脱硫反应器的动态试验和配套的静态试验,考察致变因子COD/SO2-4比制约的乙酸型顶极群落的结构、优势种群的组成和生态演替的规律;

    The ecological succession of climax community restricted by COD / SO 2 - 4 ratio , the causing ecological factors , was investigated in acidogenic desulfate bioreactor with continuous flow and batch flow experiment .

  19. 把退化喀斯特群落自然恢复演替过程视为群落结构、功能与顶极群落相比由低相似度向高相似度的发展过程。

    The natural restoration process of degraded communities in Karst area was considered as a developing process of the similar degress from low to high between the degraded communities and climax community in structure and function .

  20. 研究结果显示,天然植物群落可划分为5个植被类型和17个典型群系,其群落结构复杂,生活型谱以乔、灌木为主体,为典型地带性顶极群落。

    The result shows that , the natural community is divided into 5 vegetation type and 17 formation . The complexly community structure and primary life form spectrum are arbor and shrub , so they are zonal climax community .

  21. 对楠木林群落演替阶段、演替程度、演替规律等方面的研究表明,楠木林群落系演替程度较高的稳定性群落,为永顺当地的顶极群落之一。

    Studies on the succession stage , succession degree , succession law of the Machilus and Phoebe communities , demonstrate that Machilus and Phoebe communities are a kind of stable one , with a high succession degree . And they are also one of the local climax communities in Yongshun .

  22. 演替顶极阶段森林群落优势树种分布的变动趋势研究

    Research on the change trend of dominant tree population distribution patterns during development process of climax forest communities

  23. 在分析化石群落的演替中,作者首次应用了顶极和衰退群落的理论,并指出了腕足动物群落在演替过程中达到顶极阶段和衰退阶段的识别标志。

    The author first applies the theory of climax and decline communities to analyzing the process of the succession of fossil communities and comes up with the distinguishable criterion about whether the process of brachiopod community succession reaches climax stage or decline stage .

  24. 2)处于亚顶极阶段的森林群落各层次多样性指数(D和H′)特征是乔木层<草本层<灌木层;

    2 ) communities at the sub climax stage also showed different trends in diversity among layers & diversity indices ( D and H ′) were lowest in the tree layers followed the herb and shrub layers sequentially ;