
dǐng liáng zhù
  • pillar;backbone;anchor
顶梁柱 [dǐng liáng zhù]
  • [pillar;backbone] 指起非常重要作用的人或事物

  • 他是这项工程的顶梁柱

顶梁柱[dǐng liáng zhù]
  1. 我父亲一直是社区的顶梁柱。

    My father had been a pillar of the community .

  2. 多年来他一直是这个俱乐部的顶梁柱。

    He was a pillar of the club for over thirty years.30

  3. 我父亲死后,吉姆成了真正的顶梁柱。

    When my father died , Jim was a real support .

  4. 他们是这个厂的顶梁柱。

    They are the backbone of the factory .

  5. 你简直是家里的顶梁柱。

    You 're the mighty2 oak that holds the household together .

  6. 如今,我们急需IMF重新担当起全球金融体系顶梁柱的角色。

    It is now urgent that the fund serves again as the anchor of the global financial system .

  7. 不过,古怪宠物视频仍然很重要,而且仍将是YouTube的一根顶梁柱。

    But the wacky cat videos are still important , and will remain a staple of Youtube .

  8. 随着危机向其它欧洲国家蔓延,IMF变得越来越像一个配角,而非顶梁柱。

    It allowed itself to become more of a minor player , rather than an anchor , as contagion spread to other European countries .

  9. 根据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的数据,美国有40%的女性是家中的顶梁柱——也就是说,她们的收入比自己的丈夫要高。而我就是这40%中的一员。

    I 'm one of the 40 % of American women , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , who are the breadwinners for their families-that is , we earn more than our husbands .

  10. 而采取了完整车门设计的CRV却大放异彩,成为本田车系的一根顶梁柱。

    The more fully-doored CRV , on the other hand , became a huge hit and a staple of Honda 's lineup .

  11. 收入不高的家庭应当只给或优先给顶梁柱投保。

    Families with modest incomes should insure the breadwinner or breadwinners first .

  12. 它是这个家得顶梁柱。

    And he was expected to sacrifice everything for family .

  13. 还有,你是家里的男人(顶梁柱)啊。

    Plus , you are the man in the house .

  14. 随时伸出援手可靠人际关系的另一个顶梁柱就是支持。

    Be There For Others Another central pillar of strong relationships is support .

  15. 可靠人际关系的另一个顶梁柱就是支持。

    Another central pillar of strong relationships is support .

  16. 你家里的顶梁柱是谁?

    Who is the mainstay of your family ?

  17. 那个全家人依靠的顶梁柱昨天死于一场交通事故。

    The man on whom the whole family rely died in a traffic accident yesterday .

  18. 这4名军人的家庭因为家里顶梁柱的离去而受到严重打击。

    Four Army families are devastated .

  19. 她是一位远近闻名,颇有影响的福音传道士,是教会的一根顶梁柱。

    She was one of the pillars of the church , a powerful evangelist and very widely known .

  20. 自从特德·肯尼迪的哥哥们去世了之后,他就成了这个大家庭的顶梁柱。

    BARBARA KLEIN : After the deaths of his brothers , Ted Kennedy became the head of his extended family .

  21. 多年以来,这种观念深植于他们脑海之中,好像他们就必须要是家里的顶梁柱。

    Because it 's been imprinted in their head for so many years that they had to be the provider .

  22. 中国作为一个华夏文明古国,深知教育事业是强国之根本,而教师又是这一事业中的顶梁柱。

    As an ancient civilization , China deeply knows that education is the fundamental power while the teacher is the backbone .

  23. 对贫民来说,家里的顶梁柱倒下、农作物收成不好或生病,随便一个挫折就可让整个家庭陷入危机。

    For the poorest , a single setback-loss of a breadwinner , lackluster crop , illness-can propel a family into crisis .

  24. 你们家里不是还有不少能干的娃,怎么能把我家的顶梁柱领走呢。

    Did you not at home there are many talented baby , how can my family 's pillar led away yet .

  25. 家庭规模增长过程中,必须要给顶梁柱投入更多保险,以此保护家人。

    As the family increases in size , it is essential to add more insurance on the breadwinner to protect the dependents .

  26. 妇女占美国总劳动力的46%,女性在40%的美国家庭中是家里的顶梁柱。

    Women represent 46 percent of the total U.S. labor force , and 40 percent of American households have female primary breadwinners .

  27. 在过去女人满足于让男人成为养家糊口的人,并且是家里的顶梁柱。

    Original paragraph : Women in the past have been content to let the man be the breadwinner and the head of the household .

  28. 在一次事故中,作为家中顶梁柱的父亲永远地离去了,他也因此失去了双手。

    He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father 's life & who was the main source of support for the family .

  29. 知识型员工在社会劳动力中所占比例越来越大,已然成为企业的顶梁柱。

    Knowledge workers in the community accounts for a large protion of social labor force , and is becoming the main pillar of the workforce .

  30. 或者要学着在家人过世后如何成为家庭的顶梁柱,虽然你压根不知道如何面对今后的生活。

    or even dealing with becoming the leader of your family after someone 's passing and not knowing how to deal with Life after it happens .