
  • 网络Overhead Camshaft;DOHC;OHC;SOHC
  1. 另外,当凸轮轴位于汽缸盖上面时,这种方式被称为是顶置凸轮轴(HC)构。

    In addition , when the camshaft is located over the cylinder head , the arrangement is known as an overhead camshaft ( OHC ) design .

  2. 本文在国内外VVT技术的基础上,设计了一种适合中、小排量摩托车发动机单顶置凸轮轴VVT机构。

    Variable valve timing ( VVT ) mechanism of switching cam profile was developed for the small-medium displacement motorcycle engines .

  3. 为了提高动力特性,现代高速发动机一般都采用了顶置凸轮轴(OHC)式配气机构。

    Overhead cam ( OHC ) valve train has been widely adopted in modern high-speed internal-combustion engines for better dynamic characteristics .

  4. 近代摩托车用汽油机普遍采用顶置凸轮轴结构(OHC)和组合式气门弹簧。

    The overhead camshaft ( OHC ) and combination valve spring structure are in common use in modern motorcycle gasoline engine .

  5. 在摩托车发动机单顶置凸轮轴配气正时机构的结构形式基础上,研制一种可切换凸轮型线的VVT机构,具有2套可切换的进气配气正时参数。

    A variable valve timing ( VVT ) mechanism with switching cam is developed on a motorcycle engine with single overhead camshaft . The VVT mechanism has two sets of switchable intake valve timing parameter .

  6. 我国摩托车发动机主要集中在中小排量(50ml~250ml)范围内,且多采用单顶置凸轮轴配气机构。

    In China , large proportion of motorcycle engine displacement is narrow in the range of Small-medium displacement ( 50ml ~ 250ml ), and much of motorcycle engine valve train structure is Single Over Head Cam ( SOHC ) structure .

  7. 基于摩擦学的顶置凸轮轴式配气机构改进设计

    Optimization Design of Overhead Camshaft Valve Train Based on Tribology

  8. 分布:两个顶置凸轮轴,16气门。

    Distribution : two overhead camshafts , 16 valves .

  9. 顶置凸轮轴式配气机构设计的若干问题

    Some Problems about Designing Valve Train for OHC

  10. 顶置凸轮轴气门机构的分析与综合

    An Analysis of Overhead Camshaft Valve Structure

  11. 推杆发动机一般在低速运转,从而产生比相同大小的顶置凸轮轴较少功率。

    Push-rod engines typically run at slower speeds and , consequently , produce less horsepower than overhead-camshaft designs of equal size .

  12. 上海别克V6发动机配气机构为气门顶置、凸轮轴上置式,以齿形皮带同步传动。

    The valve mechanism of the V6engine of passenger car BUICK is overhang valve , overhang camshaft type ad driven synchronized with tooth-shaped belt .

  13. 该系统适合于顶置双凸轮轴车用高速汽油机。

    This VVT system is suitable for high-speed automotive gasoline engines with DOHC .