
  • 网络cost control;Project Cost Control
  1. 提出用全生命周期成本集成化虚拟组织,对Z技师学院实训楼建设项目成本控制进行研究。

    Full life cycle cost integrated virtual organization is put forward , on Z technician college training building construction project cost control for research .

  2. 初步建立的XX住宅小区开发项目成本控制体系及提出的成本控制策略需要进一步实践验证。

    Initial establishment of the beauty county residential sunshine project cost control system development and cost control strategies propose for further practice .

  3. CPA审计项目成本控制:理论拓展与路径选择

    Cost Control of CPA Audit Projects : Theory Developing & Path Selecting

  4. 关于工程施工项目成本控制的方法和原理,专家和学者多有论述,仁者见仁智者见智,如价值链分析法、量本利分析法、价值工程法、ABC分类法等。

    There are more expositions on the principles and methods of cost control in construction projects , such as value chain analytical method , value project method and ABC taxonomy .

  5. 全篇论文通过对QD城建集团承揽的QD东西快速路三期二标段工程的实例进行研究,证明QD城市快速路工程项目成本控制的效果不仅需要有扎实的科学理论作基础,还需要理论联系实际。

    Prove that QD urban expressway project cost control results not only have a solid scientific theory as a basis , also need to integrate theory with practice .

  6. 本文认为:EPC项目成本控制的目的是成功实现项目的预算计划,而成功的关键在于打造一个管理团队、积累一套历史数据、设计一个处理系统。

    Conclusions : in EPC project , the purpose of cost control is to accomplish the preset budget plan through efforts . The key points of EPC cost control are to create a management group , to amass a suit of history datum , to design a data-processing system .

  7. 工程项目成本控制流程的改进与模型构建

    On implementation and construction dynamic process of engineering projects cost control

  8. 应用计算机辅助管理促进项目成本控制

    Facilitate the Project Cost Control with Application of Computer Aided Management

  9. 浅析施工企业如何进行工程项目成本控制

    Brief analysis on how to control the project cost of construction enterprise

  10. 设计阶段是建设项目成本控制的关键阶段。

    The design phase construction project cost control is a crucial stage .

  11. 经济适用住房开发企业的项目成本控制研究

    Study on Project Cost Control of Affordable Housing Development Enterprises

  12. 工程项目成本控制的价值工程应用

    Apply VE to the Control of Cost of Engineering Project

  13. 从投标报价的角度分析工程项目成本控制

    Analysis on cost control of engineering projects from the bid rate angle

  14. 设计施工总承包条件下国际项目成本控制浅析

    Discussion about International Construction Project Cost Control under Design Construction General Contract

  15. 设计阶段住宅房地产开发项目成本控制研究

    The Cost Control Study in Design Phase of Real Estate Development Project

  16. 浅议研发设计部门与项目成本控制的关系

    Initial analysis of relationship between development design apartment and project cost control

  17. 建筑工程施工项目成本控制的措施研究

    Study on construction project cost control measures of building engineering

  18. 浅谈建筑企业施工项目成本控制与管理

    On construction project cost control and management in construction enterprises

  19. 第六章研究项目成本控制原理。

    The cost tracking and control principles are studied in Chapter 6 .

  20. 浙赣线电气化改造工程制梁1包项目成本控制

    Cost Control in Construction Projects of Zhe-gan Railway Electrization Transform

  21. 公路建设项目成本控制探讨

    Probe into the Cost Control of the Highway Construction Project

  22. 建筑施工项目成本控制和管理

    Cost control and management in the building construction project

  23. 设计阶段的成本控制是工程项目成本控制的关键与重点。

    Design cost control is the key to project cost control and focus .

  24. 普通商品住宅开发项目成本控制的研究

    Research of Cost Control in Common Commercial House Developing

  25. 工程项目成本控制的程序、关键、原则及途径

    Program , Key , Principle and Ways for Cost Control of Engineering Project

  26. 刍议如何实现工程项目成本控制的即时化

    Discussion on Realization of Real-Time Cost Management of Construction

  27. 公路工程建设项目成本控制体系的构建

    Foundation of cost control system on highway project construction

  28. 浅谈施工项目成本控制的原则和方法

    Brief discussion on the principle and the approach of the constraction project cost control

  29. 对市政工程项目成本控制的思考

    Study on Cost Control of Municipal Engineering Project

  30. 建立项目成本控制和盈余分析系统

    Develop project cost control and earned value system