
  • 网络project service;services
  1. 在PPP模式下,政府等公共部门和私人部门共担风险、共享收益,在公共项目服务的提供过程中发挥各自的优势。

    In PPP mode , the government and private sectors share the risks and profit . They can maximize the strenghs of both parties in providing public services .

  2. 将提供规划与招商同步发展的捆绑式项目服务。

    We will afford the bundled services for projects planning and promotion .

  3. SERVQUAL在饭店外包项目服务质量测量中的应用&以某接待宾馆餐厅为例

    SERVQUAL in the Hotel Outsourcing Service Quality Measurement & An Example of the Restaurant in a Hotel

  4. 总收入方面,GMAC报告称,它2012年的“项目服务收入”为9270万美元,较一年前的8850万美元有所增长。

    All told , GMAC reported that its " program service revenue " came to $ 92.7 million in 2012 , up from $ 88.5 million a year earlier .

  5. 为农业科技项目服务是科技情报的重要领域。

    Serving agricultural scientific projects is an important domain of sci-tech information .

  6. 浅谈电力设计院发展总承包项目服务外包

    Electric Power Design Institute to Develop Outside Contract to Service of General Contract Project

  7. 我们的每一项目服务都经过严格的测试,以确保产品的品质和有效性。

    We have services for each project through rigorous testing to ensure product quality and effectiveness .

  8. 仅仅在美国,就有接近2.3万个地方提供青年成就项目服务。

    In the United States alone , there are nearly twenty-three thousand places that hold Junior Achievement events .

  9. 这个企业关爱项目服务范围不仅面对企业中人,也包含其家庭成员。

    The service scope of this company caring program involves not only personnel in company but also their family members .

  10. 中国各建筑公司通过提供比外国竞争者更为廉价、往往也更为迅速的项目服务,在非洲各地发展壮大起来。

    Providing cheaper and often faster delivery on projects than foreign competitors , Chinese construction companies have proliferated across Africa .

  11. 在主体中,指出旅游营业人仅仅限于合法成立的旅行社,旅游项目服务提供者仅仅处于合同的履行辅助人的地位。

    In the subject of the contract , travel organizer is a travel agency merely , which had been established legitimately .

  12. 为唐德传媒的影视项目服务,为公司与企业的合作构架桥梁。

    Serving the film and television projects of Greater China media entertainment and building the bridge connecting the company and enterprises .

  13. 在项目服务周期内对不同的利益相关者进行针对性的战略制定将有助于企业取得良好绩效。

    In the project life cycle services to various stakeholders to develop targeted strategies will help enterprises to obtain good performance .

  14. 学生也必须从事和参与社区咨询项目服务,在服务中探索各种与青少年相关的问题。

    Community service and participation in Advisory , which explores a variety of issues relevant to young people , is also mandatory .

  15. 我们还被告知,政府将成立一家新的基建银行,为建设跨越多个州的复杂项目服务这类项目将在把美国打造成最先进的经济体的同时,雇佣大批劳动力。

    We were told about a new infrastructure bank to fashion complex multi-state projects that would employ huge numbers of workers while building a cutting-edge economy .

  16. 在当前的形势下,要做好这项工作,应把握三点:1.为大农业的各类科技项目服务;

    At present , three aspects of work that merit attention for a successful implementation : Serve various scientific projects under the concept of " Great-Agriculture ";

  17. 项目服务的满意度平均值为71.94%,其中医院手术满意度最高,为83%;康复机构服务满意度最低,为59.6%。

    Satisfaction with project services an average of 71.94 % , the highest satisfaction among hospital surgery , 83 % ; rehabilitation services , the lowest satisfaction , 59.6 % .

  18. 这些开发商应该采纳一种以产品为基础的商业模式而不是只为单一客户的项目服务,这样他们才能将产品销售给其他客户。

    Instead of handling projects that cater to a single client , these developers should adopt a product-based business model that would allow them to sell the product to multiple clients .

  19. 在项目服务对象方面:根据原先总体需求设计三个子项目、及服务对象建议开办子项目,在项目评估对象来看是有必要开展的。

    The project object thought that it is necessary development , according to the original overall demand view the design of three sub-projects , sub-projects of the proposed start-up and service targets .

  20. 本文的研究目的就是建立为工程项目服务的工期预警模型,通过有效地预警克服工程项目工期控制的滞后性和盲目性,保证工程项目能按期完成。

    The aim studied in this paper will build a time-cost relationship model for the engineering project . The hysteresis and blindness of construction duration control are overcome be the effective early warning , guaranteeing the construction project to finish on time .

  21. 基于ASP的中小企业网络化项目管理服务模式与系统研究

    Study on the ASP-based net-worked project management service mode and system development for middle and small sized enterprises

  22. WebService向导创建了一个IBMi项目Web服务以及Web服务操作,它们调用了IBMi系统上一个或者多个服务器项目或者服务项目程序。

    The Web Service wizard creates a bottom-up IBM I program Web service with Web service operations that call one or more server programs or service program procedures on IBM I systems .

  23. 有一个开放源代码项目提供服务组件体系结构的运行时实现,可用于运行SCA应用程序。

    There is an open source project which provides a runtime implementation of Service Component Architecture , which you can use to run SCA applications .

  24. INSAP的出版支持负责人JulieWalker对SciEdit表示了欢迎:“对这类项目和服务肯定存在着需求。”

    Julie Walker , head of publishing support at INASP , welcomes SciEdit : " There is definitely a need for these kinds of projects and services . "

  25. 例如,慈善导航最近的报告称,ALS协会得到了最高的四星评级,部分原因是其将2013财年收入的72%用于项目和服务;

    According to Charity Navigator 's latest report , for instance , ALSA earned the highest four-star rating , in part , for spending 72 % of its fiscal year 2013 revenue on programs and services ;

  26. 社区卫生项目咨询服务管理存在的问题与对策研究

    Problems and countermeasures in consulting service administration of community health projects

  27. 工程项目监理服务的管理研究

    The Research of Management Methods of Construction Projects Supervision Service

  28. 基于多项目晶圆服务的工作站管理与维护

    The Workstation Management and Maintenance for Multiple Project Wafer Service

  29. 对合肥市项目审批服务制度的研究和思考

    Research on the Service System of Examining and Approving the Project of Hefei

  30. mwp&美盛沃利工程技术有限公司负责公司的项目工程服务。

    Mwp-maisonworleyparsons is responsible to carry out the project engineering service for the company .