
  1. 顾城说:我从没被谁知道,所以也没被谁忘记。

    I never be known by whom , so I won 't be forgot .

  2. 黑暗里的光明与光明里的黑暗(下)&诗人朱湘与顾城的比较

    The Light in the Darkness and the Darkness in the Light

  3. 试论顾城诗的纯净美

    On the Purity Beauty of Gu Cheng 's Poems

  4. 一个童话的彼岸&解读《顾城的诗》

    The Other Side of A Fairy World & The Interpretation of Gu Cheng s Poems ;

  5. 谈谈艺术解读中的辩证生命还原&从顾城的诗《弧线》说起

    On " the Dialectical Life Revivification " in Artistic Interpretation-Beginning from the Poem Arc Line by Gu Cheng

  6. 顾城说,人生很短,人世很长,我在中间,需要休息。

    The life is very short , The world is very long , I in among , Needs to rest .

  7. 作为诗人的朱湘和顾城,对中国新诗的发展作出过各自独特的贡献。

    As poets , Zhu Xiang and Gu Cheng made a unique contribution to the development of New Poetry of China .

  8. 当顾城与世界对抗时,他选择从这个世界逃出去,离开此在的生活。

    When Gu Cheng confronted to the world he lived , he chose to flee from it , leaving the life there .

  9. 诗人朱湘和顾城之死,在中国新诗史上震动较大,曾经是评论界关注的两个热点。

    The death of two poets , Zhu Xiang and Gu Cheng , caused a great vibration in the history of New Poetry in China .

  10. 文章首先从多方面讨论了顾城的诗人之性,探讨了顾城作为朦胧诗人的诗人之路与诗人之性;

    The thesis first discussed multifaceted nature of Gu Cheng as a poet of misty poetry , explored Gu Cheng Road and his nature as a poet ;

  11. 顾城是中国当代众多朦胧诗人中特立独行的一位,在中国当代文学史上也是一位颇具争议的人物。

    Content : Gu Cheng is a unique one in many contemporary poets of misty poetry , who is a rather controversial figure in Chinese contemporary literature history .

  12. 顾城一生中有三次比较重要的逃避过程:流放乡村,回到城市和移居国外。

    There are three important " escaping " journey in his life : being exiled to the countryside , returning to the city and migrated to the foreign country .

  13. 中国诗人顾城和法国诗人兰波有很多相似之处,他们都是神童诗人,拥有同样的传奇人生,同样的短暂生命。

    The similarities between French poet Rimbaud and Chinese poet Gu Cheng are remarkable : they were both child prodigies , both of them lived short but legendary lives .

  14. 顾城有句诗写道,“用心中的纯银,铸一把钥匙,去开启天国的门,向着人类。”

    Gu'cheng once wrote in the poem ," Found one key with the pure silver in our heart to open the door towards the heaven , and face the mankind . "

  15. 顾城总是在追求在别处的人生,那是他的精神故乡,他一生寻找和要返回的就是这个故乡,这个贴近他生命的本源。

    Gu Cheng always pursued a life in " other place ", which is his spiritual hometown . This hometown he looked for and wanted to return all through his life is the " origin " which is close to his real life .