
  • 网络advisory group;advisory team;advisory panel
  1. NCA科学顾问组成员的独立评估也确认了这项研究及其发现的完整性。

    Independent review by members of NCA Scientific Advisory Group also confirmed the integrity of the study and its findings .

  2. 世界卫生组织的科学与技术顾问组将在本月晚些时候决定是否推荐这种新的测试。

    The WHO 's scientific and technical advisory group will decide later this month whether to recommended the new test .

  3. 这项评估等级(AL)框架的复审将接受外部顾问组提供的建议。

    This AL framework review will receive input from an external reference group .

  4. 编者注:在九十年代早期,AlistairCockburnIBM顾问组工作时,为OO(面向对象)的开发制订了一套工作方法。

    Editor 's note : In the early1990s , Alistair Cockburn was hired by the IBM Consulting Group to construct and document a methodology for OO development .

  5. 美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)一个有影响力的顾问组已一致批准第一项对人类使用Crispr基因组编辑(也称基因编辑)技术,以“重启”癌症病人免疫细胞的临床试验。

    An influential advisory panel at the US National Institutes of Health has unanimously approved the first clinical trial to use Crispr genome-editing ( also known as gene-editing ) on humans , to reboot immune cells in cancer patients .

  6. 昆西·琼斯加入2008年奥运会仪式顾问组

    Quincy Jones joins consultants ' team for 2008 Olympic ceremonies

  7. 重点讲解:公司的顾问组由多位学术界、工业界和商界的成功人士组成。

    The consultant team co many successful people from academic , industry , and business world .

  8. 公司的顾问组由多位学术界、工业界和商界的成功人士组成。

    The consultant team comprises of many successful people from academic , industry , and business world .

  9. 论技术顾问组在某高层工程施工中的作用对公众参与制度化的探索&深圳市龙岗区顾问规划师制度的构建

    The function of the technological advisory group for construction of a building an exploration on the institutional-ization of public participation

  10. 私营机构顾问组可协助公司找出高风险的范畴,并提供实用的意见,减低这些风险。

    The advisory services group can assist a company in identifying high risk areas , and give practical advice to help minimize the risks .

  11. 专家顾问组,实行定点帮扶和帮助谋划发展等方面是其参政的主要形式。

    The main mode is that the expert advisory group participate mainly by providing regular help in certain areas and help them in planning for the future .

  12. 该网络将由比利时的植物生物技术促进发展中国家研究所联合协调,并且受到一个科学技术顾问组和指导委员会的管理。

    The network will be co-ordinated by the Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries , Belgium , and supervised by a scientific and technological advisory panel and a steering committee .

  13. 作为海事监督部门,国家海洋局已经代表中国准备提出生态赔偿,并已招募了一个法律顾问组来提起诉讼。

    As the supervising maritime authority , SOA has been preparing a lawsuit for ecological compensation on behalf of China . It has recruited a team of legal advisers to file the case .

  14. 西北地区继续医学教育项目自1992年开始运行,为了促进项目深入健康地开展,由项目专家顾问组及各中心项目办公室负责人组成评估组,对项目进行了中期评估。

    Northwest Continuing Medical Education program has carried out since 1992 . In order to promote the deepened and proper development of the program , the evaluating group which consists of the program expert consultants and the managers of each program center made mid & term evaluation of the program .

  15. FDA顾问专家组称,此次会议对线粒体操作的思考将仅限于科学层面,任何伦理和社会政策问题都不在关注范畴内。

    The F.D.A. advisory panel says that its meeting will consider only scientific aspects of mitochondrial manipulation and that any ethical and social policy issues are outside its scope .

  16. FDA顾问专家组称,此次会议对线粒体操作的思考将仅限于科学层面,任何“伦理和社会政策问题”都不在关注范畴内。

    The F.D.A. advisory panel says that its meeting will consider only scientific aspects of mitochondrial manipulation and that any " ethical and social policy issues " are outside its scope .

  17. 学术(顾问)组更加注重市场预测,及时提供有关林业和林产品的市场走向,研究动态等;

    The advisory committee is required to emphasize on marketing and to provide information about the international market trend of forest technology and forest products as well as the state of art of forest and forest products study .

  18. 这是个了不起的成就,是类似的城市品质使伦敦和曼谷这两座城市皆能位列前茅,万事达卡顾问公司亚太组负责人埃里克?施奈德说道。

    This is an impressive achievement and it is similar qualities that have kept them both at the top , said Eric Schneider , group head of MasterCard Advisors , Asia-Pacific .

  19. 传统的风险评估与合规性审计需要大量的占用大量的人力资源,一般由多名顾问组成项目组定期对系统进行风险评估或审计,一次审计耗费周期长,多次审计之间可复用资源低。

    The traditional risk assessment and compliance audits requires a lot of take a lot of human resources , general consultants from the project team on a regular basis over the system risk assessment or audit , an audit takes a long cycle times between the reusable resources audit low .