
  1. 我们不能不首先获得顾客投入和提前告知他们就作出重大改变。

    We can 't make major changes without first getting customer input and without notifying them well in advance .

  2. 结果表明,如顾客满意度、研发投入等战略指标对公司的价值增值影响显著。

    The results indicate that strategic index such as customer satisfaction and R & D expense are significantly associated with value added .

  3. 另外,近年来市场营销理论研究陷入了顾客忠诚困境,企业在追求顾客满意和顾客忠诚上投入的越来越多,但真正忠诚的顾客却越来愈少。

    In addition , in recent years the study of marketing theory has been lost into a customer loyalty dilemma , more and more investment have been put by companies in the pursuit of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty , while the truly loyal customers are increasingly the less .