
  • 网络Pre-paid Service;PPS;PPC;Pre-Paid Charging
  1. 根据从移动运营商的移动智能网中采集到的真实数据,分析了神州行预付费业务用户通话时长的分布规律。

    According to the real data collected from the mobile intelligent network of mobile operators , the distribution law of call duration of pre-paid service is studied .

  2. 基于综合智能网实现GPRS预付费业务技术

    The Technology Research on GPRS Prepaid Sevices Based on Integrated Intelligent Network

  3. 移动智能网预付费业务中GPRS业务属性的实现方案研究

    Research of Implementation Schemes of GPRS Service Feature of Pre-Paid Service in Mobile Intelligent Network

  4. 并且以短消息预付费业务为例说明了基于CAMEL方案的业务能力。

    The service capability of CAMEL based solution is explained by SMS pre - paid service as example .

  5. 可以预见,以3G为代表的下一代服务势必为欧洲运营商预付费业务带来新的发展机遇。

    It is therefore foreseeable that the next generation services in tandem with the 3G technology will generate more opportunities for prepaid market in Europe .

  6. 之后,详细分析和介绍了预付费业务的的外部以及内部信令流程和SDL流程。

    And then the external , internal signal procedure and SDL procedure in PrePaid Charge service were also introduced and analyzed in detail .

  7. 最后通过系统测试的方法,采用批量用户对归属位置寄存器、访问位置寄存器及预付费业务进行了测试,证实了PHS网络互联互通的实现。

    The author tests the HLR , VLR and Prepaid service by many subscribers and system testing , which makes the mutual communication and roaming of different PHS networks come true .

  8. 基于短消息的移动预付费业务解决方案

    A Solution of Short Message Service - Based For Telecommunication Prepayment

  9. 分析无线数据预付费业务解决方案的市场需求。

    Analyse the market needs of prepaid solution for WDS .

  10. 欧州预付费业务发展动向及技术趋势

    The Development Prospect and Technological Trend of European Prepaid Services

  11. 移动智能网的预付费业务简介

    Brief Introduction to Mobile Intelligent Network Prepaid Service

  12. 现在该系统可提供预付费业务、移动虚拟专用网业务和通用接入码业务。

    The system provides prepaid services , mobile VPN services and universal access number services .

  13. 比如预付费业务带来了高端认证过程泄密而形成的欺诈。

    For instance , the prepaid service may bring about fraud caused by breach of confidence in high - end authentication .

  14. 目前,我国手机用户达4亿之多,其中有一半是中国移动和中国联通的预付费业务用户。

    Currently , half of the country's400 million cell phone users pre-pay for their mobile service provided by China Mobile and China Unicom .

  15. 第二种方案虽然对现有网络影响大,但除预付费业务外,还能提供其它特定业务,且采用标准协议,能提供多供应商的运行环境。

    The second scheme , despite its great impact on the existing networks , provides additional services and multi-vendor operating environments , using standard protocols .

  16. 介绍了预付费业务的基本流程及当前存在的问题。分析了后开户系统的主要功能和建设方案。

    The basic operation flow of prepaid services and the existing problems are presented in brief , the main function of post-account-opening system and the construction plan are analyzed .

  17. 在具体实施中,对用户唯一性标识、强制客户端软件实现、基于流量的预付费业务等几个关键问题提出了创新的解决方案并进行了验证,收到了良好的效果。

    In concrete implementation , it advances the creative solution and progresses the verification to a few key problems which are user unique certification , the compulsive customer port software , prepay traffic according to the flow .

  18. 然后以移动智能网中的预付费业务和短消息业务为例,使用具有反馈的M/G/1排队系统分析了业务消息的时延与消息到达率之间的关系,同时通过仿真对结果进行验证。

    Taking the prepaid service and short message service as examples , we analyze the relationship between message delay and message arrival rate by using an M / G / 1 queueing system with feedback , and verify the results with simulation .

  19. 尤其近年来,客户和市场对预付费电话业务的需求急速增长。

    Especially in recent years , there 's an urgent demand for the prepaid service from the market .

  20. 最后本文通过采用预付费的业务模型,对公共协议平台解决方案的实现效果进行了测试,并给出了测试结果。

    Finally , this paper used prepaid service module to get a test result for common protocol platform solution .

  21. 为此,南欧运营商采取的重要一步就是提供预付费的GPRS业务,并准备引入MMS业务。

    There-fore , the important step op erators in Southern Europe adopt is to provide prepaid GPRS ser-vices and to plan to introduce MMS service .

  22. 目前电信行业市场需求变化非常快,尤其智能网平台承载着所有预付费用户的业务受理,其中最重要是10010短信受理。

    Currently telecom industry market demand changes very fast , particularly intelligent network platform for all users of bearing the business , the most important is 10010 SMS-accepts business .

  23. 论文中Diameter方案是在原有的增值业务支撑体系架构中增加了信用控制服务器,实现智能网预付费用户使用增值业务时的实时计费和信用控制功能。

    In Diameter scheme , credit control server is added in the primary structure of value-added service supporting system , implementing the function of real-time accounting and credit control when pre-paid customer uses value-added service .

  24. 预付费用户多媒体消息业务的实现

    Implementation of Multimedia Message Service of Pre-paid Customer

  25. 本文尝试在结算系统中使用内存数据库,对于预付费用户的国际业务实现实时算费和实时结算。

    This article attempts in the settlement system using memory database for prepaid users international business to achieve real-time calculate cost and real time settlement .

  26. 分析话音业务与数据业务在预付费控制方面的异同,总结移动智能网预付费业务的特点及其解决方案的缺陷。

    Analyse the difference between data service and voice service .