
  • 网络preprint;preprints
  1. 这份发布在预印本平台MedRxiv上的报告是几位研究人员和科学家的合作成果,尚未经过同行评审或发表在期刊上。

    The report , posted on the preprint server MedRxiv , is a collaboration of several researchers and scientists . It has not yet been peer-reviewed or published in a journal .

  2. 感谢您将你的否定论文的预印本发给我。

    Thank you for sending me the preprint of your Disproof .

  3. 我国电子预印本文库(E-printArchive)发展的瓶颈及应对策略

    The Bottleneck and Strategies for the Development of E-print Archive in China

  4. 基于OAI的电子预印本资源共享

    Tho OAI-based E-print Resources Sharing

  5. 本文在总结电子预印本类型与发展现状的基础上,讨论了基于OAI实现预印本资源的共享。

    Based on an analysis of the types and status quo of e-print , this paper discusses how to carry out OAI-based e-print resources sharing .

  6. 国内电子预印本系统的问题和对策

    Problems in E-print Archives in China and Some Countermeasures for Solution

  7. 电子预印本是一种开放的学术信息交流媒介。

    E-print is an open communication intermedium of scholarly information .

  8. 电子预印本档案&一种重要的网络信息资源

    Electronic Preprint Archives & An Important Internet Information Resource

  9. 电子预印本系统隐性质量控制机制研究

    Study on Tacit Quality Control Mechanism of E-preprint System

  10. 国内预印本系统比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Preprint Systems in China

  11. 电子预印本数据库。

    The data bank of electronic pre-printing copy .

  12. 论文探讨了我国电子预印本系统的现状、存在问题和发展策略。

    This paper probes into the current situation , problems and countermeasures of the E-print Archive in china .

  13. 【中英文摘要】论述电子预印本系统虽然无同行评议,但仍具较高学术水平的原因。

    This paper firstly discusses the reasons why e-preprint system still has higher academic level without peer review .

  14. 任何一个版本之前预印本侪审查和出版物,通常的版本提交给期刊。

    A preprint is any version prior to peer review and publication , usually the version submitted to a journal .

  15. 笔者同时还介绍了中国预印本服务系统建设情况和功能特点。

    The article also summarizes the work on Preprint System of China and introduces the function and the characteristic of it .

  16. 生物学界在接受电子预印本上一向进展缓慢,却可能领先开拓出下一波的线上出版。

    The biology community , which has been slow to adopt electronic preprints , may actually pioneer the next wave of online publishing .

  17. 施韦泽向时报提供了书中材料的预印本,时报认真核实了他的信息,并在其基础上进行了自己的报道。

    Schweitzer provided a preview of material in the book to The Times , which scrutinized his information and built upon it with its own reporting .

  18. 本文从预印本的产生发展开始,介绍了国际上主要的应用站点的使用情况,并在此基础上总结了这种信息资源的重要作用,讨论了目前预印本界最关注的资源共享问题。

    This article describes the development of preprint , introduces several important preprint systems in the world , analyses the importance of preprint resource , and then discusses the problem of resource sharing .

  19. 您可以从一个位置搜索众多学科和资料来源:来自学术著作出版商、专业性社团、预印本、各大学及其他学术组织的经同行评论的文章、论文、图书、摘要和文章。

    From one place , you can search across many disciplines and sources : peer-reviewed papers , theses , books , abstracts and articles , from academic publishers , professional societies , preprint repositories , universities and other scholarly organizations .

  20. 本文介绍了电子预印本的含义、内容,并在分析其特点和作用的基础上初步探讨了其对未来学术信息交流模式的影响及意义和其对学术交流体系中部分环节的影响。

    This article introduces the definition and the content of E-print , analyzes the characteristics and the function of it , and finally explores the influence and the significance of E-print on the future scholarly information communication mode and its influence on some links of the scholarly information communication system .