
  • 网络expected inflation;Expected Inflation Rate;anticipated inflation rate;Expected rate of inflation
  1. 通货膨胀率和预期通货膨胀率都与资产负债率和债务期限结构显著的正相关。

    Inflation and expected inflation rates are all positively associated with assets liabilities ratio and debt maturity structure .

  2. 他将货币视为一种资产,公众持有这种资产的意愿取决于收入水平、利率和预期通货膨胀率。

    He treated money as an asset . The public desire to hold this asset depended on incomes , the rate of interest and expected inflation .

  3. 接下来介绍了H-P滤波方法和ARIMA模型,这两种方法是可以分解通货膨胀率,将其分解为预期通货膨胀率和非预期通货膨胀率。

    HP introduced the next filtering methods and ARIMA model , which can be two ways to break down the rate of inflation , is expected to be broken down into the expected inflation rate and inflation rate .

  4. 我们发现不管是通胀期还是通缩期,预期通货膨胀率对货币需求的影响显著,但是影响力较弱。

    We found that regardless of inflation or deflation , the expected inflation rate affects the demand for money significantly , but the influence is weak .

  5. 我们首先估计出了预期通货膨胀率和潜在经济增长率,然后依据通货膨胀预期误差和产出缺口的关系来描述我国菲利普斯曲线的动态特征。

    We firstly estimate the inflation expectations and potential output , and then we describe the dynamics of Phillips curve based on the inflation expectation error and output gap .

  6. 然后,通过查阅有关文献,利用1993年-2009年的季度数据作为样本,建立有效预测预期通货膨胀率的模型。

    Then , by consulting relevant literature , using the quarterly data of 1993-2009 as samples , the chapter establishes a model for effectively forecasting the expected rate of inflation .

  7. 扩展到股票市场,股票名义收益率与预期通货膨胀率也应该是一对一正比关系,而实际股票收益率则不受通货膨胀率影响。

    Extended to the stock market , nominal rate of stock return and the inflation rate should be a one-to-one positive relationship , but the actual stock return is not subject to inflation .

  8. 引入货币因素后,预期通货膨胀率和预期产出缺口不显著,这主要是因为预期通胀率、预期产出缺口和货币供应量增长率存在较大的相关性。

    After we bring the monetary factor , expected inflation rate and expected output gap are insignificant . The main reason is that expected inflation rate , expected output gap and monetary supply have high correlation .

  9. 首先,市场对财政前景持乐观态度:英美的预期通货膨胀率仍处于有效控制之中,英美传统的10年期政府债券的利率仍低于3%。

    First , markets are optimistic about the fiscal prospects : expected inflation remains well contained in the US and UK and interest rates on conventional 10-year US and UK government bonds are still below 3 per cent .

  10. 预期通货膨胀率是经济主体对未来实际通货膨胀率的估计,研究通货膨胀预期,寻找遏制通货膨胀的方法,有助于前瞻性地了解货币政策对经济的作用。

    The anticipated inflation rate is the estimation on future factual inflation rate made by economy main body , It helps to realize the monetary policy effect on economy to research inflation anticipation and search for method about restraining inflation .

  11. 其次,提出按照汇率贬值率等于本国目标通货膨胀率减去国外预期通货膨胀率,并扣除估计的生产率偏差为依据,来适时调整中心汇率的规则。

    Second , the author suggests that the rate of exchange rate depreciation equal targeted domestic inflation rate subtracts foreign expected inflation rate and production rate . In accord with this , the rule of central exchange rate can be timely adjusted .

  12. 文章将我国实际的通货膨胀率数据与推算出的预期通货膨胀率数据相比较得出如下结论:我国通货膨胀率预期的形成机制并不是基于理性预期的,理性预期的菲利普斯曲线在我国并不存在。

    On the basis of a comparison of the data of actual inflation with inflation expectation , the following conclusions are reached : the formation mechanism of inflation expectation in China is not on the base of rational expectation , Lucas 's rational-expectation Phillips Curve does not exist in China .

  13. 很多国家和机构的调查系统都以行为经济学的理论为指导,设计了有关消费者或投资者心理行为的调查,并且以此开发出了诸如信心指数、情绪指数和预期通货膨胀率等行为调查数据。

    Many countries and institutions construct the consumer survey systems that have the questions on consumers ' behavior , which are based on the theory of behavioral economics , and use the data from the questions to design some behavior index , such as consumer sentiment index and expected inflation .

  14. 消费者风险预期与通货膨胀率关系的实证分析

    The empirical analysis on consumer 's risk expectation and the inflation rate

  15. 补助金将随着今秋预期的3%通货膨胀率而增加。

    The grant will be increased in line with the3 % inflation expected this autumn .

  16. 股票市场的费雪效应(FisherEffect),是指股票的预期名义收益率等于其预期实际收益率加上预期通货膨胀率。

    Fisher Effect in stock market means the expected nominal return should equal to the expected real return plus expected inflation rate .

  17. 我们采用状态空间方程模型过滤出预期的工业产出增长率、预期的货币供给M1增长率和预期通货膨胀率,发现特有波动率与预期的工业产出增长率和通货膨胀率显著的正相关。

    Using the state-space model , we filter out the expected industry output growth , the expected monetary supply M1 growth , and the expected inflation rate .