
yù ɡuò lǜ
  • prefiltration
  1. 试验采用了活性炭吸附、预过滤、膜过滤的工艺路线。

    Active carbon adsorption , prefiltration , membrane filtration are applied in this trial .

  2. 在该方法的第二步,即在基于LDA的文本分类中,本文采用信息增益对词汇进行预过滤,减少了词汇的数量,加快了文本分类建模和实际分类的速度。

    For the second step of the text classification , this thesis applies the methods of information gain to filter words which reduce the number of words and accelerate the speed of modeling and text classification .

  3. 采取有效的预过滤并在运行中采用质量分数2%NaOH溶液清洗等措施,可有效抑制膜污染。

    The membrane fouling could be effectively controlled by pre-filter and regular rinsing with 2 % NaOH .

  4. 利用广告的层级类目信息,提出了一种有效的广告预过滤算法减小候选广告集,进而提高广告点击率预测和排序的效率。

    Propose an effective advertising pre-filtering algorithm to reduce the set of candidate ads with level category information , thereby Enhance the efficiency of click-through rate prediction .

  5. 不过,紫外线系统必须安装适当的预过滤,一碳单位单独解决的味道和气味问题,将只在有可用的电源。

    However , ultraviolet system must install proper beforehand , a carbon filter unit alone to the taste and smell of the problem , will only in usable power supply .

  6. 对直接蒸发冷却空调机中填料的正确使用、循环水水质处理及空气预过滤等影响空调机使用寿命的问题作详细阐述。

    Describes some problems that have influence on the life time of air-conditioner such as correct use of pad , disposal of circulating water , pre-filtration of air and so on .

  7. 文章根据实验室研究和生产实践,总结出了一套腈纶废水预过滤的操作方法,对生产实践具有重要的指导意义。

    This paper summarized a set of operation methods for pre filtering of acrylic fiber wastewater based on lab research and production practice , which is of guiding significance for production practice .

  8. 微滤前离心和预过滤去除了金枪鱼脾脏提取物中的部分悬浮颗粒,改变了其中颗粒尺寸分布从而影响了微滤过程中污染机制。

    Centrifugation and pre-filtration removed a part of suspended solids in tuna spleen extract before microfiltration , thus changed the particle size distribution in the extract and changed fouling mechanism during microfiltration .

  9. 这样,通过对所有结点进行预过滤,不仅能够找到用户兴趣相投的用户集合,还能减少候选集合数目,提高算法的运行效率。

    In this way , through the pre-filtering process , we not only help users find others they are interested in , but also reduce the number of candidate sets , improve the efficiency of algorithm .

  10. 主要介绍了废磁悬液吸附剂预涂膜过滤技术工艺。

    The filtration technology with adsorbent precoat for waste magnetic suspending liquid is introduced .

  11. 预搜索过滤分心物的机制

    Mechanisms of Distractor Filtering in Preview Search

  12. 硅藻土预涂层过滤技术

    Technique of Precoating Filtrations with Celite

  13. 介绍了硅藻土预涂层过滤方法,它适合于精密磨削条件下的磨削液净化过滤。

    The precoating filtration method is introduced with celite , which suits to the grinding liquid to be cleaned and filtered when the fine grinding is being taken .

  14. 由方案比较可以看出,采用传统氧化混凝法除砷比改进的预氧化过滤除砷在前期投资上稍低一点。

    Program can be seen from the comparison with traditional oxidation than coagulation for arsenic removal filter to improve the pre-oxidation on the removal of arsenic in slightly lower upfront investment .

  15. 在新架构的基础上,本文提出了对日志进行预处理的过滤模块和解析范化模块的概念。

    Based on the new architecture , this thesis made concepts of filtering module and analyzing-normalizing module in log pre-processing .

  16. 在试验中进行了盐水预处理与过滤后盐水的质量、膜结垢的清洗技术等研究。

    The research includes brine pretreatment ; the quality study after brine filtration and the technology of clearing the film dirty .

  17. 基于VNC和RFB协议,在远程服务器中引入图像处理模块和用户接口安全控制模块,对公共终端的显示信息进行预处理,并过滤公共终端的用户事件;

    Base on the VNC and RFB protocol , the remote server is augmented with two extra components : the Image Processor removing private content from public display and the UI Security Controller filtering the UI events from the public terminal ;

  18. 高纯水制备的有效预处理&硅藻土过滤

    Diatomaceous earth filtration as effective pretreatment for preparation of high-purity water

  19. 数据预处理,信息过滤和自动标引;

    Pre-processing the data set , filtering information and automatic indexing ;

  20. 该方法包括预处理、噪声过滤、句子权值计算和文摘生成等步骤。

    This method includes the following steps : pre-processing , noise filtering , sentences weighting and summary generation .