
yí hé yuán
  • the Summer Palace;Summer Palace in Beijing
颐和园 [yí hé yuán]
  • [Summer Palace in Beijing] 在北京西郊,当时是慈禧太后的行宫

  • 盖将以二十八日亲往颐和园请命 西后云。-- 清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

颐和园[yí hé yuán]
  1. 颐和园是我们野餐的最佳地点。

    The Summer Palace is the best spot for our picnic .

  2. 我坐这车是否能直达颐和园?

    Will this bus take me straight to the summer palace ?

  3. 确切地址我记不清了,总之是在颐和园附近。

    I can 't remember the exact address , but it 's somewhere near the summer palace .

  4. B哦,我们可以去长城或者颐和园。

    B Well , we could go to the Great Wall or the Summer Palace .

  5. 中国NBA球星姚明将带着火炬点燃仪式主火炬,随后是在颐和园的庆祝活动。

    Chinese NBA star Yao Ming will carry the torch to ignite a ceremonial cauldron before a celebration at the palace , organizers said .

  6. 以壳聚糖絮凝剂作为聚合氯化铝(PAC)的助凝剂,絮凝处理颐和园昆明湖湖水,考察了PAC在壳聚糖助凝作用下对浊度和有机物的去除效果,以及水中残留铝浓度的变化。

    Flocculant chitosan was used to enhance the flocculation treatment of the surface water from Kunming lake in Summer palace , Beijing by polymeric aluminum chloride ( PAC ) .

  7. 本文的研究内容是北京市可持续发展相关技术研究项目课题&颐和园古典园林夜景照明技术研究的一个子课题(Y0604017040391)。

    This paper is a part of the research on the lighting techniques of the Chinese traditional buildings in Summer Palace which is a sub-project of the Municipal Research on the Correlative Techniques for Beijing 's Sustainable Development ( Y0604017040391 ) .

  8. 星期天上午我们去颐和园好吗?

    Shall we go to the summer place in Sunday morning ?

  9. A咱们这周末去参观颐和园。

    Let 's go and visit the Summer Palace this weekend .

  10. 明天上午他们打算参观颐和园。

    They are going to visit the Summer Palace tomorrow morning .

  11. 上周日,除了汤姆以外,每个人都去了颐和园。

    Everyone went to the summer palace except Tom last sunday .

  12. 万寿山是颐和园的视觉中心。

    Longevity Hill is the focal point of the Summer Palace .

  13. 李家人打算去参观颐和园。

    The Li 's are going to visit the Summer Palace .

  14. 除了他外,所有的学生都去颐和园了。

    All the students went to the summer palace except him .

  15. 我们都去颐和园,你怎么着?

    We all go to the summer palace , what about you ?

  16. 把周末腾出来,我们好去颐和园玩。

    Keep the weekend free for our trip to the summer palace .

  17. 我建议下午去颐和园参观。

    I 'd suggest a visit to the summer place this afternoon .

  18. 只有这万寿山在颐和园里边。

    Only the Lobgevity Hill remains inside the Summer Palace .

  19. 你知道到颐和园的车几点开吗?

    Do you know when the bus for the Summer Palace leave ?

  20. 颐和园夜间照明对雨燕影响的试验研究

    Studies of the Influence of Lighting on Swift Behavior in Summer Palace

  21. 浅析颐和园的园林艺术特色

    Discussion about the Garden Art Feature of the Summer Palace & YIHEYUAN

  22. 选取颐和园地区作为系统的实验区域。

    Summer Palace area is selected as experimental area of the system .

  23. 颐和园主要有哪几个部分?

    What are the main parts of the summer palace ?

  24. 明十三陵和颐和园都能去吗?

    To go to both the Ming Tombs and the summer palace ?

  25. 我知道怎么去颐和园。

    I know how to get to the summer palace .

  26. 她住在颐和园的西边。

    She lived to the west of the Summer Palace .

  27. 颐和园的正门在何处?

    Where is the main entrance to the summer palace ?

  28. 下周二我们去颐和园怎么样?

    Shall we go to the Summer Palace next Tuesday ?

  29. 一年中的这个时候颐和园是非常美的。

    It 's really beautiful at this time of year .

  30. 北京颐和园西堤古柳组织培养体系的建立

    Tissue Culture Technique of Ancient Willows from the Summer Palace , Beijing