
  • 网络Frequency difference;FDOA;MHz;Delta F;DFO-differential frequency offset
  1. 文中提出了计算定焦误差的方法,分析了定焦误差与双频光栅的频率差(或剪切量)及系统的F数之间的关系。

    The author presents a method of calculating the error of location and analyses the relationship between the error of location and the frequency difference of double-frequency grating ( or the amount of shear ) and F number of the system .

  2. 谐振式光学陀螺(ROG)是通过测量Sagnac效应产生的谐振频率差来检测旋转角速度的一种新型光学传感器,在小型化和集成化上具有明显优势。

    Resonant Optic Gyro is a novel angular velocity sensor based on the Sagnac effect , which has great advantages in miniaturization and integration .

  3. 谐振式光纤陀螺是基于光学Sagnac效应产生的谐振频率差来测量旋转角速率的一种新型光学传感器。

    The resonator fiber optic gyro ( R-FOG ) is a novel inertial rotation sensor , which uses resonance-frequency change due to the Sagnac effect to measure for rotating sensing .

  4. 研究了Holmes型Duffing振子的混沌及间歇混沌运动,发现参考信号与摄动信号间的微小角频率差是振子产生间歇混沌的原因。

    The chaos and the intermittent chaos motions of the Holmes type Duffing oscillator are researched . It is founded that the tiny angular frequency difference between the referential signal and the disturbing signal is the reason of the intermittent chaos .

  5. 针对空间电子侦察卫星对地面固定辐射源进行无源定位的问题,研究并提出了一种通过低轨双星联合利用到达时间差(TDOA)和到达频率差(FDOA)无源定位的解析计算方法。

    The low orbit dual-satellites passive location method for electronic reconnaissance using TDOA ( time difference of arrival ) and FDOA ( frequency difference of arrival ) was studied and presented which locates ground emitter from space satellites .

  6. 用外差移频技术实现周期的细分,再辅以微机存贮技术使频率差分辨率达到1×10-4Hz。

    By means of the heterodyne frequency shift technique and the computer storage technique the sensitivity of beat frequency achieved 1 × 10 - 4 Hz .

  7. 听觉部位学说与频率差阈

    On the place theory and the frequency difference limen of hearing

  8. 多普勒频率差定位技术研究

    Study of location using the difference of doppler frequency

  9. 频率差计基本原理的探讨

    Discussion about the principle of differential frequency meter

  10. 频率差分移相键控解调器自动调压器有无功功率误差控制吗?

    Frequency differential phase shift keying demodulator Is there any reactive power error control in AVR ?

  11. 诊断桩基故障的机械阻抗法中频率差参数分析

    Analysis of the parameter of the difference of frequency in mechanical impedance Method for Fault Diagnosis of Pile foundation

  12. 该算法利用高阶累积量的特性,在相关的噪声环境下,对到达频率差作出了精确估计。

    With the characteristic of high order cumulant , the algorithm can accurately estimate the FDOA under correlated noise condition .

  13. 首先研究分析了基于模糊函数的频率差延时差联合估计算法。

    First , it analyses the combined evaluation on the basis of carrier frequency and propagation delay skew ambiguous function .

  14. 在此基础上,介绍了我们建立的一套地面激光时间传递系统,以及对两台氢原子钟进行钟差比对和相对频率差的测定。

    An experimental system for determining local time differences and relative frequency difference for two separate hydrogen masers has been carried out .

  15. 非合作双基地雷达互相关时差估计仿真分析一种时差/频率差快速联合估计方法

    Simulation Analysis of Cross-correlation and Time Difference Estimation in Non-cooperative Bistatic Radar Systems Fast algorithm for joint estimation of DTO and DFO

  16. 这就要求并列合闸时断路器两侧电压的幅值差、频率差和相角差都足够小。

    This means the difference of magnitude , frequency and phase of the voltages between the two sides of breaker must be small enough .

  17. 研究了基于四阶累积量的到达频率差估计算法,并给出了该算法的离散实现方法。

    A Frequency-Delay of Arrival ( FDOA ) estimation algorithm based on Fourth-Order Cumulant is discussed . The realization of the algorithm is given .

  18. 在多天线信号载波频率差与延时差双参数估计模型的基础上,对信号间差异估计算法进行了深入研究。

    On the basis of carrier frequency and propagation delay skew parameters , it makes a further research on difference evaluation algorithm of signal individuals .

  19. 目前在实际发动机上应用的叶片大频率差分布方案,是具有较好的防颤效果的。

    The results also show that the mistuning pattern which is being used in engine that are enlisted for the airforce has a good effect for controlling flutter .

  20. 结果表明,含直梁段圆环的弯曲振动,当选取适宜的结构参数时,总可以找到频率差几乎为零的近似正交模态。

    The result expatiates that this kind of flexural vibration can always find near orthogonal modes bearing difference of frequencies of almost zero when proper parameters are selected .

  21. 基于计及调速器的水轮机模型,推导出频率差变化率与系统功率缺额的关系,在此基础上发展了自适应切负荷方法。

    This paper is based on the hydraulic turbine model with governor and deduces equations of ROCOF and system power shortage from which the adaptive method is developed .

  22. 该方法综合了现有方案的长处,可避免单一参数(频率差、相角差或电压差)不满足就闭锁快切的弊端。

    It integrates advantages of present schemes and avoids the unreasonable blocking for single unqualified parameter , such as the frequency difference , the phase difference or the voltage difference .

  23. 讨论了多普勒频率差定位技术的实现方法,推导了定位误差公式,并给出了实际使用时的简化而直观的形式,同时进行了数值模拟。

    The realization of location using the difference of doppler frequency is discussed , the formula for the location error is derived and its simplification form with data simulation is presented .

  24. 在谐振式光学陀螺中,通过检测谐振腔顺时针和逆时针光路的谐振频率差得到角速率。

    In the resonator optic gyroscope , the angular rotation velocity is measured through the detection of the resonant frequency difference between the clockwise and the counter-clockwise lightwaves counter-propagating in the resonator .

  25. 本文系统地研究了基于到达时间差/到达频率差联合定位技术的双星无源定位系统的定位原理和定位算法。

    This dissertation studies the theory and algorithm of double-satellite passive location system , which is based on time-delay of arrival ( TDOA ) and frequency-delay of arrival ( FDOA ) location technology .

  26. 文中提出采用乘法器和积分器等组成频率差计,乘法器输出含有频率差成分的混合信号,合理设计积分电路的时间常数,提高高频抑制比,就可以得到精确的瞬时频率差信号。

    The multiplier outputs mixed signal which contains the information of differential frequency . If the time constant of integration circuit is properly set to improve high frequency restrain ratio to get accurate differential frequency signal .

  27. 通过计算量和估计范围的综合分析,设计通过粗搜索+细估计两步实现频率差与延时差的估计。

    To achieve a perfect trade off between calculated amount and estimation range , combining the steps of coarse search and careful estimation , it will realize the estimation of carrier frequency and propagation delay skew .

  28. 同期装置,简单说来就是将两个交流电源进行互联的装置,其并列合闸过程必须在互联两侧电源电压差、频率差以及相角差都满足允许的条件时完成。

    Synchronizing device is simply the device which ties the two AC power together . It must be done when the voltage difference , frequency difference and phase difference of the both sides all meet certain conditions .

  29. 准同期并网过程是在系统侧和待并侧电压差、频率差满足并网条件下控制断路器在相角差等于零时刻完成合闸的过程。

    Quasi-Synchronizing parallel process is a close process of control circuit breaker when the phase-angle difference equals to zero considering that the voltage difference , fre-quency difference between the system side and staying paratactic side satisfy parallel condition .

  30. 相位插值器的非线性会直接影响时钟数据恢复电路的动态特性,当输入数据与本地时钟存在频率差时,还会影响它的抖动容限。

    The nonlinearity of phase interpolator will directly affects the dynamic characteristic of CDR , even leads to error . While a frequency difference exists between the input data and the local clock , it also affects the jitter tolerance of CDR .