
bō qián
  • wavefront
波前[bō qián]
  1. 自适应光学(AdaptiveOptics)是一门实时校正波前畸变的综合性学科。

    Adaptive Optics was a synthesis disciplines that correct the wavefront distortion in a real time .

  2. 自适应光学对大气扰动波前的补偿效果研究I.理论推导

    Compensation Effect of an Adaptive Optics System for Atmosphere Induced Wavefront Perturbation I. Theoretical Analysis

  3. 地震走时CT波前追踪地震突发后的情报追踪

    Following the Trail of the Information after a Suddenly - Occurred Earthquake

  4. GIS投切主变陡波前过电压的研究

    All Changed Study on Very Fast Front Overvoltage Generated in GIS

  5. COIL调腔光静态波前的GS方法测量

    The Static Wavefront Measurement of COIL Resonator Using GS Algorithm

  6. 高压电极静电场的数值模拟,采用有限单元法,利用ANSYS电磁场分析的波前法求解。

    The numerical value of electrostatic field for high voltage electro nodes is simulated by the finite element technique .

  7. 虹膜识别系统在波前像差引导的LASIK手术中的应用分析

    Application analysis of iris recognition in wavefront guided LASIK

  8. Zernike矩提高哈特曼波前传感器的鲁棒性

    Improvement of the Robustness of Hartmann Wavefront Sensor by Using Zernike Moment

  9. 剪切干涉测量中基于Zernike多项式的自适应波前重建

    A Zernike Polynomial Based Adaptive Wavefront Reconstruction Method for Lateral Shearing Interferometry

  10. 术前ASE脉冲波前干涉检测中不同形状孔径空间线性载波的解调处理

    Demodulation and Processing of Testing Pulse Wavefront Distortion for Different Shape Pupils

  11. 目的探讨波前引导准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LaserinsituKeratomileusis,LASIK)术后角膜前表面地形图的变化。

    Objective To investigate the changes of anterior surface corneal topography after wavefront-guided laser in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ) .

  12. 利用Zernike多项式对湍流波前进行波前重构

    Reconstruction of Turbulent Optical Wavefront Realized by Zernike Polynomial

  13. 在带像增强器的微光波前传感器中,采用延时相关算法抑制CCD输出图像的随机噪声。

    In a low light level wavefront sensor with image intensifier , the random noise of CCD output image is inhibited by delay correlation algorithm .

  14. 夏克-哈特曼传感器任意形状孔径波前的模式重构及Zernike多项式描述

    Model Wavefront Reconstruction of Shack-Hartmann Sensor on Arbitrary Area and Wavefront Expression by Zernike Polynomials

  15. 结果证明:通过衍射,入射波前相位各阶Zernike模式成分的大小转换为反馈光光强的非线性调制。

    It is proved that the light intensity is modulated by Zernike mode components of wavefront .

  16. 气动光学畸变波前可近似表示为低阶本征正交分解(POD)基与时间系数的相乘叠加形式。

    Aero-optical aberration wavefront can be represented as a multiplicative summation of the proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) basis functions and time coefficients .

  17. 用H-S波前探测器得到校正前后波前相位时间功率谱,分析了自适应光学控制系统对大气湍流扰动波前的时域校正效果。

    Using data which were measured from H S wavefront sensor of an AO system , power spectra density ( PSD ) was calculated and compared between open loop and close loop conditions .

  18. 基于推进波前法,本文提出了一种针对三维Trimmed参数曲面的有限元网格剖分方法。

    In this paper , an algorithm for partitioning a 3D Trimmed parametric surface into FEM mesh is presented .

  19. 用于Hartmann-Shack波前探测器的区域法算法研究

    Study of zonal wavefront reconstruction adapting for Hartmann Shack wavefront sensor

  20. 文中结合数值计算和有限元方法(FEM)计算,对系统的波前校正进行了仿真,证明这种方法具有更好的波前重构精度。

    Through numerical method and finite element method ( FEM ), wave-front reconstruction is emulated , and it is demonstrated that the method has a better precision for wave-front reconstruction .

  21. 提出了一种基于PSD的导轨直线度的检测方法,保证了五棱镜扫描法检测大口径准直波前的精度。

    The method to test the straightness of slideway based on PSD is presented , which ensures the accuracy of the scanning pentaprism method .

  22. 将推进波前法的实现简单和快速的特性引入到Delaunay三角剖分法之中,构建一种基于Delaunay三角剖分的算法。

    A new triangulation algorithm based on Delaunay triangulation and the advantage of simplicity and rapidness of advancing front method is constructed .

  23. Hartmann-Shack波前传感器两种子孔径布局探测性能比较

    Performance comparison of two configurations in Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor

  24. 影响光学系统MTF的3个主要因素是RMS波前误差、孔径中央遮挡比和RMS图像运动。

    Three main factors affecting the optical system MTF were RMS wavefront error , central obstruction diameter ratio , and RMS image motion .

  25. 对Hartmann-Shack波前传感器平移误差的研究

    Study on translation error of Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor

  26. 极大提高了波前重构算法的速度和精度,为多DSP处理技术的应用提供了很好的硬件通路。

    This design greatly improves the speed and accuracy of the wave-front reconstruction Algorithm of Hartmann sensor . Also , this design provides a good hardware path for the application of multiple DSP processing technology .

  27. 目的探讨根据散瞳后的瞳孔中心调整切削区对波前引导的个体化准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)疗效的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the pupil center shift quantitatively after pupil dilation and to investigate its influence on the outcome of wavefront guided LASIK .

  28. 近视眼LASIK手术前后波前像差的研究LASIK手术对人眼波前像差的影响

    The Study of Wavefront Aberration of Myopia Pre-and Post-Laser in Situ Keratomileusis ; Effect of LASIK Refractive Surgery on Wave-front Aberration of Human Eye

  29. H-S波前传感器在大尺寸测量中的应用研究

    Study for application of Hartman-Shack wavefront sensor on large scale measurement

  30. 具Allee反应的时滞扩散单种群增长模型的波前解

    Traveling wavefronts of a Diffusive Population Model with Allee effect and delay