
bō fù
  • antinode;loop;wave loop;oscillation loop
波腹[bō fù]
  1. 通过张力作功的正负值与能流方向间的关系,证明驻波中的能量并非静止不动,而是在波腹与波节问作周期性的往复流动。

    Through the relationship between the positive and negative work of tension and direction of energy flow , proves that the energy in the mechanic standing wave is not static but flowing periodically to and fro between wave loop and wave node .

  2. 因此,维纳能够推断出:变黑的区域是同E场的波腹相联系的。

    Accordingly , Wiener could conclude that the blackened regions were associated with antinodes of the E-field .

  3. 单波腹极限循环舞动是电力线路在复冰时时常发生的一种导线舞动现象。这种形式的舞动,属于驻波舞动。

    The single-wave limit circle galloping is of stationary wave type .

  4. 能量的最大有效输入是在波腹。

    The most efficient input of energy is actually at an antinode .

  5. 第二种模式给出了两个波腹,在其中点有一个波节。

    The next mode shows two loops with one node in the middle .

  6. 在弦振动驻波实验中,对于起振端是波节还是波腹,存在不同的认识。

    There are different viewpoints about the wave source in the experiment of vibration of string .

  7. 当振动经过平衡位置时,能量储存在波腹附近。最后指出实际的弦驻波实验是有能量传递的。

    Lastly , it was proposed that the experiment of real standing-wave in a string had energy transfer .

  8. 压力扰动不可能驱使能量释放分布图移至波腹区域以产生持续的纵向波。

    A pressure disturbance cannot drive the energy release profile uniformly to the anti-node region to result in a sustained longitudinal wave .

  9. 并讨论了驻波在相邻波节与波腹之间能量的转化过程。

    Besides , the essay discloses the process of energy transformation between any wave band and the wave belly next to it .

  10. 对于化学反应过程激发的燃烧振荡,最容易受到激发的振型是压力波腹与化学反应分布相关最强的振型。

    For the combustion instability driven by chemical reactions , the most inspirable acoustic mode is the one whose wave abdomen is the most correlative with chemical reaction distribution .

  11. 推导了半球谐振子四波腹振型的形成,同时分析半球谐振子环向振型的进动性,说明了不同的拾振原理。

    The frequency of the RLG is researched , the formation of the four-wave pattern and the different pick-off circuits are described , and the precession of the circumferential wave pattern is analysed .

  12. 周期40天的2波驻波振动强度次之,它在中纬和高纬波腹位置相反配置。

    The second is the standing oscillation of wave number 2 with a period of 40 day , their antinode and node locations in middle latitude are opposite with those in high latitude .

  13. 根据谐振峰和激光材料荧光峰一致以及有源区位于腔内驻波场波腹位置的原则,可以确定有机各层在腔内的分布。

    Based on the principles of wavelength alignment between resonance peak and the fluorescence peak of organic laser material , and alignment between the antinode of cavity standing wave field and the active region , we can determine the distribution of organic layers in microcavity .