
  • 网络bologna
  1. 同时也为之后,欧洲大学的创立打下基础,位于波隆那,巴黎及牛津。

    These , in turn , became the basis of the first European universities in places like Bologna , Paris , Oxford .

  2. 接下来的六个礼拜,我去了波隆那、佛罗伦萨、威尼斯、西西里、撒丁,又南下去了一次那不勒斯,而后去了卡拉布里亚。

    Over the next six weeks , I travel to Bologna , to Florence , to Venice , to Sicily , to Sardinia , once more down to Naples , then over to Calabria .

  3. 当然还有波隆那肉酱,不屑地嘲笑其他任何一种肉酱。

    And of course there is the Bolognese sauce , which laughs disdainfully at any other idea of a rag .

  4. 随着波隆那宣言的影响、以及本科和硕士课程在德国的引入,情况会随之变化。

    This is likely to change with the introduction of Bachelor and Master courses influenced by the so-called " Bologna Declaration " .