
  • Omega
  1. 我是阿尔法也是欧米伽,我即是开始也是结束。

    I am Alpha and Omega , the beginning and the end .

  2. 小贴士:如果不能从日常饮食中获得身体所需的欧米伽3脂肪酸,可以服用鱼油补充剂。

    Tip Take fish oil supplements if you can 't easily achieve your daily Omega 3 requirements through your normal diet .

  3. 注意饮食,可以食用富含维生素A,C和锌的亚麻籽和富含欧米伽3脂肪酸的鲑鱼。

    Mind your diet to get soft locks by eating flaxseed , foods rich in vitamins A , C , and zinc , and salmon for omega-3 fatty acids .

  4. 一份健康的饮食应包括丰盛的蔬菜,欧米伽3脂肪酸,叶酸和维他命C,同时它也经常被用来指代一种生活方式。这种生活方式使人更有活力,从而获得幸福感。

    A healthy diet consists of foods rich in vegetables , omega-3 , folic acid and vitamin C , and it is often cited as a lifestyle that facilitates the vitality and therefore happiness .

  5. 这些鱼含有丰富的可以支撑细胞膜的DHA和必需的欧米伽3脂肪酸。

    They include DHA , which gives structural support to cell membranes and essential omega-3 fatty acids .

  6. 谷物也是欧米伽3脂肪酸的优质来源。

    Grains are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids .

  7. 其他的欧米伽-3食品:沙丁鱼,核桃,亚麻籽。

    Other omega-3 foods : sardines , walnuts , flaxseed .

  8. 食用含有欧米伽3脂肪酸的食物,例如鲑鱼,饮用充足的水。

    Eat foods with omega-3 fatty acids , such as salmon , and drink plenty of water .

  9. 欧米伽-3脂肪酸在鲑鱼、鲭鱼、鲱鱼、沙丁鱼以及其它的食物如核桃中发现。

    Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in salmon , mackerel , herring , sardines , and in other foods such as walnuts .

  10. 发现于胡桃、亚麻籽、尤其是鱼体内的欧米伽-3油,长久以来被认为有益于心脏的。

    Omega-3 oils , found in walnuts , flaxseed and especially fish , have long been touted as being healthy for the heart .

  11. 研究人员试图在该配方中加入健康的欧米伽3脂肪酸,但这样会过度增加该配方的脂肪含量。

    The researchers tried adding Omega 3 , the health fatty acid , into the drink but it increased the fat content too much .

  12. 鲑鱼富含欧米伽-3,而且,和所有的鱼类一样可以为人们提供大量的优质蛋白质,不健康脂肪含量少。

    Salmon contains a lot of omega-3 and as with all fishes , provides a lot of high quality protein with very little unhealthy fats .

  13. 现在的孩子们与父母亲的冲突很多,其中之一就是他们性急的父母亲不放过任何机会强迫他们吃欧米伽-3。

    CHILDREN have a lot to contend with these days , not least a tendency for their pushy parents to force-feed them omega-3 oils at every opportunity .

  14. 欧米伽曲的存在延长了弓丝的长度,使得弓丝产生的矫治力更柔和,副作用更少。

    The omega curve prolongs the length of the arch thread , which enables the arch thread to generate a softer orthodontic force and fewer side effects .

  15. 人们认为补充欧米伽-3能使孩子更聪明,因此几乎所有的食品(面包、牛奶、意大利面、婴儿奶粉以及维生素)中都添加了这种营养品。

    These are supposed to make children brainier , so they are being added to everything from bread , milk and pasta to baby formula and vitamin tablets .

  16. 这个数字提示我们准妈妈们仍然可以进食海产品并且补充来自于鱼类食物中蕴含着的维生素,矿物质以及欧米伽3不饱和脂肪酸。

    The data suggest that moms-to-be are still supping on sea life and racking up the vitamins , minerals and omega-3 fatty acids enmeshed in each fishy bite .

  17. 另一方面,鱼子酱还含有丰富的维他命A和D,以及研究人员发现的对抑郁症有抑制作用的欧米伽-3脂肪酸。

    On the other hand , caviar is a rich source of vitamins A and D , as well as omega-3 fatty acids which some researchers say can aid in deterring depression .

  18. 一些研究显示大量摄取主要来自于鱼油的欧米伽3脂肪酸,对于老年人保持良好认知状态尤为重要。

    Some studies have suggested that high intakes of omega-3 fatty acids , most commonly found in oily fish , are important for the maintenance of good cognitive health in later life .

  19. 大豆油、玉米油所含的亚油酸属于欧米伽-6脂肪酸。

    Linoleic acid , an essential nutrient ( one that the body cannot make for itself ) and a component of corn , soybean and safflower oil , is an omega-6 fatty acid .

  20. 素食主义者错过了包括欧米伽-3脂肪酸在内的一些东西,它们能有效防止一些适应不良的健康问题,例如动脉粥样硬化,还能有效改善情绪,减轻抑郁。

    According to an article from AskMen , vegetarians miss out on things like omega-3 fatty acids , which work to prevent several maladaptive health issues like atherosclerosis and can also work to improve mood , and combat depression .

  21. 虽然极其稀有,但因其营养价值,驴奶酪被称为健康食品——驴奶的蛋白质、钙质和欧米伽3脂肪酸含量都异常地高,这对保持心血管健康大有裨益。

    Although incredibly rare , the cheese is being hailed as a health food thanks to its nutritional value - donkey milk is exceptionally high in protein , calcium and omega 3 fatty acids , which in turn are extremely good for maintaining cardiovascular health .