
  • 网络coccolith
  1. 颗石球是深海的微藻,典型地繁生于开阔海滨外的透光带内。

    Coccophores are pelagic microscopic algae and typically thrive in the offshore photic zone of the open sea .

  2. 这也是美国宇航局空基望远镜开普勒所发现的第一颗石性行星,也称类地行星。

    It is also the first rocky , or Eah-like planet discovered by Kepler .

  3. 海岸水体中颗石在古水深定量研究中的运用&以黄海辐射沙洲海区为例

    Coccolith method for the quantitative study of former water depth & submarine sand ridges of the Yellow Sea as an example

  4. 其中金款镶有200多颗石,售价3776000日圆,约合逾38500美元。

    The gold case is fitted out with more than 200 diamonds and sells for 3,776,000 Japanese yen , or more than $ 38,500 .

  5. 但是,这颗石子太光滑了,出手的一刹那,它偏离了方向。它没有落在屋顶上,反而直接击中了老太太屋后门廊上的一扇小窗户。

    The stone was too smooth , however , so it slipped from my hand as I let it go and headed straight not for the roof but for a small window on the old lady 's back porch .

  6. 以此模式为依据,通过对柱状样品中颗石的研究,确定了工作区近3.5万a以来古水深的变化规律及变化幅度,为海面变化的研究提供了定量的水深资料。

    According to the pattern , the former water depth and its changes during the latest 35 thousand years are obtained in the light of coccolith distribution in the SMK core , this provides a new method in quantitative study of former water depth .

  7. 这么看来,与其把银行存款花在最多只会戴两次的东西上,还不如我们自己动手,用几颗莱茵石,一副便宜的人造革手套,再弄瓶万能胶就能做出来。

    So instead of spending our savings on something we might only wear twice , should we just make them ourselves with some rhinestones , crazyglue , and a cheap pair of faux-leather gloves ?

  8. 他们放弃了守护三颗灵魂之石的神圣职责,不同的法师宗派开始为了细微的分歧而相互争吵。

    Abandoning their sacred charge to safeguard the three Soulstones , the disparate Mage Clans began to squabble amongst each other over petty differences .