
zhí wù huà shí
  • Plant fossil;fossil plant
  1. 根据沉积特征及植物化石分布规律分析,勉县群三个组的形成时代依次为:早侏罗世、早中侏罗世、中侏罗世。

    According to the depositional characteristics and the distribution law of the fossil plant , the formed tines are respectively Lower Jurassic , Lower dnd Middle Jurassic , Middle Jurassic .

  2. 简要介绍了植物化石角质层生物标志化合物研究方法。

    The method on biomarker study of fossil plant cuticles is briefly introduced .

  3. 旅游路线可以是闲适的漫步,也可以是艰苦的徒步旅行,有可能看到史前岩画、三叠纪针叶植物化石或红盆地(RedBasin)内的化石层,红盆地是公园最新征募的土地。

    Tours range from leisurely walks to strenuous hikes and can lead to petroglyphs , Triassic-era conifers or fossil beds in the Red Basin , the park 's newest land acquisition .

  4. 江西峡江马埠地区Manica植物化石的发现及其意义

    Discovery of new plant fossil Manica in Xiajiang , Jiangxi province and its significance

  5. 新疆若羌石灰华中的植物化石及古环境

    Fossil plants from calcareous tufa and palaeoenvironments in ruoqiang , Xinjiang

  6. 山西下石盒子组植物化石新记

    New record of fossil plants from the Lower Shihezi Formation of Shanxi

  7. 扬子地台前寒武纪-寒武纪界线地层的微体植物化石群

    Microflora from the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary strata in the Yangtze Platform

  8. 塔里木盆地北缘陆相二叠系中的植物化石

    Plant Fossils in Terrestrial Facies Permian of Northern Tarim Basin

  9. 裸子植物化石树或攀缘植物,起源于泥盆纪;种子蕨。

    Fossil gymnospermous trees or climbing plants from the Devonian : seed ferns .

  10. 中国兴蒙&新疆北部及邻区早石炭世地层十分发育,动植物化石丰富。

    Early Carboniferous in the study area has well-developed sediments and rich fossils .

  11. 大大丰富了前人报道的本组植物化石的内容。

    So the content of fossil plants in this formation is greatly enriched .

  12. 鄂西香溪群植物化石补充研究

    A Supplementary Study of Fossil Plants from the Xiangxi Formation , Western Hubei

  13. 长江中下游早侏罗世植物化石垂直分异及其意义

    Vertical diversities of the early Jurassic plant fossils in the middle-lower Changjiang Valley

  14. 上部为杂色粉砂岩、泥岩,含植物化石。

    4-varicoloured siltstone and mudstone , containing plant remains .

  15. 江宁五通群上部古羊齿及其植物化石组合

    Archaeopteris and its plant fossil assemblage in the upper part of Wutong group

  16. 古植物学,植物化石学

    The science or study of plants . fossil botany

  17. 湖北、四川中三叠统植物化石的发现

    On some middle Triassic plants from Hupeh and Szechuan

  18. 概述了地史早期宏体植物化石的记录。

    The fossil record of macroscopic plants in early geological history is outlined .

  19. 中国大别山双子叶植物化石木材(Ⅱ)&橄榄科,山茱萸科

    Fossil dicotyledonous woods from the Dabie Mountains of china (ⅱ) - burseraceae & Cornaceae

  20. 青海玉树地区首次发现中泥盆世植物化石

    The discovery of the Middle Devonian plant fossils from the Yushu region in Qinghai

  21. 长江三峡地区震旦系的微体植物化石

    Sinian microfossil plants from the Yangtze Gorges region

  22. 辽宁本溪早石炭世植物化石

    Early Carboniferous fossil plants from Benxi , Liaoning

  23. 研究结果表明,这些植物化石均为华夏型分子,可以和华夏植物区的一些同期植物群进行对比。

    The research result shows that these fossil plants belong to the Cathaysian elements .

  24. 甘肃靖远早侏罗世植物化石

    Early Jurassic plants of jingyuan , Gansu

  25. 石炭纪的裸子植物化石。

    Fossil gymnospermous plants of the Carboniferous .

  26. 甘肃靖远煤田早中生代植物化石组合序列

    The Assemblage Succession of the Early Mesozoic Fossil Plants from Jingyuan Coal Field in Gansu

  27. 蕨类植物化石繁殖器官微细构造研究方法及意义

    Technique and significance of study on Microstructure of reproductive organ in situ of fossil fern

  28. 大同煤田含煤地层中植物化石的垂向分布特征

    Characteristics of Vertical Distribution of Fossil Plants in Coal - bearing Strada of Datong Coalfield

  29. 三峡库区中侏罗世植物化石及所指示的气候环境

    Middle Jurassic Fossil Plants in the Yangtze Gorges area of China and their paleo-climatic environment

  30. 中国中、新生代大植物化石新属记录(1991&2000)

    Record of mesozoic cenozoic megafossil plant generic names founded on Chinese specimens ( 1991 2000 )