
  • 网络Botanic Garden;botanical garden
  1. 植物公园里有许多树木和花草。

    there are a great many trees and folwers in the botanical garden .

  2. 你想和我们一块去北京野生动植物公园去观鸟吗?

    Would you like to go birdwatching with us at Beijing Wildlife park ?

  3. 该植物公园正好是在亚庇市的中央,是城市居民理想的悠闲好去处。

    The park is centrally placed in Kota Kinabalu , and is ideal for city dwellers .

  4. 台湾台中自然科学博物馆是基于延伸教育功能,丰富大自然视野,配合特殊的建筑物而建造的温室植物公园。

    The Vivarium of Taizhong Science Museum is a conservatory plant garden built for spreading education space , enrich the natural view .

  5. 据估计,世界上共有44000个野生动植物公园,合起来占据了地球表面的10%。

    It is estimated that there are some 44,000 wilderness parks , together comprising about 10 per-cent of the Earth 's land surface .

  6. 一个四季服务热情好客和庇护,与令人印象深刻的景色,大金字塔在开罗的古老动植物公园古老的檐篷。

    A gracious sanctuary of Four Seasons hospitality and service , with impressive views of the Great Pyramids over the old-growth canopy of Cairo 's ancient Zoological and Botanical Gardens .

  7. 杰森·沃特森是澳大利亚维多利亚州南部野生动植物仙境公园的所有者,按照此人的说法,园内工人于3月18日清晨发现装满爬行动物的池子遭到小偷的光顾。

    Jason Watson , owner of the Wildlife Wonderland park in southern Victoria state , said workers found reptile tanks raided on Sunday morning .

  8. 城市公园绿地植物群落是公园绿地的基本组成单元,植物群落结构的合理性和稳定性将直接影响公园绿地生态功能的发挥。

    Plant community is a significant factor of urban parks , the reasonableness and stability of its structure are important to the ecological functions of green space .

  9. 植物群落是公园绿地的基本构成单位,是公园绿地系统生态功能的基础,是提高公园绿地景观丰富度的前提。

    Plant community is the basic unit of Parks , Park System is the basis of ecological function , is to improve the park green landscape richness premise .

  10. 笔者对英国保护、研究和发展杜鹃进行了考察,考察植物园和公园22个,其中具有杜鹃的16个。

    An investigation on conservation and development of Rhododendron in United Kingdom has been completed . 16 gardens and parks of 22 that we have investigated in United Kingdom have Rhododendrons .

  11. 水生植物在昆明大观公园中的应用

    Application of Hydrophytes in the Daguan Garden of Kunming

  12. 芳香植物在江阴五星公园生态设计中的应用

    Research on the Aromatic Plant and Landscape Utilization in the Wuxing Park in Jiangyin

  13. 他带这植物到牛津植物公园繁植。

    He took it back to oxford , where it was cultivated in the Botanic gardens .

  14. 不同于普通公园,植物园应该是公园外貌和科学内容二者并举。

    Unlike the ordinary parks , Botanic Gardens should attach importance both in their park appearance and scientific content .

  15. 许多稀有濒危动植物物种在国家公园中得到保护,其中包括大水獭和巨食蚁兽。

    It is home to many rare and endangered species of flora and fauna , among them the giant otter and the giant anteater .

  16. 当地野生动物公园、植物园和海洋公园等户外景点的游客人数同比增长幅度最大。

    Outdoor sites such as the local Wild Animal Park , botanical garden , and ocean park registered the highest year-on-year rises in tourist numbers .

  17. 参观者将首先经过一座欧洲田园式公园,进入另一座北美大草原式公园,然后来到一座非洲南部大草原式公园,最后进入长满各式纹理粗糙植物的亚洲式公园。

    The visitor would travel through a garden inspired by European hay meadows , then another by North American prairies , another by Southern African grasslands and an Asian Zone lush with coarse textured plants .

  18. 俄罗斯特别自然保护区域包括国家级自然保护区、全国和地方性的国家自然禁猎区、国家公园、自然公园、自然遗迹地、植物园、树木公园、疗养院、医疗保健地等特别自然保护区域。

    Russian nature conservation region consists of following protected units : national nature reserve , national and local hunting preserves , national park , nature park , nature remnant , arboretum , arborous park , sanatorium , medical treatment and health care sites .

  19. 用黑白瓶测氧法,研究了大连市3个水体(植物园、儿童公园、马栏河)不同粒级浮游植物(<200μm、<20μm、<2μm)对水体生物量和初级生产力的作用。

    Primary production , biomasses and chlorophyll a level of size fractionated phytoplankton ( < 200 μ m , < 20 μ m , < 2 μ m ) were estimated in the water bodies ( Botanical Garden , Children 's Park , Malan River ) with different nutrition .

  20. 华东地区芳香植物及其园林应用芳香植物在江阴五星公园生态设计中的应用

    Research on the Aromatic Plant and Landscape Utilization in East China Research on the Aromatic Plant and Landscape Utilization in the Wuxing Park in Jiangyin

  21. 植物选择立足于以乡土植物为主要材料,适当引进优良植物以增强公园绿地植物的多样性。

    Choosing indigenous plants as main material as far as possible and appropriate introduction of improved plants varieties lead to enrich the park green hue and seasonal .