
  1. 颜福庆预防医学思想及其现实意义研究

    The Study of the Thought of the Medical Prevention of F C Yen and its Practical Significance

  2. 中国近代医学教育的创建与发展是和颜福庆这个名字分不开的,他是著名的医学教育家、公共卫生学家,我国近代医学教育的创始人之一。

    The establishment and development of the modern medical education in China was related with F. C. Yen , M. D.

  3. 本文通过对颜福庆医学教育活动的回顾,主要探讨其预防医学思想的理论及现实意义。

    This paper aims at discussing the theoretical and practical significance of his idea of medical prevention by analyzing his activities of the medical education .

  4. 本文论述了上海医科大学创始人颜福庆教授医学教育思想的内涵,并对其现实意义进行了探讨。

    The paper firstly illustrates the founder of Shanghai Medical College , professor Yan Fuqing s thoughts on medical education , and then analyzes the significance of his thoughts in todays China .