
  • 网络color mixing;Blend;Color blend
  1. 从一起船舶碰撞事故的教训出发,分别利用亮度对比度、可见度水平的计算公式和格拉斯曼的颜色混合定律分析了亮度对比度和颜色对比度对船舶号灯可识别性的影响;

    According to the lesson of an accident of ships ' collision , the influence of brightness contrast and color contrast on the identifiability of ship lights has been analyzed using the evaluating formula of brightness contrast , visibility level and H. Grassmann color mixing law ;

  2. 颜色的混合主要包括加法混色和减法混色两大类,而颜色再现的目标及其评价机制,则决定了颜色混合的技术工艺以及最后获得的混色质量指标。

    There are mainly two types of color mixing techniques , additive mixing and subtractive mixing . The actual mixing technology and its final quality are greatly determined by the objective and evaluating model of color reproduction .

  3. 运用色品图进行颜色混合实验研究

    Application diagram of the chroma experiment color light mixed with research

  4. 三原色不能由其他颜色混合而生成。

    Primary colors cannot be generated by mixing other colors .

  5. 其实是三种颜色混合的。

    It 's actually a combination of three different colors .

  6. 当两种颜色混合时,互补色合成白光。

    Complementary colors make white lights when two are mixed .

  7. 画家试图把不同颜色混合起来。

    The painter tried to merge the colours together .

  8. 如果把两种颜色混合,例如黄色和蓝色。

    If you mix two of them together , say yellow and blue .

  9. 白色是由一切颜色混合而成的。

    White is a mixture of all the colours .

  10. 一个很平的平面,艺术家可以在上面将颜料与要用到的一系列颜色混合。

    A flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used .

  11. 液体闪烁测量中化学与颜色混合淬灭样品的一种自动校准方法

    Automatic Quenching Correction Method for Samples Having Both Chemical and Colour Quenching in Liquid Scintillation Counting

  12. 这种混合过程可以由布置在一个圆圈可能的颜色混合各地。

    This mixing process can be represented by laying out all of the possible color mixtures around in a circle .

  13. 各种颜色混合印,出来的颜色与主色调相对比。使用色调板来控制最终颜色。

    Now print all color together and evaluate the result against the color key . Use the key 's color bar as the final color control .

  14. 那眼睛有时是黑的、蓝的或是灰的,有时就是这三种颜色的混合体。

    sometimes black , blue or grey , sometimes all three colours together .

  15. 设计两种不同的颜色以混合的形式共同存在于一些事物中。

    Two colors coexisting in something without being mixed form a design and color .

  16. 食物的美感来自于形状和颜色的混合。

    The aesthetics of the food is defined by the mixture of shape and color .

  17. 在指定的区域内延伸绘制表面,颜色是混合色和指定透明度设置的透明()。

    Draws the surface stretched to the indicated region . color is the blending color and alpha indicates the transparency setting .

  18. 用黑色、棕色或红色又或是两种颜色的混合绘制在表面的器皿,

    The utensils painted on the surface in black , brown or red , or in a mixture of two colors ,

  19. 格雷伊犬毛色不尽相同,有红色、白色、黑色,甚至是这些颜色的混合色。

    Greyhounds require moderate amounts of exercise but little grooming . The different fur colors include red , white , black or a combination of these shades .

  20. 牛顿得出了一个简单却令人震惊的结论:太阳的白光事实上是光谱中所有颜色的混合体!

    Newton came to a simple but startling conclusion : the white light of the sun was in fact a mixture of all the colors of the spectrum !

  21. 她的小嘴像鲜花一般可人,她的大眼睛充满了柔情。那眼睛有时是黑的、蓝的或是灰的,有时就是这三种颜色的混合体。

    Her mouth was like a flower , and her eyes were large and soft , sometimes black , blue or grey , sometimes all three colours together .

  22. 有一部分龙虾在被煮熟前就变成了红色或者橙色、黄色、绿色、蓝色以及其他颜色的混合色。

    A small number of lobsters can be red prior to being cooked -- as well as orange , yellow , green , blue and various combinations of these colors .

  23. 颜色的混合和精度也是一项挑战,当胶片被拉伸过度的时候,有一些颜色也要比原色更浅一些。

    Color blending and precision is also a bit of a challenge , and when the film stretches out significantly , some color can become lighter than the original color .

  24. 另一种叫减色法,通过去除白色(其实是光谱中所有颜色相混合的结果)中的某些或其它所有色彩而把所需的色彩留下来。

    The second method , called subtractive , starts with white light ( a mixture of all colors in the spectrum ) and by taking away some or all other colors leaves the one desired .

  25. 就算你的皮肤是不会显示出自然粉色的黑色或橄榄色也没关系,粉色会为双颊的酒窝增加一抹暖色,也给你的笑容增添更多的内容,不过注意颜色要混合均匀。

    Even if you have very dark or olive skin that doesn 't show a natural blush , the tone will add warmth and definition to the apple of your cheek , just remember to blend well .

  26. 太阳光是由许多不同颜色的光混合而成的。

    Light from the sun is a mixture of light of many different colors .

  27. 在加色法中,不同颜色的光线混合以产生其他各种色彩。

    In the additive method separate colored lights are combined to produce various other colors .

  28. 他的许多服饰的特点在于一种现在是以他的名字命名的颜色,即混合了淡棕色与灰棕色的“阿玛尼灰棕色”。

    Many of HES garments geatured the color that now bears that came to be known as " armani greige " .

  29. 处理过程中应用了基于颜色特征的混合高斯背景模型进行背景重建,运用背景差分法进行目标检测。

    In the processing , a mix Gaussian background model based on color features is adopted to reconstructing background , some difference object detection methods are adopted to detecting objects .

  30. 结合多颜色空间的混合模型检测手势肤色,并根据真实交互手势必定位于阴影周围的投射特征,最终定位跟踪交互手势。

    The combination of color mixture model to detect the color of gestures , and according to the real interaction gesture must be around the shadow , track the interaction gesture .