
  • 网络Color Channel
  1. 简述了图像处理软件PhotoShop中的通道的概念:“颜色通道”和“Alpha通道”。

    The article briefly presents two main concepts of channel of Photoshop , " color channel " and " Alpha channel " .

  2. 再用独立分量分析稀疏编码(ICA-SCS)算法对各颜色通道进行相干斑抑制,最后把三个颜色通道混合,实现了对图像信息的分类。

    Then the speckle of each color channel is reduced by using ICA sparse-coding shrinkage algorithm ( ICA-SCS ) . After speckle reduction , the three channels are constituted to rebuild a classified image with less speckle noise .

  3. 基于DCT的多颜色通道融合的掌纹识别算法研究

    Palmprint Identification Using DCT-based Multi-color Component Images Fusion

  4. 最后,将两幅差异图像和灰度融合图像分别送至R、G、B颜色通道进行显示。

    At last , these two images including differences and the gray-level fusion image are sent to R , G , B color channels respectively .

  5. RGB颜色通道在氧乙炔火焰图像分割中的应用

    Application of RGB Color Channels in Segmentation of Oxyacetylene Flame Image

  6. 该方法可在GPU上通过一遍绘制,对一幅图像1至4个颜色通道,同时进行8×8大小像素块的离散余弦变换。

    This method computes DCT on 8 × 8 pixel blocks by one pass rendering . Up to 4 color channels of a picture can be simultaneously performed during the computation .

  7. 而特征点的匹配算法采用了基于特征点相关法的匹配策略,该法简单易行,并且充分利用了彩色图像序列RGB三颜色通道的信息。

    The feature points matching algorithm we used is correlation matching strategy . It is easy to be carried out and make full use of the information of three color channels .

  8. 最后,提出颜色通道与形状通道间信息相互统一的假说模型。

    A hypothesis model of the unity principle of the two channels is put forward .

  9. 说明0KN眼动跟踪中的运动检测存在颜色通道。

    These results indicate the existence of chromatic channels for motion detection in OKN control system .

  10. 彩色系统有三个颜色通道,能扩展一次采集所能得到的数据容量。

    With three separated color channels , Color structured light system can expand the capacity of data which is obtained in one shot .

  11. 简而言之,白炽通道变亮颜色通道的方式是在渲染中评估的。

    In short , the Incandescence channel brightens ( or , in some special circumstances , darkens ) the way the color channel is evaluated during the render .

  12. 这是通过在被着色点上增加白炽通道的数值到被着色点的颜色通道来完成的。

    This is accomplished by adding the value of the Incandescence channel at the point being shaded to the value of the color channel at the point being shaded .

  13. 请注意,当引用灰阶图像文件,关于编码灰阶值的线性光值的转换曲线,必须考虑到计算时的颜色通道。

    Note that when referencing a grayscale image file , the transfer curve relating the encoded grayscale values to linear light values must be taken into account when computing the color channels .

  14. 数字水印信号为利用混沌序列生成的二值图像,数字水印嵌入的颜色通道和位置由密钥决定,具有非常好的安全性;

    The watermark is a binary image based on chaotic sequences , and using key to determine the position of watermark in the image , which can assure very good security for the watermark .

  15. 该方法在噪声检测过程中,通过对滤波窗口内像素的各颜色通道的分量值进行排序,跟据排序后相邻像素的相应分量的差值和中心像素的位置情况进行噪声点检测。

    In the noise detecting process for this algorithm , every channel of pixels in filtering window is ranked , and noise is detected according to the location condition of center pixel and the difference of adjoining pixels after being ranked .

  16. 怎样利用一种数学工具去有效地表示一个彩色图像,使得它在彩色图像处理中将彩色像素的三个部件一体化地考虑而不丢失颜色通道之间的光谱特性,是一个颇具挑战性的问题。

    How to choose a mathematic tool to effectively represent a color image , which makes the three color components be considered simultaneously as a whole without loss of the spectral relation that is present in them , is a challenging problem .

  17. 作者首先给出了它们的定义,指出只要灵活应用视角通道就可以拍摄出许多光怪陆离的全息图片,诸如双通道、左右通道、颜色通道、合成全息等等。

    First , this paper gives the definition of viewing angle and viewing passageway for holography , and points out that the various holograms can be taken for different viewing angle passageway , such as double passageway , left right passageway , color passageway , synthetic hologram et al .

  18. 视觉系统的颜色形状通道及颜色识别

    Color Channel and Figure Channel and Perception to Color in Visual System

  19. 作者采用红色荧光探针,为多颜色多通道成像研究保留了绿色荧光波长的通道作为其他细胞特性的研究(如能量代谢等)。

    A red pH sensor leaves the often-used green fluorescence wavelength available for simultaneous study of other cellular properties , such as energy metabolism , during multicolour imaging .

  20. 进一步比较了各个颜色单通道之间的测量效果的差别,其中绿色单通道精度最高且测量值域最大,为主导分量。

    Further compared the differences of the measurement results among each color-single-channel , and find that the precision of green single channel is the highest and the measuring range is the widest .

  21. 利用计算机设计新的实验,研究了人类视觉系统的颜色、形状通道和识别颜色的时间。

    Some new experiments with the aid of computer are designed to study the relationship between color channel and figure channel in human visual system .

  22. 根据脉冲噪声的颜色特征,分别提出了脉冲噪声多颜色通道标量检测方法和基于颜色相似性的矢量检测方法。

    According to the image characteristics of impulse noise , two methods respectively based on scalar detection in multiple color channels and vector detection are proposed .

  23. 要改变图象的颜色,需要用相等的量改变每一个颜色通道。

    To change the brightness of an image , you need to change the value of each color channel by an equal amount .

  24. 白炽是被使用的因为这是一个容易的方法去影响材质颜色的全部外观,而不直接安排在自己的颜色通道。

    Incandescence is used because it is an easy way to affect the overall look of the material 's color without directly dealing with the color channel itself .