
fēng yǎn
  • eye of wind;eye of a storm;eye
风眼[fēng yǎn]
  1. 有多少人知道“镜片”是来自于拉丁语中的“小扁豆”还有在古挪威语中“窗户”其实是指“风眼”呢?

    Or " lens " which comes from the Latin " lentil " or " window " meaning " eye of wind " in old Norse ?

  2. 飓风的风眼袭击了佛罗里达州迈阿密正南部。

    The eye of the hurricane hit Florida just south of Miami .

  3. S7-300PLC在冶炼炉捅风眼机控制中的应用

    The application of S7-300 PLC in control of smelting furnace tuyere puncher

  4. 本文以S7-300PLC为核心的捅风眼机为对象,给出了其控制系统的构成及软件设计,并对PLC的软件设计中的难点进行了研究和探讨,在此基础上给出了具体的解决方法。

    This paper introduces the structure of the tuyere puncher control system based on the s7-300 PLC and its software design . Furthermore , the difficulty of the PLC software design is discussed . Finally the concrete solution is provided .

  5. 对转炉捅风眼机机架进行疲劳分析。

    The framework of converter puncher is analyzed by fatigue analyzing .

  6. 我在伊甸园的风眼里焚烧所有的好东西!

    I burned all the good things in the eden eye !

  7. 达到这种强度的气旋发展出了风眼。

    A cyclone of this intensity tends to develop an eye .

  8. 我国灾难报道中台风眼现象研究

    Study on the Eye of Typhoon in Chinese Calamity Report

  9. 我试图保持的光芒在风眼。

    I attempted to keep the ray of light upon the eye .

  10. 在台风的风眼中间,一切都是平静的。

    Everything is quiet in the eye of a storm .

  11. 伙计,风眼正我头上呢。

    Man , the eye of the storm is headed right for us .

  12. 台风的风眼正在收缩中。

    The eye of the typhoon is shrinking .

  13. 环境就像龙卷风,而我们正处于风眼中。

    It turns out that we 're in the eye of the environmental tornado .

  14. 介绍长龄水冷冲天炉的结构及工作原理,分析风眼漏水和炉体挂渣的原因。

    The construction and operation principle of a long melting life water-cooled cupola was described .

  15. 在台风风眼处几乎是风平浪静的。

    Where it 's almost completely calm .

  16. 她有一双棕色的丹风眼。

    She had slanted brown eyes .

  17. 暴风雨的风眼从头上掠过,空中有了片刻的平静。

    There was a brief moment of calm as the eye of the storm passed overhead .

  18. 风眼已经过去了我们离曼哈顿还有四十英里

    The eye of the storm has passed , and we 're 40 miles from Manhattan .

  19. 热带低压没有风眼,也不像更强的风暴系统那样呈螺旋状。

    It has no eye and does not typically have the spiral shape of more powerful storms .

  20. 会有巨大的暴风雪在中心有个风眼就象飓风一样

    It 's gonna turn into a massive blizzard with an eye in the center , like a huge hurricane .

  21. 在飓风的中心,干燥的下沉气流创造了一片奇特的平静区域,这就是风眼。

    Within the center of the hurricane , downdraughts of dry air create a strangely calm area called the eye .

  22. 独特的气旋结构已经开始形成,但是还没有风眼。

    At this point , the distinctive cyclonic shape starts to develop , although an eye is not usually present .

  23. 风眼四周环绕着“眼壁”,即一圈剧烈雷暴区域,通常是整个热带气旋中天气最恶劣的区域。

    It is surrounded by the eyewall , a ring of towering thunderstorms where the most severe weather of a cyclone occurs .

  24. 在此基础上,本文提出了国际航运中心全新分析框架&风眼模型。

    On this basis , this article puts forward the Storm Eye Model , a creative analysis frame about International Maritime Clusters .

  25. 当它打道回府的时候,一名男子被吸进风眼,恐怖地旋转摇摆。

    When it smashes a trailer home , one man is sucked into the heart of the storm , spun and shaken horrifically .

  26. 台风“海高斯”于周三上午登陆珠海市,其风眼附近的最大风力达到每秒35米。

    Typhoon Higos made landfall in the city of Zhuhai Wednesday morning with a maximum wind force of 35 meters per second near its eye .

  27. 在风暴外围总共40人丧生、81人受伤,它的风眼没有通过台湾本岛。

    A total of40 people died and81 others were injured in the wake of storm , the eye of which did not pass over the island .

  28. 据天气预报员预测,在风眼靠岸后暴风雨已有所减弱,并会在未来的一到两天继续减弱。

    Weather forecasters said the storm had weakened after the eye came ashore , and said it would continue to lose strength during the next day or two .

  29. 冶炼过程中炉渣碱度低,氧化末期温度高和氩气、氧气、氮气三种气体压力控制不好,形成湍流,加速了风眼区材料的剥落是炉龄不高的主要原因。

    Low basicity of the furnace slag in smelting process , high temperature at oxidation final phase and the pressure of three gases of Ar , oxygen and nitrogen being not under controlled are the main factors resulting in the short service life of the furnace .

  30. 高盛的雇员现在心理处于一种未知地域,一位内部人士表示。他们就读于最好的学校,和最漂亮的人结婚,认为自己有着最棒的工作,但突然之间便被抛到了风眼。

    Goldman staff are in psychologically uncharted territory , says an insider . They went to the best schools , they married the best-looking people , they thought they had the best jobs and all of a sudden they are in the eye of the storm .