
  • 网络Risk disposal;RISK TREATMENT;risk response
  1. 从我国证券公司风险处置看金融监管的制度选择

    In Sight of Chinese Security Company Risk Treatment on Regime Selections of Financial Regulation

  2. 根据风险评估结果提出针对13项风险因素的风险处置策略和风险控制策略。

    According to the risk assessment results puts forward and risk factors of risk treatment strategies and risk control strategy .

  3. 证券公司的风险处置是化解金融风险的最重要环节之一。

    Risk disposition is crucial for securities companies to alleviate financial risks .

  4. 从金融控股公司风险处置谈监管部门稳定协调机制的改革

    Regulation Reform of Stabilizing and Coordinating Mechanism from Risk Settlement of Financial Holding Company

  5. 我国最后贷款人在金融风险处置中的价值定位

    Value Proposition of China 's Lender of Last Resort in Dealing with Financial Risks

  6. 在此基础上,本文探索了证券公司风险处置的模式,以及国内不同时期证券公司风险处置的模式。

    On the basis , explore the risk disposal model of Tiantong Securities Company .

  7. 综合治理时期我国证券公司风险处置模式及其绩效研究

    Study on the Risk Disposal and Performance of China Securities Companies for Comprehensive Regulation Period

  8. 我国证券公司风险处置问题探析

    Risk Disposition for China Securities Companies

  9. 建立存款保险制度,健全金融机构风险处置机制。

    We will establish a deposit insurance system and improve the risk disposal mechanism of financial institutions .

  10. 阐述了风险处置的概念及其与风险管理的区别,并分析了国内外对风险处置有关问题研究的现状。

    Elaborate the concept about risk management and disposal , and the status on the study about domestic and international risk .

  11. 带着这些疑问,笔者对证券公司的风险处置工作进行了比较系统的调查研究。

    Urged by these questions , I have made a systematic investigation and study over the risk disposition issues of securities companies .

  12. 本文将证券公司财务困境界定为证券公司破产或被证券监管部门采取风险处置措施。

    Here financially distressed securities firms are defined as those went bankrupt or against which risk disposal measures were taken by the regulators .

  13. 当发现问题证券公司接近或已经丧失流动性清偿能力或资本清偿能力时,必须采取果断措施进行风险处置。

    When discovering the securities corporation is going to losing its circulating pay off , the supervisory institute must take measures to rescue them .

  14. 国有企业风险处置机制存在缺失,既未能有效防范风险的发生,在遭遇风险时,单个企业也明显缺乏处置能力;

    SOEs have defects in risk management mechanism . The existent mechanism is either incapable of effectively preventing risks or managing well the occurred risks .

  15. 那么我国证券公司风险处置是在什么情况下展开的?

    At present , the prevailing questions over China 's securities companies risk disposition are : On what conditions are this work of risk disposition begins ?

  16. 关于对不同类别上市公司实施差异化的监管方式,本文从日常监管、政策支持、风险处置三个方面提出了分类监管的政策建议。

    With regarding to the different categories of listed companies , this paper proposes classification regulation policy recommendation from the daily monitoring , policy support , risk disposition .

  17. 今年9月初,河北政府官员公布了一个“风险处置”计划以应对河北融投破产的影响,但详细内容不多,而且到目前为止,债权人仍未获得偿付。

    In early September , Hebei officials published a " risk disposal " plan to deal with the fallout from the guarantor 's collapse , but it was short on detail and so far creditors remain unpaid .

  18. 在职责问题上,目前保护基金公司对保护基金的发放没有决定权,对证券公司的监督权与风险处置过程的参与权亦不充分,这些问题都严重影响了保护基金功能的发挥。

    In the responsibilities , current protection fund company for conservation fund issued without binding , of the securities firm supervision and risk disposal process participation right also not fully , these problems can seriously affect the protection fund functions .

  19. 地方政府以存款保险机构为载体,参与对地方金融机构的日常监控和风险处置,使其在防范、化解地方金融风险上的责任和权利相对应。

    The local governments may use the deposits insurance organizations as the carriers to participate in the general supervision and risks disposition of the local financial institutions , and match the obligations and rights in the prevention and dissolve the local financial risks .

  20. 对中国消防现代化进行系统地研究,对于促进消防事业的发展,提高社会抗御火灾风险及处置紧急事故的能力具有重要作用。

    It is of significance to guarantee successfully the socialist modernization to make a systematic study on modernization of Chinese fire control .

  21. 最后,对医疗风险的处置和分担机制做了介绍,并且对医疗风险管理研究的趋势做出了展望。

    Finally , this thesis introduces medical risk disposition and sharing mechanism and prospects the trend of research of medical risk management .

  22. 该流程强调了工前主动防护措施的制定和实施,实现了风险前移处置,而后结合变形监控,实现了过程中的动态控制。

    This management process emphasizes the formulation and implementation of the active protection measures before construction . Forward risk disposal and dynamic risk control during construction are realized combined with risk monitoring .

  23. 森林火灾扑救风险控制与处置的对策研究

    Study on Strategies of Controlling and Disposing Forest Fire Suppression Risk

  24. 它基本功能在于基金的筹集、管理和使用,由此才能保障其他具体功能如赔付功能、风险监控与处置的实现。

    The basic functions of it are rising and managing funds and which ensure the compensation system and handle the risk supervision .

  25. 应对灾变的电力安全风险评估与应急处置体系

    Coping with Catastrophe Power Security Risk Assessment and Emergency Disposal System

  26. 施工企业工程风险的分析与处置

    Analysis and Processing of Project Risk in the Construction Enterprise

  27. 商业银行风险的识别和处置是金融行业监管的主要内容。

    Risk identification and disposal of commercial banks are the main contents of the financial industry regulation .

  28. 为了最大限度地保全资产,实现其价值最优化,积极有效地监控风险是防止待处置的不良资产有效价值流失的一种处理方法。

    In order to keep the assets in maximum function , realize the great values of assets , monitoring the risk is the best way to prevent the losing of unhealthy assets .

  29. 制约工程承包企业跨国经营快速发展的因素很多,其中,对跨国经营风险的认识与处置态度是重要因素之一。

    There are lots of limiting factors for project contracting enterprise to go into transnational business , in which the knowledge and treatment attitude to the risk of transnational business are important factors .

  30. 完善风险应对和危机处置制度安排,构建区域性金融风险预警系统,形成应对跨境风险和危机处置的交流合作机制。

    We should improve the system of risk response and crisis management , build a regional financial risk early-warning system , and create an exchange and cooperation mechanism of addressing cross-border risks and crisis .