
  1. 通过具体分析这五个因素,提出应加大法律责任风险,遏制机会主义行为。

    Through making a concrete analysis of these five factors , the paper puts forward the legal liability risk should be strengthened , to contain the opportunism behavior .

  2. 对高房价不满的背后,也存在同样的世代变化因素。面对这种不满,北京被迫冒着经济放缓的风险,遏制房地产市场。

    The same generational forces have been behind the discontent over the cost of housing , which has forced Beijing to deflate the market and risk an economic slowdown .

  3. 知识因素对企业间研发合作组织模式的选择起着重要作用,恰当的组织安排可以降低研发合作的交易成本,减小交易中的道德风险并遏制机会主义行为。

    Knowledge is an important factor for the use of different organizational modes of inter-firm R & D cooperation , which can be used to overcome the opportunism and moral hazard in the transaction .

  4. 本文主要对上市公司对外担保的现状、对外担保所带来的风险及如何遏制上市公司违规对外担保进行初步的探讨。

    This paper is mainly concern the present situation , the exposed risks and how to restrain the external loan guaranty in our capital market .

  5. 建立廉政风险防控模式,遏制医院药品采购与使用中的不正之风

    Establish Honest Government Risk Prevention & Control Pattern to Containment the Unhealthy Tendency in Drug Purchase

  6. 风险分担、风险遏制、风险规避、风险转移、风险容忍是锂离子动力电池新建项目采取的主要风险应对方法。

    Risk sharing , risk contain , risk avoidance , risk transfer and risk tolerance are the main ways to deal with risks by Lithium ion power battery new project .