
  • 网络Venture Capitalist
  1. 由安德森领衔的战略新闻服务公司(StrategicNewsService),是一家专为行业领袖和风险投资家服务的通讯出版商。

    Anderson is head of Strategic News Service , a newsletter publisher for industry leaders and venture capitalists .

  2. 据道琼斯旗下的市场研究机构DowJonesVentureSource统计,风险投资家在2013年对美国公司投资了330亿美元。

    In 2013 , venture capitalists invested $ 33 billion in US companies , according to Dow Jones Venture Source .

  3. 他的第一本书《四步顿悟》(TheFourStepstotheEpiphany)无意中冒犯了风险投资家和商学院学者。

    His first book , the four steps to the Epiphany , unintentionally vilified both venture capitalists and business school scholars .

  4. 通常,为了将真诚求教的人和其他人区别开来,他会先向他们推荐一本书——由风险投资家杰西卡•利文斯顿编写的《创业者》(FoundersatWork)。

    To separate the truly serious inquiries from the less so , he usually recommends a book like Founders at Work by venture capitalist Jessica Livingston .

  5. 后来,我开始与几位创建AmbientSoundInvestments投资公司的原Skype工程师们合作,就这样,我一不小心就成为一名风险投资家。

    I became an accidental VC in that I started working with the former Skype engineers who founded Ambient Sound Investments .

  6. 我讨厌它,风险投资家弗雷德威尔逊(FredWilson)在本月初写道。

    I hate it , Fred Wilson , a venture capitalist , wrote earlier this month .

  7. 对于风险投资家而言可获得高额的投资回报,因此,IPO被认为是最佳的退出方式。

    For venture investment , IOP can obtain higher investment return , so it is considered the best withdrawing mode .

  8. 这种资金来源是有缺陷的,专业的风险投资家将他们称为“三F”&即家庭(Family)、朋友(Friends)和蠢蛋(Fools)。

    There is a limit to these sources , which professional venture capitalists disparagingly called the " three Fs " & family , friends and fools .

  9. 后来,我开始与几位创建AmbientSoundInvestments投资公司的原Skype工程师们合作,就这样,我“一不小心”就成为一名风险投资家。

    I became an " accidental " VC in that I started working with the former Skype engineers who founded Ambient Sound Investments .

  10. 从谷歌(Google)联合创始人拉里•佩奇(LarryPage)到信奉自由意志主义的风险投资家彼得•塞尔(PeterThiel),此类想法颇有市场。

    From Google co-founder Larry Pageto libertarian venture capitalist Peter Thiel , ideas like this have had plenty of currency .

  11. 因此,这就是Groupon上市对风险投资家如此重要的原因。

    So this is why the Groupon IPO is critical for venture capitalists .

  12. 米特•罗姆尼喜欢谈论他在贝恩资本(BainCapital)做风险投资家时的那段时光,他的独具慧眼帮助史泰博(Staples)、TheSportsAuthority等新兴企业成长为今天的大公司。

    Mitt Romney likes to talk about his time as a venture capitalist with Bain Capital , helping to launch corporate giants like staples and the sports authority .

  13. 那么在3G的大舞台上,运营商、设备制造商、内容提供商和风险投资家,创业者们将怎样表现呢?

    Therefore , what will be the game in the3G area among network operators , hardware providers , service or content providers , financial investors and entrepreneurs ?

  14. 上世纪90年代末,一位名叫托尼o法德尔的年轻企业家试图说服记者出身的风险投资家斯图尔特o艾尔索普投资于自己的新创企业FuseSystems。

    In the late 1990s a young entrepreneur named Tony Fadell tried to persuade Stewart Alsop , a journalist who had recently become a venture capitalist , to invest in his startup , Fuse Systems .

  15. 阿尔芭曾被评为2012年《财富》(Fortune)最具影响力的女创业家(MostPowerfulWomenEntrepreneurs)。她对《财富》杂志讲述了她创建诚实公司的心路历程,以及如何以名人的身份向风险投资家融资。

    Alba , one of Fortune 's Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs in 2012 , spoke with Fortune about Honest Co. and what it 's like to raise money from venture capitalists as a celebrity .

  16. 随着外资VC的本土化,风险投资家由于能够更方便地监控创业企业,倾向于增加投资本土企业的频率和力度。

    With more and more foreign VCs localized , VC would increase the frequency and the size when investing into local firms , because the monitoring became more and more convenient .

  17. 在对格罗夫的悼念中,风险投资家本•霍罗威茨(BenHorowitz)将他誉为“硅谷的缔造者”。

    In a tribute to Mr Grove , venture capitalist Ben Horowitz dubbed him " the man who built Silicon Valley . "

  18. 来自AtlasVenture的FredDestin,作为一位在欧洲和美国都工作过的风险投资家,他发现了其中的双重标准。

    Fred Destin , a venture capitalist at Atlas Venture who has worked in both Europe and America , sees a double standard .

  19. 美国科罗拉多州的一位风险投资家布拉德•费尔德(BradFeld)也曾为企业举办过非正式的守灵活动。

    Brad Feld , a US venture capitalist based in Colorado , has held informal wakes for companies .

  20. 投资热浪和新财富将硅谷的房价推高到了惊人的水平:最近,有一栋房子被以1亿美元的价格销售给了一位投资Facebook赚到大钱的俄罗斯风险投资家。

    The sizzle and new wealth has pushed Valley real estate to startling heights ; one home recently sold for $ 100m to a Russian venture capitalist who had amassed a Facebook fortune .

  21. 它不接受外部投资,回绝了无数风险投资家和其他潜在投资者,其中包括Napster创始人肖恩•帕克(SeanParker)。

    It has taken no outside investment , rebuffing numerous venture capitalists and other would-be backers that include Napster founder Sean Parker .

  22. 身为一名风险投资家,威尔森一直建议开发人员先为Android开发应用程序,而且他预言iPhone与Android之间的竞争终将成为Windows与Macintosh之争的翻版。

    Wilson , a venture capitalist , has been advising developers to write first for Android , predicting that the iPhone vs. Android battle will turn out to be a replay of windows vs. Macintosh .

  23. 风险投资家马克•安德烈森(MarcAndreessen)曾宣称:“软件正吞噬整个世界。”但这种担心是缺乏理性的。

    Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen has declared : " Software is eating the world . " But it is irrational to be so afraid of being devoured .

  24. 《奢华人生》的读者应该还会记起8月份马尔他猎鹰号(MalteseFalcon)出售的消息。风险投资家珀金斯(TomPerkins)造的这艘游艇长290英尺,是世界最大的私人游艇。

    Wealth Report readers will recall the August sale of Maltese Falcon , the290-foot square-rig-and the largest private sailing yacht in the world-that was built by venture-capitalist Tom Perkins .

  25. YC的库房里塞进了三排胶合板质地、白色三聚氰胺面板的简易桌子,四周坐满了天使投资人和风险投资家。

    YC 's warehouse space , corrugated with three rows of tables made from plywood and white melamine , overflows with angels and venture capitalists .

  26. 英国风险投资家兼创业者萨尔克莱因(saulklein)认为,通过做好一些额外的基础工作,以弥补国家壁垒和厌恶风险的文化,欧洲人就能做到这点。

    Saul Klein , a UK-based British venture capitalist and entrepreneur , believes Europeans can , by putting in some extra groundwork to compensate for national barriers and risk-averse cultures .

  27. 科技行业领袖,如特斯拉汽车公司(TeslaMotors)的埃隆氠斯克(ElonMusk)和风险投资家彼得泰尔(PeterThiel),都曾警告称,失控的人工智能(AI)有一天可能威胁人类。

    Technology leaders such as Elon Musk of Tesla Motors and venture capitalist Peter Thiel have warned that rogue AI , or artificial intelligence , could one day threaten the human race .

  28. Facebook股票跌破其每股38美元的首发价引发一片哗然,但风险投资家比尔•古尔利提醒我们,跌破发行价并不一定意味着该股票从此将一蹶不振。

    In all the hubbub over Facebook ( FB ) shares falling below their $ 38 IPO price , venture capitalist bill Gurley reminds us that such a " break " does not necessarily mean that the stock is a long-term dud .

  29. 2010年和2011年间,在上市前阶段的互联网公司中,最被风险投资家看好的是通常所谓的互联网“四骑士”:Facebook、社交游戏公司Zynga、团购网站Groupon和Twitter。

    In 2010 and 2011 , the four hottest pre-IPO Internet companies amongst venture capitalists were Facebook , Zynga , Groupon and twitter – the " four horsemen " of the Internet , as they were commonly called .

  30. 著名风险投资家蒂姆•德雷珀(TimDraper)1997年创建的Bizworld,为学龄儿童提供了一种有趣的、基于项目的方式去学习商业和创业基础知识,超过50万名儿童已经接受了这样的培训。

    Bizworld , founded by renowned venture capitalist Tim Draper in 1997 , provides a fun , project-based way for schoolchildren to learn business and entrepreneurship basics and has reached more than 500000 children .