
  • 网络risk guarantee
  1. 煤矿企业安全生产风险抵押金制度初探

    Initial exploration on risk bond system for safety production of coal enterprise

  2. 风险抵押金制在科研管理中的应用

    Application of Risk Mortgage System in Scientific Research Management

  3. 我国企业安全生产风险抵押金制度的完善

    On Improvement of Risk Mortgage of Production in Enterprises

  4. 实施安全风险抵押金制度确保煤矿安全生产

    Carring out system of safety risk cash to insure safety production in coal mine

  5. 有效的报酬激励制度、充分的市场竞争以及风险抵押金制度将有助于从根源上消减这一不和谐的因素。

    Effective system of rewarding motivation , full market competition , and security fund for risks will be helpful to weaken this discordant factor from the source .

  6. 根据本矿区安全生产现状,实施了安全风险抵押金制度,取得了初步成效。

    According to the safety production status in quo , the system of the safety risk cash is carried at this diggings , and the primary effect is acquired .

  7. 重点从风险抵押金、降价收购、延期收购和冷酷战略4方面分析了违约惩罚对养猪场行为选择的作用及行为选择的影响因素。

    From the fields of risk mortgage , cheap purchasing , deferred purchasing , and grim strategy , the effects of punishment on the behavior selection of pig farm were studied .

  8. 本文介绍了在科研项目管理中引入风险抵押金制的内容和做法,取得的效果以及应注意的问题。

    This paper describes contents and practices of risk mortgage system introduced into project management of scientific research working , and the results obtained as well as the matters to which attention shall be paid .

  9. 为贯彻《矿山安全法》,1993年,句容市制定了《矿山企业安全生产风险抵押金制度》及其《实施细则》。

    In order to implement the " Mine Safety Act ", the " Security Fund System for Risk-Taking in Safety Production of Mining Enterprises " and its " Rules for the Implementation " were worked out in 1993 by Jurong City .

  10. 在设计中,大胆采用了一些薪酬管理的先进操作方法,如工作评价的海氏评价法,创新性地提出或完善了一些薪酬操作制度,如管理人员的年薪制、全员风险抵押金制度等等。

    The design adopts bravely some advanced operation methods in compensation management , such as H-type job evaluation , and proposes or perfects creatively some rules in compensation operation , such as annual pay for managers and the principle of personnel risk mortgage .

  11. 鉴于渔业养殖污染的特殊性,按照谁污染,谁负责的原则,本文提出建立环境风险责任抵押金制度,作为现行环境管理制度的补充和完善。

    Considering the particularity of fishery pollution , and basing on the polluter takes charge principle , this paper innovatively proposes Environmental Risk-taking Institution as the complementarity of the active environmental management institution .