
  • 网络Risk management;Risk Control
  1. ZX集团对子公司财务风险管控中仍存在着管控模式不成熟、管控效率低下、风险预警滞后和监督机制不健全等一系列问题,导致集团风险管控效果不理想。

    ZX in subsidiary financial risk management still exist : controlling model is not mature , inefficiency , risk warning lag and the supervision mechanism is not perfect etc. , leading to the group risk control effect is not ideal .

  2. 论我国保险资金运用的风险管控

    On Risk Management and Control of Insurance Fund Utilization in China

  3. 二是保持了良好的风险管控水平。

    The maintenance of good management and control of the risks .

  4. 提出了微博信息传播之风险管控对策。

    Proposed the micro-blog dissemination of information risk management countermeasure .

  5. 虚拟制造及其风险管控问题探讨

    On Virtual Manufacturing and Management and Supervision of its Risk

  6. 论无现金收付结算在提高风险管控效能中的作用

    On the Role of No-cash Payment in Increasing the Efficiency of Risk Control

  7. 这对于监管政策制定、风险管控、数据共享等造成不利的影响。

    This has affected regulatory policy stipulation , risk control and sharing of data .

  8. 人民币产品创新和风险管控

    Innovation and Risk Management of RMB Products

  9. 然而,在保护投保人和被保险人的同时,新《保险法》也使保险公司在风险管控上面临更大的挑战。

    Meanwhile , Insurance Companies face big challenge of risk control for the new Insurance Law .

  10. 杨博士重视决策,执行,快速学习,逆境风险管控,以及工作生活平衡。

    She focuses on decision-making , fast-learning , challenges management , and work and life balance .

  11. 第六章,商业银行与地方政府融资平台风险管控。

    The sixth chapter explores commercial banks and local government financing plat-form loans ' risk management and control .

  12. 在这种思想的指导下,本文针对保险公司提出了一些财务风险管控的策略。

    Under this consideration , this paper provides a number of financial risks control policy for insurance companies .

  13. 安全风险管控体系包括风险识别、评估、管控方法及体系运行评价等内容。

    Safety risk control system includes risk identification , assessment , control method and system of evaluation of the content .

  14. 面对这样的市场形势变化,各家保险公司在人身意外险风险管控方面都采取了积极的应对措施。

    In the face of such market situation , each insurance company took positive measures in personal insurance risk control aspects .

  15. 本文可以为电网企业的可靠性评价工作及电网运行风险管控工作提供参考。

    The work in this paper can provide as the reference for the future reliability evaluation and risk control work power companies .

  16. 加强高危行业雇主责任保险风险管控的思考但不适合危险性一般或略高的女性。

    Enhancement on Employer 's Liability Insurance in High-risk Industries It is not considered appropriate for screening women with average or slightly increased risk .

  17. 本章着重考察在风险管控条件下商业银行创新能力与银行绩效之间的关系。

    This chapter concentrates on investigating the relationship between commercial banks ' innovative capability and bank performance under the conditions of risk management and control .

  18. 保障措施主要包括成立专门机构、资金保障、人才保障、企业文化建设、物流保障、风险管控等方而。

    Safeguards include the establishment of specialized agency , financial guarantee , talent guarantee , constructing the corporate culture , logistics and risk management and control .

  19. 前两者在很早前就备受金融机构的关注,迄今为止已经有了颇为成熟的风险管控技术。

    The first two are in much earlier is very much the concern of financial institutions , so far has been quite sophisticated risk management and control technology .

  20. 最后,从发展定位、立法与监管、资金来源、政策扶持、体制机制、风险管控等方面提出了政策建议。

    Finally , the development of positioning , legislation and regulation , financing , Policy support , institutional mechanisms , risk control and other aspects of the policy recommendations .

  21. 笔者的研究基于资产负债管理的中国寿险业投资利率风险管控问题,初步探讨了中国寿险业的资产负债管理理论与技术的发展、寿险投资中的应用和寿险投资风险控制等问题。

    Preliminarily discuss the theory and technology development of the asset liability management , applications of life insurance investment , risk control of life insurance investment , and so on .

  22. 在我国商业银行的整体风险管控中,利率风险预防和控制是首个突出并且应当重视的问题。

    In the overall risk management and control of Chinese commercial bank , how to prevent and control interest rate risk is the most important problem we should pay attention to .

  23. 经过多年的股份制度改革实践来看,农村信用社的股份制度改革在解决信用社治理模式、风险管控等方面都取得了一定的成效。

    After years of share reform practice , the reform of rural credit cooperatives share in to solve credit cooperatives governance mode , risk management and control has achieved some results .

  24. 管控体系的流程可分为4步,分别为设定薪酬风险管控目标、识别薪酬风险、薪酬风险评估和选择薪酬风险管控措施。

    The flow of control system can be divided into four steps that is setting compensation risk control target , identifying risk compensation , evaluating compensation risk and selecting compensation risk control measures .

  25. 商业补充医疗保险市场需求强烈,但保险公司在风险管控水平、人员素质、产品研发等方面力量薄弱,面临发展瓶颈。

    In spite of great desire in the field of business supplement medical insurance market , insurance company cannot develop quickly because of its risk control level , personal quality , product exploitation .

  26. 利用产品、渠道、定价、促销策略组合的进行营销分析,并提出了品牌建设,服务营销和风险管控等营销实施策略。

    The use of products , channels , pricing , promotion strategy for marketing mix analysis and put forward a brand-building , service marketing and risk management and control and other marketing implementation strategy .

  27. 要继续完善国有控股金融机构公司治理,改善经营管理机制,提高风险管控能力。

    We will continue to improve corporate governance in financial institutions in which the state holds a controlling stake , improve their business management , and raise their ability to manage and control risks .

  28. 最后,借鉴欧美发达国家保险资金运用的成功经验和研究成果,对我国保险资金运用及风险管控中存在的问题提出相应的解决思路。

    It uses the successful experiences and research findings of developed occident for reference , bring forward several relevant recommendations to the existed problems in the insurance funds usage and risk controlling at last .

  29. 银监会表示,商业银行不得销售无市场分析预测、无风险管控预案、无风险评级、不能独立测算的理财产品。

    Banks must not sell wealth management products which are not based on market analysis , have no risk-control mechanisms , have no risk measurement , and cannot be independently appraised , said the CBRC .

  30. 然而,农村信用社作为地方性金融机构,目前正处于改革转型时期,法人治理结构不够完善,风险管控能力不够强,面临着严重的操作风险。

    However , rural credit cooperatives as local financial institutions , is during a transition period of reform , corporate governance structure is inadequate , risk management capability is not strong enough , facing serious operational risk .