
  1. 火电厂风险维修方法及实施过程

    Risk-based Inspection and Maintenance Technology in Fossil-fired Power Plant and Its Implementation Procedure

  2. 锅炉受热面风险维修技术是一项新兴技术,根据评价后的风险级别来优化维修策略。

    Risk-based maintenance technology for boiler heating surface is a new emerging technology that evaluates the risk rank and optimizes the maintenance strategy .

  3. 提出了基于web数据库的故障诊断专家系统模型,及基于风险的维修是今后设备维修的发展方向。

    I think that expert diagnostic system model based on web database and maintenance based on risk is the development direction of crane maintenance .

  4. 依据基于风险的维修决策流程,提出根治维修和状态监/检测建议。

    Then , according to the process of maintenance decision-making , the radical maintenance and condition monitoring / inspection recommendations were proposed .

  5. 研究结果表明,这些视情维修决策方法有助于更好地控制发动机维修活动和在翼时间,从而减少风险和维修成本。

    Results indicate that the CBM decision making methods are helpful for engineers in airlines to control engine maintenance actions and TOW , thus decreasing risks and maintenance costs .

  6. 地铁列车是运输乘客的载体,是地铁运输的核心组成部分,必须提高可靠性、可用性,降低风险和维修费用。

    Metro train , the core part of the metro transportation , is the carrier of passengers , its reliability , availability are must be improved to reduce the maintenance costs and risks .

  7. 通过综合分析,在兼顾安全性和经济性的基础上,选用维修所需技术水平、维修风险、维修对生产的影响、故障对安全的危害、综合费用以及维修效果6个决策属性。

    By synthetically analyzing based on safety and economy , six decision attributes such as the needed technology level , maintenance risk , maintenance impact to production , the harm of fault to safety , integrated cost and maintenance effect are selected .

  8. 基于风险的检验维修(RBIM:Riskbasedinspectionandmaintenance)是一种科学指导设备维护和检验的先进技术。

    Risk-based inspection and maintenance is an advanced technology that can be used for equipment maintenance and inspection .

  9. 近十年来,国际上的石化企业广泛应用了RBI技术,使设备的运行风险和检验维修费用都大幅度降低。

    Over the past decade , RBI technology is widely used by international petrochemical enterprises to significantly reduce the operation risk and maintenance costs of equipments .

  10. 电力变压器故障风险评估和维修策略的研究

    Study of Power Transformer Failure Risk Evaluation and Maintenance Strategy

  11. 考虑机会维修的等风险预防性维修策略优化

    Optimization of Equally Cumulative - hazard Preventive Maintenance Strategy Considering Opportunity Maintenance

  12. 为了确保所属450座水电站的安全,法国电力公司已经运用风险分析对维修工作排序。

    To ensure the safety of its450 hydroelectric projects , Electricite de France has used risk analysis to prioritize required maintenance .

  13. 研究了对流水线生产系统进行等风险预防性维修策略优化的问题。

    This paper addresses the optimization of equally cumulative hazard preventive maintenance ( PM ) strategy of flow line production system with minimal repair at failures .

  14. 在此基础上进行灰色模糊综合评判,得到了更贴近实际的评判结果,为配电线路风险预警及维修决策提供依据。

    On this basis the gray fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is conducted , and the evaluation result closer to the practice is achieved , providing basis for distribution line risk warning and maintenance strategy .

  15. 在此背景下,本文针对现役风力发电机组开展故障风险评价与维修决策的研究,主要包括:1.构建风力发电机组及其故障知识分析模型,为实时风险评价与维修决策提供完备知识支持。

    Thus , aiming at the active wind turbines , this paper carries out the fault risk assessment and maintenance decision research The main research of this paper are as follows : 1 . Establish the knowledge analysis model of wind turbine and its fault .

  16. 基于失效风险的建筑物预防维修成本模型优化

    The optimization of cost model for building preventive maintenance based on failure risk

  17. 本文的研究结果对船舶设计、检验和营运部门进行船舶结构主体风险评估和制订维修计划具有一定的参考意义。

    The purpose of this analysis is to provide some valuable suggestion for risk assessment of ship hull and the plan for maintenance actions .

  18. 建立了适合石化动设备的风险评价准则和基于风险的维修决策方法。

    The risk assessment criteria are set up , which is suitable for petrochemical rotating machinery in China . The method of risk-based maintenance decision-making is established .

  19. 探讨了基于风险评估指数法进行的舰船装备故障风险分析在维修管理工作中的几点应用。

    At last the use of risk analysis of fault in equipment of naval ship is discussed based on risk assessment code .

  20. 基于风险的RCM同传统的RCM比较,强调了风险对维修方式的影响,使得维修集中在处于高风险的失效模式上,节省了维修时间和费用。

    The RCM based on risk emphasized the affect of risk compared with general RCM method . Risk based RCM focused maintenance on high risk failure model , and saved the maintenance time and cost .