
biāo xiàn
  • squall line
飑线[biāo xiàn]
  1. 利用WSR-88D多普勒天气雷达的连续探测资料,对2004年7月12日影响上海地区的强飑线天气过程进行了研究。

    With continuous observation of WSR-88D Doppler weather radar , a strong squall line process in Shanghai on 12 July 2004 is researched and analyzed .

  2. 在整个飑线传播过程中,对流层高层及低层,都存在波长为50km和100km的重力波,并且都呈现出比较明显的几个波动形式。

    In the whole evolution process of the squall line , there are gravity waves of 50 km and 100 km wavelength no matter in high troposphere or low troposphere , and both of them have two or three wave periods .

  3. 从Q矢量流场、Q矢量散度场水平和垂直分布,及Q矢量锋生函数场分布等方面,对2005年5月5日福建前后两次飑线天气过程进行了分析。

    It analyzed two squall lines occurred one after another on May 5,2005 in Fujian by studying the vector stream field , horizontal and vertical distribution of vector divergence field and vector frontogenesis function field distribution .

  4. 利用广州白云机场多普勒天气雷达和地面自动站资料对MCC内部的飑线进行实时监测分析,得到由飑线和下击暴流产生的低空风切变对机场的影响情况。

    A squall line in MCC was monitored by using Doppler radar and AWOS , and the value of low-level wind shear was calculated to provide for Guangzhou Baiyun airport .

  5. 通过数值敏感性试验研究了不同的云微物理过程对热带飑线的结构和发展演变过程的影响,所考虑的云微物理过程分为包含六种水相态的冰相过程和Kessler暖雨过程。

    The impacts of the different microphysical process that including the ice phase and warm rain schemes on structure and evolution of the squall line were investigated by the sensitive experiment .

  6. 本文用Barnes带通滤波法、二十五点格式滤波法和高阶高通隐式滤波法,对含有地面辐合线和飑线的地面加密观测资料和客观分析资料进行了中尺度滤波试验。

    In this paper , based on dense observational data of squall line and its objective analysis data the Barnes filter , the twenty-five points filter , and the high-order high-pass implicit filter are used for mesoscale filtering experiment .

  7. 文中利用位于福建建阳的S波段多普勒天气雷达资料,对2003年4月12日16~21时发生在闽中北地区的一次l冷锋飑线过程进行了详细的分析。

    In the paper , a detailed analysis is made , by using the Jianyang Doppler Weather Radar data on a cold front squall which occurred between 16:00 and 21:00 on 12 April 2003 in Northern and Central Fujian province .

  8. 850hPa和700hPa低空急流的存在,一方面强劲的西南气流输送的暖湿平流加强了华北地区不稳定层结,另一方面急流附近的强风切变为飑线的产生提供了动力条件。

    The low-level jet at 850 hPa and 700 hPa brought warm and moist southwest air to North China and intensified the unstable stratification . The strong wind shear near the low-level jet provided dynamic conditions for the occurrence of the squall .

  9. 中上层冷平流对飑线发生的影响

    Influence of cold advection in MID-AND-UPPER troposphere on squall line occurrence

  10. 一次飑线天气过程的卫星水汽图像特征

    Satellite Water Vapor Imagery Features of a Squall Line weather Event

  11. 飑线特征与结构的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation experiments on characteristics and structures of the squall line

  12. 闽南一次大范围飑线过程的分析

    A case analysis of widespread squall process occurred in South Fujian

  13. 一次影响苏南地区强飑线的中尺度分析

    The meso-scale analyses of a Severe Squall Line affecting South Jiangsu

  14. 一次飑线天气过程的综合分析和数值模拟

    Comprehensive Analysis and Numerical Simulation of One Squall Line Weather Process

  15. 对流凝结潜热激发飑线的数值试验

    A numerical experiment of squall-line formation with convective condensation heating

  16. 一次华南强飑线过程的数值模拟分析

    Numerical Simulation and Analysis on a Strong Squall Line in South China

  17. 一次飑线引发的大风强沙尘暴诊断分析

    Diagnose Analysis on a Gale and Strong Sandstorm Initiated by Squall Line

  18. 浙江省北部地区一次飑线天气过程分析

    Analysis of a squall weather process over Northern Zhejiang Province

  19. 福建省中南部一次强飑线过程分析

    Analysis of a Heavy Squall in Central Southern Fujian Province

  20. 飑线雹暴不同发展阶段的垂直流场特征

    Vertical airflow characteristics of squall-line hailstorm at different developmental stages

  21. 一次暖式切变型飑线的特殊特征

    The characteristics of a warm shear - type squall line

  22. 地面暖切变型飑线的产生条件及云图特征

    Favourable Condition for Occurrence of Warm Shear Squall Line in the Surface

  23. 由镶嵌在飑线中的小尺度超级单体造成对流性大风。

    The meso-scale convective cell in squall line causes severe convective wind .

  24. 高空冷涡飑线群的中尺度分析

    The mesoanalysis of a group of squall line under the cold vortex

  25. 文章分析了2002年7月16日浙江省北部地区的一次飑线天气过程。

    A squall weather process over the northern Zhejiang Province is analyzed .

  26. 飑线的非线性重力波行波解模型

    A Squall Line Model of Nonlinear Gravity Travel Wave Solution

  27. 带通滤波在华北飑线预报中的应用

    Application of the bandpass filter for forecasting squall line in North China

  28. 2008年6月1日鄂西北飑线天气过程综合分析

    Synthetic Analysis on a Squall line in Northwest Hubei on June 1,2008

  29. 2009年6月3日商丘市强飑线过程分析

    Analysis of a Strong Squall Line Process in Shangqiu on June 3,2009

  30. 一次长江三角洲飑线的综合分析

    Synthetic analysis of a Squall in Yangtse River Delta
