
  • 网络Atmospheric radiation balance;radiation balance of atmosphere
  1. 中国对流层大气辐射平衡

    The radiation budget in the troposphere over China

  2. 本文根据辐射传输理论和某些物理近似,提出一个计算对流层大气辐射平衡的半经验半理论的气候学方法。

    Based on the theory of the radiation transfer and some physical approximation techniques , a numerical climatological method for the radiation budget in the troposphere over China is proposed .

  3. 科学家们很早之前就发现,诸如煤烟、灰尘和其他细小的微粒,能改变云体的密度及大气的辐射平衡。

    Scientists have known for a long time that aerosols such as soot , dust and other small particulate matter , alter cloud density and the radiative balance of the atmosphere .

  4. 沙漠地区春季的大气浑浊度及沙尘大气对地面辐射平衡的影响

    The atmospheric turbidity and the influence of the dust atmosphere on the surface radiation balance in desert in region spring

  5. 大气气溶胶通过吸收和散射太阳辐射影响大气辐射平衡,它对全球及局部地区的气候变化具有重要作用,因此精确测量大气气溶胶的光学特性对评估其辐射效应和气候效应的具有重要意义。

    Atmospheric aerosols play an important role in atmospheric radiation balance through absorb and scatter the solar radiation , which changes local weather and global climate . Accurate measurement is highly requested to estimate the radiative effects and climate effects of atmospheric aerosol .

  6. 由硫酸-水组成的二元混合物形成硫酸气溶胶过程是大气对流层中二次粒子形成的一个重要途径,它直接或间接的影响大气辐射平衡和气候变化。

    Formation of sulfuric acid aerosol form a binary mixture of sulfuric acid and water is one of the most important processes of secondary particles formation in troposphere , which can seriously affect the atmospheric radiation balance and climate change directly or indirectly .