
  • 网络Atmospheric physics;atmosphere physics;The physics of atmospheres
  1. 具备大气物理学和卫星气象学的基本知识。

    Knowledge on atmospheric physics and satellite meteorology .

  2. 现代大气物理学研究进展

    Modern Research Progresses in Atmospheric Physics

  3. 本文首先从大气物理学、大气动力学出发较深入的探讨了大气各层的不同性质,并针对飞行仿真的需要研究了大气层风场模型。

    Firstly , this paper discussed the different features of different layers in the atmosphere use of the atmospheric physics and dynamics knowledge , and then it proposed a wind field model to fit flight simulation .

  4. 与太空政策、干细胞和艾滋病等其它一些科学问题相比,气候科学的极度复杂性从大气物理学到极地冰川学使其更加难以表达。

    The sheer complexity of climate science , from atmospheric physics to polar glaciology , makes it harder to convey than some other science-based issues such as space policy , stem cells or HIV / AIDS .

  5. 根据调研资料,运用大气物理学原理从宏观和微观两个角度,初步分析了夏季期间潮汐的变化对华南沿海局地降雨形成的影响。

    The effect of the tide variation during summer on the formation of coastal local rain in South China has been analysed preliminarily from the macro and micro angles on the basis of research dare and atmospheric physics .

  6. 本文根据大气物理学的原理,通过研究太阳辐射量的变化,讨论杭州空气质量的长期变化及空气污染现状,这对研究环境污染及保护是很有意义的。

    Based upon the principle of atmospheric physics , the variation of atmospheric mass and the present situation of air-pollution in Hangzhou were discussed through the study of variation of solar radiation . It was of great interest to the study of environmental pollution and protection .

  7. 该研究发表在了《大气化学和物理学》杂志上。

    The discussion paper was published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions .

  8. 大气边界层物理学的研究进展和面临的科学问题

    Scientific problems and advance of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics

  9. 可溶的特大粒子在大气化学和雨物理学方面特别有意义。

    The soluble giant particles are of especial interest in atmospheric chemistry and rain physics .

  10. 大气电学是研究电离层以下的大气中所发生的各种电学现象及其生成和相互作用的物理过程的学科,是大气物理学的一个重要分支。

    Atmospheric electricity is a subject to study the various electrical phenomena and their generation and interaction of the physical processes that occur in the atmosphere below the ionosphere , which is an important branch of atmospheric physics .